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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Tiltyu looks extremely tiny, and her facial features are all cramped D: The Blume and the Reptor look alright, could use some touching up but are generally pretty good mugs. The two splices down below are really clean, and nicely put together. Good job. So, Tiltyu is the only one here who needs some serious love D:
  2. Lies, it can take at least an hour to get the timing down properly for the animation, especially if it's custom and you don't have an already existing animation to go off of :U Though, I will agree that positioning is a BITCH. OH BY THE WAY BRYAN HAVE FUN WAITING FOR MORE THAN A YEAR FOR FEXP TO BE RELEASED, KTHXBAI B3
  3. I think it's same to assume she's dead. I mean, even with school, I doubt she'd completely ignore the site for 7 days now.
  4. LolCam. BE HAPPY! PEOPLE ARE ENTERTAINED BY YOUR SHENANIGANS WITH DAN! On topic, I'll watch this. More people LPing Thracia is always fun.
  5. Pretty good splice, Joe. As for the hair going down the back, I see no problem with it, really. If you get an idea, do what you will with it.
  6. Having her arm go from at her waist to straight down looks weird , and her head is one pixel too far back. At least, the empty space between her head and her arm on the right (OPV) makes it look like that.
  7. I think that's the loudest I've ever laughed at something you've said xD
  8. Good luck making it actually look good, and good luck scripting it :P
  9. Still sounds like you're not giving this whole animation thing enough credit for how hard it actually is :P My point was that you haven't been on recently, and then expect people to just run back to you and help without even trying to interact before hand :E And if THAT'S all it takes for you to leave, one argument with me, then, I don't think you'll last long here xD And don't think you're special. I'm not posting here because it's your topic. I'm posting here because a member who has not recently been interacting with the forums made a topic with a large list of wants for a hack that has no progress shown on it, who also doesn't know if the hack will be good, or if the hack will be released at all. I really could care less if it was you or any other member making the topic, hahaha :P As for a veil, uh... Can't think of one off of the top of my head. You might be able to make one messing around with the cape on the female mage/sage.
  10. There was already a staff falcoknight animation premade and free for everyone to use :/ And, I think you're silly, showing up after not really having interacted with the forum and then asking for nine seperate animations for a hack that you yourself said might be bad, and might not be released. If you can't see the silliness in that, then... well, I'm just gonna laugh xD OH MAN, I TOTALLY forgot about this part! xD Scripting animations, getting the timing down right, sticking in sound effects; this can take hooooouuuuuuurs.
  11. It's still a lot more difficult to make a magic animation properly, than you're giving it credit. And, you've given me another reason to not want to help, which is just that this hack would be all about the animations. No story, no characters, no maps, just animations. Animations are nice, but, for a whole hack? If you knew no one would want to help, why did you even make this topic?
  12. Lolwut? The female mage animation's normal attack has more than 15 frames. And then there's the critical, and the dodge. And this is for a simple magic animation. You want mounted animations. I still don't think you realize how long your list is. This is NINE animations, when you don't even have progress to show for the hack, nor a reason for anyone to want to do it, other than boredom (which will probably cause Sholes and Hithere to volunteer). I'd be willing to help if this thing had images of actual progress, but, if these are just for some small thing that you might not even release, it's pretty much a waste of everyone's time :/
  13. Neck's too long, hair is too dark in contrast to the rest of the sprite, needs more AA on the neck.
  14. Yes, requesting things is allowed. Hey, you're a pretty smart guy! Since you haven't really shown what these are for, or shown that you have a hack with extensive progress, I don't think anyone will do these, either. Especially when the list is so damn long.
  15. If someone got me L4D2 on Steam, I'd totally join that one.
  16. Yeah, it's been that way since Marth's Rapier in FE1.
  17. Well, just tale a look at Eliwood, Hector, or Lyn's personal weapons so that you don't go overboard with yours. Their's aren't that overpowered.
  18. Yeah, you can edit the item around however you want in Nightmare. You'll have to use GBAGE or TLP to insert a new icon, though.
  19. No, Oscar's just waiting for Mao to post He doesn't talk much in this topic, though, dunno why.
  20. Exceptions aren't always right~ And, the reason I used Priscilla as the example was because her hair is also red, so, using the same technique as they used on Prissy would make sense for a person with the same hair color :x Then why would you ask me if I noticed any other changes if you wanted us to ignore the thing you changed the most in the first place? :( As for icon insertion, if you extend the table you can insert your icons wherever you want, and then not have to overwrite any of the icons in the game. Extending the table's not THAT difficult, but, if you've never hacked before, I wouldn't suggest doing it right away. And for the rings, making them into staves would be simple, but, they just wouldn't give your cleric staff rank. I believe (could be wrong) that the rings are a character ability that Ninian gets, so, if you change the ring's icons to staves, and give your cleric the ring ability, then they could use the rings like staves, just wouldn't get staff rank exp from them. Simple, no? ALSO, since I'm getting to damn involved in the topic, iava, I can do some mugs for you if you'd like, but, if I were you, I'd stick to Maklo, since I have a nice long list of things I want to sprite, and, aside from a few facial features problems, Maklo's a really good spriter, and seems to be able to sprite things pretty quickly. If you do want a mug or two from me, though, just ask. EDIT: Wow, this post turned out a lot longer than I'd expected xD EDITEDIT: Maklo, I just realized, this entire argument was about an eyebrow xD Let's just agree that there are always exceptions, instead of continuing hostilities, mkay? :3
  21. There are always exceptions. Rebecca's weird like that. And, I know they use the fifth shade heavily, but on female characters where the eyebrow is not directly under the hair (see Priscilla) they use the 4th shade, sticking the 5th shade at parts where the eyebrow touches the hair. There's also the fact that this hair is red, and the 5th shade is seriously sticking out against said color, where the 4th shade blends in much better. And I did notice the other changes, but, the color changes to the shirt were extremely contrasting, especially for FE7 colors, and the shading is kinda chunky :E Sorrrrryyyyyyy.
  22. Your eyebrow's too high, and is using too much of the 5th shade :E It makes the eyebrow stand out too much.
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