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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Maddie, weeeee: Almost hit the second page, hoooooo boy. And, opposite the norm of multiple shoulder pads = wyvern, Maddie's a cavalier xD
  2. What? o ~ o I'm waiting on you to think of something xD
  3. Durandal's just an image in the game data; it's just a sprite that can be edited in GBAGE, or UNLZ-GBA. The Armads is TSA.
  4. Just finished listening to it, and, what can I say? It's Iron Maiden, whom of which are probably one of the most known metal bands. Metal's never really been my thing, but it was at least good to listen to It made spriting a lot less boring xD. So, I liked it, but it wasn't really my kind of music. The Clairvoyant was really good, to me, though.
  5. Yeah, sounds good. I don't want you waiting on the mugs, so, keep hacking :3 I'll see if I can get something done about Farina, first Favorite peg bias, gogogo
  6. This hack looks like it's actually going somewhere (AKA, you can make maps well, you can do events, etc.) so I wouldn't mind making mugs eventually, if you do need them. And, I get what you want, reading your post there. I could try, and if you don't want them, then I get some mugs for myself, weeee :P
  7. Probably, probably. I'm gonna bother Oscar, and then him, you and I can just go off to help SB and Roy's characters, leave Mao alone. I'll come up with some excuse for me to be that far from the book; probably ask Ormis to swipe it.
  8. Sorry, bruh. I hate Sigrun for all she's worth... which isn't much xD
  10. Haha, wow, this topic... I think you guys should fix the sound lag on your videos D: The game audio's desynced from the video, and it's a tad annoying :c I was about to put my two cents in about this whole argument, but then Tang was all "No more discussing the arguments, blah blah mod blah" so I won't c: Also, Blazer, you've gotta let me know when you're done TU so I can just speed through the rest of it D: Seriously, bro, I'm dying here. I wanna finish the LP of it xD
  12. I wish mine didn't. All I know is that I was chillin' out with Boyd, next I look, I've got the most useless unit ever just sittin' there, staring at me with her horrid eyes. Gaaahhhh.
  13. The sage/mage runes and Nergal's aura are hard coded to those specific animations, iirc. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they are.
  14. Bro, I'd squish you with my buttcheeks. Not a good plan
  15. Haha, hey, that makes perfect sense xD
  16. But you're too short to reach my face xD I'll wear a cup; you won't be able to do anything :3
  17. Weeeeee~ You can try to deny it, but that just makes it seem all the more plausible :3
  18. Kai, they aren't OTP, he's just her little attack dog. Ya know, like master and slave. Remember that one time you spent all day hitting on her, Death? :3
  19. So Death mentioned Hanson, and I don't know who Hanson is, is that bad? Twelve songs, weeeeeee, so, just gonna give my opinion on the whole album: So, I'm 4 songs in, and I like the music. It's got a good tempo, it's got some good lyrics, some good instruments, but... Iunno, just felt like something was missing to make it perfect. Kinda sounds like something I'd listen to on the radio if I forgot my MP3 player at home, or something. Not bad, just, not my kind of music. Really liked Entering White Cecilia. I liked the speed of the song, lyrics, and whatever was making that waving-esque sound (I don't know my instruments) made the song really enjoyable. The maracas in the background were a nice touch. Failsafe... Was nice to listen to, kinda dragging on, but I felt myself tapping my foot along to the beat, so it wasn't all bad. Argh, I really don't know what to say about this album @ ~ @ I liked it, and the music was good. The lyrics were decent (to me) and the instruments playing in the back were still good, but... I just never found myself really getting into the music. I'd follow along, tapping with my foot, listen to the music, enjoy it, but never really get some sense of story from it. Myriad Harbor was the one song here that drew me in, gave me a sense of story in the music as I followed it along. I think I'll listen to that one some more, later. I wish I could have gotten something more out of this, because the music is pretty dern good And now I'm gonna look like a silly goose, because I'm sure tons of people are gonna post huge posts about this music, but I just didn't. I'm gonna give the whole thing a 8/10, because I did enjoy it, just wish I could've enjoyed it more.
  20. Bye, have fun, hopefully Mao's back by then xD
  21. Logitech USB microphone, don't know the cost, got it with Rockband.

  22. "The Green Mile": Save all of the NPCs in Tale 5 :P
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