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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Fruitcake, please, be less generic with your intros :c HELLO TAELS, I do hope you fit in here, though, if we drive you off like a pack of angry wolves drives off someone wandering through the woods, don't be too surprised :3
  2. Still doesn't mean you should say it, bud. Whether or not you're being serious, sarcasm in a situation like this, where you are mostly in the right, will only make you look like a gloater/person who only want to be right. It's just not very mature. And now I should stop minimodding. Lumi, I'm with Kai, I wanna see this gold armor art of Fin.
  3. Joe, while Lumi didn't have to have the 'tude she did in her post, and while I agree with Dei on her overreacting about a simple miswording, this kind of response won't really help the situation, and doesn't really show maturity :/
  4. The latest chapters for it were made with events done completely from scratch, after MK404 learned how to do events. If you'd rather play around with it before asking, then go for it. As for switching to FE7, it would be a lot easier to hack than FE8, though I see why you would want to do FE8.
  5. D: Wanna talk about it? You have a brother? If he is a tard, like SB said, I'll stop being jealous
  6. Heeeeeeeey, SB, how's it goin'? Also, Roy hasn't posted ALL DAY. I wonder what's holding her D:
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYcDYr4RgN4
  8. If you're thinking of A Sacred Dawn, then, no, it is not finished. If you're thinking of his other hack, FE404, then it is, but it's a hack of FE7. Either way, yes, I think Ray should be able to help.
  9. Lolwut? His FE8 hack is nowhere near finished xD You should ask him either way, as he's the only person I know who's finished a full custom event chapter in FE8.
  10. Lolwut, Joe? Shoulders are fine. Neck's too long, by 3-4 pixels. And there's no part of the shoulder missing, bruh.
  11. Holy Reimu, Batman xD You could have more tension be put onto the arch of the ballista, for a critical, and then throw in some SFXs, like you mentioned.
  12. Mustard on a Vanilla Cupcake. Not even kidding, this shit is awesome. And Mustard in Macaroni.
  13. Sploder, ilu <3 Dat sniper dodge is awesome. Needs a critical animation, now.
  14. "Tch..." Adrian would've been embarrassed at the soldiers' mockings, but the situation was too serious for that. He continued to hold his stance as the larger soldier stood up, grabbing the spear. Adrian readied himself for a blow from this menacing figure, but only for a moment, for as soon as the man started speaking Adrian's stress level shot down, and he smiled. He crossed his arms at the soldier as the spear was pointed at him, trying to contain his chuckles. "I was wondering where you'd disappeared to, Greg." He could only imagine Greg's smile as the other soldier was knocked back, the first fainting on the spot. Geez... It took him long enough, didn't it? Adrian could only sigh as Greg spoke to him, finally chuckling some. "It took you long enough, Greg. And, uh... I didn't exactly make it out alive, but we can talk about that later. Are you alright, Susan?" He smirked back at the girl, who was probably both scared and confused at what was going on.
  15. Mkay. Just about to post anyway, and then I need to wait for Roy to do something.
  16. I'm beating Hard Mode, LPing the game, and then I might sell it.
  17. Little bit, yeah. He could still use some more neck here
  18. Yep :3 I've got Leo as well, and Kurthnaga :D Don't worry, I'm intelligent on hard mode. Normal's just for fun :P
  19. I did, and it was glorious.
  20. You, sir, are a man after my own heart. I wish you luck :'3
  21. Take a break for a few days? o 3o
  22. Well, you're doin' a good job, keep it up, bud :3
  23. Adrian turned another corner, only to jump back behind it when he noticed someone at the door of the building he'd been heading to. He'd noticed their lock picking, and they'd seemed to have noticed him, as the noise of whatever lock they were picking became louder. He peeked around the corner, trying to get a better look at who was there, but they were wearing a cloak... that looked extremely familiar. Wait, that's my cloak. That means... Before he could act, the door was kicked open, and the figure stood there as three annoyed guards stared back. Alright, time to be the hero. He jumped out from behind the corner, and took a stance in front of the figure, holding his ladle out at the soldiers. A quick glance back confirmed his suspicions, and he smiled. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here, Susan." Yeah, look at you, trying to act cool whilst wielding a freaking LADLE.
  24. Adrian was almost at the building, when a scream rang out among the camp. He almost fell over, catching himself on a wall, before trying to find out what just happened. His eyes darted around until he noticed Ormis charging into a group of soldiers, and his jaw dropped. What are you doing you moron?! Before he could scream at him to run... Ormis actually did, dragging the soldiers along with him. Alright, that idiot's gotten me some more time. Maybe I can find a weapon or something to-- and then it hit him, and he felt like an idiot for it. He reached his hand into his bag, and pulled out his ladle. It wasn't a sword, but it was still tough metal, and getting hit in the face with it would hurt. "Alright... Ormis seemed fine. Time to find Susan or the knight."
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