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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Manliest wolf boy ever. For serious.
  2. Behold, something approaches from my post! Except not really.
  3. Adrian paled as the witch grabbed his collar, starting to sweat from his own fear and the heat she was projecting. "I-I'm... not going anywhere..." his shriveled voice said, as he stood there, almost lifeless before her. Her tone was terrifying. If anything, that was scaring him the most, because he'd seen her angry, and he didn't want to know how angry she had to be to talk like this. He held her tome in his hand, fingers grasping it tightly, as if it would save him from her rage. Susan tried to help him, but he wasn't paying much attention to that, just waiting for a release from her grip, if that was going to happen. But now, the two women were expecting an explanation out of him, and he didn't know if he was up to talking at the moment. I've got to start talking; I can't just stand here dumbfounded. He swallowed hard, and gripped tightly onto the tome, shoving it against Carrion. Yeah, we had a blast, alright. It knocked her back a little, her grip failing, as he fell to the ground. He rubbed the back of his head, and looked over at Susan. "I... I died, last night, and if she hadn't brought me back to life, well..." he spared himself from stating the obvious, "...and now I'm bound to her tome."
  4. "Hey, careful! Don't just go rushing off like that you idiot!" Well, at least she cares he thought to himself with the smallest of chuckles, eyes scanning the mayhem until they landed on what had to be the most terrifying thing he'd seen all morning. Carrion, charging straight for him, with the look of death incarnate in her eyes. Just get out the book, and give it back, just get out the book, and give it... no, no, no, no! Where's the fucking book?! He shot his hand into his sack, desperately moving it around to try and find the heavy tome, shuddering as he could not. "Come on, did I seriously drop that?!" He grumbled aloud, his fear obviously showing. He started looking around furiously, looking at every spot he'd gone to in his little escapade into the camp, trying to figure out where he'd dropped it. His eyes then glanced back into the building, seeing the tome, and bringing hope back into his mind. He dove for it, just in case a swirly ball of fiery death came his way, scrambling across the floor for the book until it was in his arms. "Alright, alright, now I've just got to get it to her before she sets me on fire... I can do that, yeah... I think." Bringing himself to his feet, he shook whatever doubt was still in his mind, and hoped that she wouldn't hurt him too badly.
  5. Weeeeee, I am one dollar richer for song reference.
  6. And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through.
  7. Yay, more people. Maybe this RP won't die after all~
  8. Moving along? How so? o 3o
  9. The sounds of fighting had begun to grow louder, and Adrian knew he'd have to go and save Ormis from doing something stupid to himself. That kid can't keep himself out of trouble... And while he thought that, he was grateful for the distraction it provided. He'd rather Ormis be fighting the soldiers than himself. He'd hoped to get the chance to explain what had happened to Susan and grant, but the girl pushed her way passed him to a book on the table, looking happier to see it safe than him. He could only sigh and smile, though, as the book seemed extremely important to her. I should just be happy that they're both alright, yeah. Greg's words spoke truth, as Adrian nodded, swiping one of the downed soldiers' spears to fight with. It was heavy, awkward, and old, but it was better than his ladle, which he had tucked away into his bag. He was about to head out, when a deafening explosion rocked the building they were in, causing him to stumble down to the ground. The book fell out of his bag, though he hadn't noticed it happen. What he did know, was that this explosion meant only one thing. She's here, shit. I'm dead, I'm dead... again! Oh, Gods, this isn't good! "Greg, wanna save my life again?" He scrambled to his feet, clutching the spear in his shaking hand, and hurried out the door.
  10. Ahhh, freedom. Freedom's nice.
  11. Oh hey, that's awesome! I guess living with your parents isn't so swell?
  12. It's still too small. No matter what the point was, it's NOT the same size as her face sprite, and is too small, even if it looks like her official art. Heads are supposed to be 48 pixels tall, at least. This head is not, and the rest of the body is too small as well.
  13. How about you fix the size of her before you talk about fixing the shading, yeah? Because she's way too small.
  14. Never got up and running? We have 13 pages so far .__. And, atm, no. SB's writing up a plot, and you haven't been okayed by him yet (since he's the one running the RP atm), so you can't just jump in. Wait until he okays your character (if he does) and then wait until you get a spot to jump in.
  15. We gave Mao a month, Roy can have all the time she needs for her finals :3
  16. Well, SB, seeing as I kinda need Roy to continue postin' mahself, I'm leaving the RP in yours and Cam's hands, atm. As for ideas, well, I guess the plot could move towards finding out what the soldiers were doing, who they were, and maybe finding a way to get back at them, or it could go into exploring Carrion and whatever the fuck she's doing ' x' Just mah two cents.
  17. An' how're the children? Bro, way off topic, but I do like your avatar. Where the heck's it from?
  18. Hi Pent, how's the Misses?
  19. I'm just the guy who follows along with the plot ' x' I can offer suggestions once I know what's going on, but I'm not very good at making my own plots up on the spot. It has been shafted because I have recently reached 2000 subscribers on my Youtube channel, and as such, I am making some more sprites for something that will be going up as part of a subscriber special that I am planning.
  20. I voted for Kon because it reminded me of Robin from FE2, and I normally make Robin an archer, so, yeah xD
  21. Oh gee, oh gee... Mkay. 1) You're a pretty funny person, and you know how to make a good joke. 2) Because you're fun to talk with, and I enjoy our small conversations 3) Having more friends is always good! 4) I like poking fun at you (Wait, this isn't a good thing) 5) Because! =D Because... Hrm. Well, I don't know if I can think of a reason 5. That's not good. This p...

  22. It looks like she's flinching back as the arrow is shot off. Sploder, I think you could have the sprite close its eyes as well, to have it be more like you intended if I'm understanding what you were intending with the previous sentence.
  23. I would've used her real name, but that would probably get my post deleted, and get me a warn :c SO FRUITCAKE IT IS
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