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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Hey, you want some actual criticism? Here: Please change the color of the hair. The shades you've used don't work with Karel's hair shading, because of how it is shaded. If you want to use a blonde for it, I suggest using a more yellow blonde, like Marquees Araphen's hair color. A lot of the shading on the clothes is flat, and shows that there is no lightsource, which is impossible, unless he's in absolute darkness, in which case we shouldn't see any of it. put back the old shading parts, and just re-color them from there, because with the way you've done it now, it looks flat, and badly done. You've reversed the blues on the coat. switch them back, and it should look better. The scar on the face is also flat, and just looks like a brown splotch on his face. It doesn't look like a scar at all. There, some proper criticism. If he rejects it, then he's just being a terrible troll, and needs to GTFO.
  2. ...Really? Really? You're REALLY going to take this guy seriously, Claude? He's an extremely obvious troll, and yet, at every turn, you've been there to give him the answer he wants, and to what avail? And then you get upset at us, when we TROLL THE TROLL? I don't believe your age on your profile is true for a second, because you never seem to act it.
  3. Bahhhh, only by a few months. Besides, I'm larger and taller than you.
  4. Polish a turd, it's still a turd.
  5. You, sir, are a terrible troll.
  6. I am no child; I'm legal to drink, where I live `~`
  7. I think I know where you're going with this, and I don't like it?
  8. Adrian woke to a shrill whine which could only belong to one person. He hadn't dreamed at all that night, and wasn't feeling that good. "Get it yourself... It's your fault you drank all that alcohol last night." He struggled to get himself out of bed, and stretched, wondering what kind of toiletries this inn had. There hadn't seemed to be anything in the room, and if he couldn't find one in the inn, he'd have to deal. Instead of search, though, he stumbled out of the room to find Riya a glass of water. The woman wasn't going to be getting out of bed anytime soon, with a hangover like that, so he might as well get one for her. "God damn woman getting drunk, why'd she have to go and do that, making it worse for me, freakin'..." he mumbled to himself on the way down to the bar, which was open, surprisingly. The same barman from the night before was working, and, without Adrian saying a thing, handed him a glass of water. "Ah... thanks." The barman nodded. "We all have those days, kid. Just' tryin' t'help." Adrian felt a little better, as he brought the water back upstairs to sleeping beauty. Oh ho ho, I'm so clever, what a fun little sarcastic nickname. Not surprisingly, Riya hadn't moved much. "Here. Your water." He groaned, scratching his head.
  9. Well, I'm definitely done. If I tried anything now, Carrion would kill Adrian, I swear. Pretty sure Cam said he was done.
  10. And I guess now we just wait for SB to make the new topic...? Ahsum.
  11. Seeing as this is a public forum, and the point of the spriting section is to give advice to people to help improve their spriting, I doubt that'll happen any time soon.
  12. Depends on your OS. With XP, it'd probably be fine, but with Vista or windows 7, you might need more RAM.
  13. I'm sure they're working on it, Soul. These things take time, just let them work ;3
  14. Giving advice =/= putting you down
  15. His hair's flat. As is the rest of him. Might wanna try actually shading it.
  16. Maybe make sure you understand what flaming is before you start saying people are.
  17. Soooo You stole a sprite and then recolored it and now want a mugsheet for it, for potentially inserting into a hack. I don't have to explain your sheer level of stupid, do I?
  18. That'd be a good idea, actually. And I guess the topic's long enough, at 15 pages? xD
  19. Never too late to find out xD
  20. "Hah... didn't think you'd believe... me? And, she's already asleep." An aggravated sigh would be the last thing Adrian would say, that night, as he just started thinking to himself. Going to have to leave everyone behind, eh? Probably can't steal the book away, again. She'd hunt me down, and kill me for sure. Instead of sigh again, and risk waking up sleeping beauty, he closed his eyes and smacked his head against the headrest, lightly. Might as well get some sleep, then... He slid back under the covers, and closed his eyes, waiting for his mind to fall asleep. Riya would be a wonder to deal with, in the morning. Hah, it'll be fun to see how well she deals with a hangover...
  21. Uhhh... Yeah, I should do that. Done c: Just letting you know, I blame you for that silly idea.
  22. And now I've made her cry. Stop making me feel sorry for you, dammit! You're supposed to be an evil bitch, you're supposed to kill people, you're supposed to be terrifying, but... "...you're just a normal girl with problems." He sat up, leaning back against the headrest on the bed, pulling his legs up from under the blanket. "I... don't know what happened to your brother, but I can hazard a guess... and, I'm sorry." What else am I going to say? Maybe I shouldn't say anything at all. But he kept talking. "I've... been treating you like some kind of horrid creature; been afraid of you since I ran into you, but... you're just a normal person. No, I can't imagine what it's like to be hunted, or feared. I'd rather not find out. And I don't... know what I can do to help, if I can help at all. If you even want my help..." He sighed, thinking over his words for a moment. "But... I'm sorry. I don't know what that's worth, but, I am." ((was irked by that last line, changed it, derpderp.)) And suddenly, Adrian devoured his entire bed in one gulp, smiling as the distinctive taste of nature slid down his bowels

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