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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Nope, my questionin' was off, you totally did something I was not expecting. And that post was mildly OoC. Maybe I should edit it a bit...
  2. "...But she really cares about you, y'know?" Oh man, look at me, trying to get her to 'care'. Like she fucking knows the concept. The bitterness and anger in her drunken words were starting to piss Adrian off, and rather than get into some ridiculously heated (no pun intended) argument with her, he just groaned once more and rolled over on the bed. "Just... go to sleep. I don't have the patience for this." mumbling the last part, he pulled the bed's blanket over himself, and shut his eyes, trying to force himself to sleep. Although, as he was anticipating some sort of roaring berate from the demon laying one bed over, he wasn't planning on sleeping any time soon.
  3. I'm startin' to question you not missin' a thing...
  4. Hurrhurr. Grand idea. Now, Gaius, Cam, go interact in the bar xD She can drag his body up the stairs, rororor
  5. Adrian passed Ormis on the way upstairs, the poor kid looking almost dead. He should be sleeping, not going down to the bar. Especially at his age. Susan was gone when he entered the room, though, he wasn't surprised. Thinking back, she didn't seem like she was in the best of moods when he pulled her in. I probably shouldn't have done that... Ahhh, dammit. At least most of the bile seemed to have magically moved from the floor into the bucket. "Thanks, Susan." He smiled, wiping up the small spot that remained, setting the mop in the corner, after. Carrion whispered Faye's name, making Adrian glance over at her. "You alright, now?" He asked, sitting back down on the other bed, laying down and staring up at the ceiling, himself. "I don't see why you thought it would be a good idea to get as drunk as you got, Riya." He had begun to absently call her Riya, without noticing. "I mean... I know what Faye said was pretty harsh, but..." Oh, shit, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
  6. I didn't notice, actually :E I'm not very name knowy. And, Cam, that wouldn't last long xD
  7. Ffffffffffffffffffff-- I need some back up! Cam! Halp!
  8. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod. NO MORE DRUNK PEOPLE @ ~ @
  9. I... I see. don't kill me
  10. Adrian made his way into the bar, seemingly empty now. Either this tavern wasn't that active, or it was later than he thought it was. He sat at the bar, and shoved his face into his arms, in a slump. "Too much to deal with right now..." he said to himself, the barman being the only person in hearing distance. "Got a problem on yer hands, bud?" The barman asked, cleaning out a glass. "Nah, just... d'you got a mop?" "Ahhh, someone's made a mess fer ya. I'll get one from th'back room, jus' a sec." Adrian was tempted to steal a drink from behind the bar, but he figured it'd be easier to just lay his head on his arms and mope for a few moments. "Okay, it's not THAT bad, and you'll get to have a full nights sleep in a little bit. Just... calm down..." taking a deep breath, he sat back up in the chair, figuring he shouldn't be upset about it forever. That wouldn't accomplish anything. The barman came back out with a mop, giving Adrian a smirk. "If y'need a drink, jus' come back down, kid. We all have these kinda days." He nodded, thinking pretty hard on if he should take that drink. It was tempting, but he really wanted to sleep. He just shook his head and took the mop back upstairs with him.
  11. Because people aren't allowed to use REFERENCES to make sure their sprites look good. Please tell me you aren't that stupid. I would seriously hope not.
  12. HARHAR Listen, kid. You did not make a weapon that "LOOKED" like another weapon. You edited and recolored an EXISTING icon from another game. Don't recolor existing icons from other games, claiming them as your own, and there won't be any problems.
  13. He's not going to ban you this time, though, if you do something like this again, you're out.
  14. Ahhhh, shit, shoulda seen that comin'. read: totally set you up for that, bro, go nuts Doop, looks like you missed your chance, unless you have Carrion run after her ~( ' 3')~
  15. Ow, his integrity. It feels like someone punched it.
  16. Adrian's just too nice for his own good, tonight...
  17. Adrian grabbed the door frame to catch himself from falling, almost about to scream at whoever he had bumped into. "Listen, you...!" And then he noticed it was Susan he had run into. He was surprised to see that she seemed inebriated. Are all the girls I run into going to be drunk tonight? "...Sorry about that, Susan. You alright?" He draped her arm around his shoulder to help her balance, not wanting more people falling over and blowing chunks. He helped her back into the room he'd just came out of, setting her down on the other bed. "I've just gotta go and find a mop for Carrion over here, alright? I'll see if I can find something for you, as well; maybe just a big glass of water..." He gave Susan a little smile, an endearing pat on the head, and walked out of the room once again. The hallway made for a great place to sigh, as he slouched while walking. I'm too nice, I'm too nice, I'm too nice...
  18. In comparison to the original sprites, it's pretty much ripped and barely edited o 3o
  19. 90% recolor from the ice/fire wand in TLoZ: a Link to the Past.
  20. I know why his sprite was taken down~ Voted for AK's, either way.
  21. But but but if you're not going to use it you should totally let me use it! It's not fair for you to not let someone use work that you won't be using for anything! U mad, Dei
  22. Wow, that's^ really good! Can I use it in my to-be-named hack?
  23. Don't you worry, my mind shall not be straying the way of the SB.
  24. ...No, I don't, and I'm a little scared.
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