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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. While the latter won't be an issue soon, I doubt the former will ever change xD
  2. SB, man, quit reading my mind. Vomiting is, like, the most attractive thing ever. Stop being so good. I'm gonna quit before my laughing makes me start making noticeable errors in spelling xD
  3. Mhmm, get it out of your system, just keep on ranting... He was practically ignoring her at this point, until he heard the one thing he hadn't wanted to hear at all, this night, and the annoying repetition of this thing. He slowly rolled over to see the witch face first in her own bile, clutching her stomach. "Seriously...?" he sat up, and stretched, getting ready to move the girl onto the bed. "You really are a pain, y'know that?" he said as he moved her onto the bed, surprised by how lite she was. He figured she'd weigh more than she looked, but he wasn't going to worry about that. "Ugh, you made a real mess, here..." His shoes were now covered in her bile; his night becoming even worse. "Listen, just... Riya, lay down here while I get a mop, or something, to clean this up, alright? Uhhh..." his eyes scanned the room, searching for something she could use to throw up into, spotting a small bucket near the door. It was probably used for garbage, but it'd be better than nothing. "Alright, just use this if you need to barf again, I'll be back." I feel like I'm doting on a small girl, gah. Maybe I should just let her lay here all night, and I can find another room to sleep in...? Agh, I'm not that mean. With that final thought, he set the bucket next to the bed, and left the room to find a mop, or maybe an employee who could clean up the mess for him.
  4. Shiiiiiiiiiiit that's a sexy map, SL. If you have no plans for it later, would you mind letting me use it? If not, that's fine.
  5. Haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa...
  6. I don't get why people think Tang's bad. Tang's awesome. You people are just crazy. Also, welcome to SF.
  7. "Why're you followin meee...?" "Uuuuuuuuugh" Adrian recognized the voice at the door instantly, and could only groan again. And by the tone of her voice, she's drunk. This is just what I need. At least I'll get somethin' to look at... yeah, it's not worth it. He mused within his head before rolling over, and sitting up. "I'm not following you, alright? I'm tired, and I found this room first. If it's your room, I'll leave, 'K?" He laid back down on the bed, rolling over in it. If she was as drunk as she sounded, she's probably fall into the bed next to his, or hit the floor. "I guess if she falls, I'll help her. I can't be that uncaring" he mumbled to himself as he tried to get comfortable on the bed. Maybe she'll just walk out, and I won't have to deal with her at all...
  8. You would need Blazer's music patch, or you would need knowledge of how to insert them into a table, and move instruments into their proper place.
  9. Ohgod. I haven't read it yet, all I've seen is Roy posting something about drunken Carrion. OHGOD. And now I have read it. And I have subsequently lol'd. Oh yeah, just want to apologize for not being here earlier. I spent all day with Kayleigh :E
  10. Just to contradict FE Addict up here, I'm 6'8" and weigh 330+ Lbs. I love being a tall Canadian :3
  11. Coming from a frequent MHFUer, Rathalos is my bitch. I haven't fought one in MH3 yet, so, I will withhold judgement.
  12. Doop doop, episode 5 time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU_HZcsmQAw
  13. Totally read every nomination except for the OP derpderp. Change it to Pamela, yeah?
  14. Hey, great, so, when you get back to working on EN, you won't have to-- Oh wait, that's right.
  15. Celice, what, we agree on something? This is insane.
  16. Yeeahhhh... no, there's a lot more than just the arm wrong with the sprite, like the hair shading, the body size, the face (which is the least problematic out of everything on it), and the shading. It's not as fucking awesome as you think it is :/
  17. Oh noes, SB will be gone for a while! D: Oh well, the rest of us can do some shenanigans whilst he's gone, no?
  18. Adrian ambled his way into one of the inn's rooms, crashing onto the bed. "This day... was too long." he said aloud, not caring if there was anyone else in ear shot. He was wracking his brain for what to do now. He'd probably be separated from the group, now, since his life belonged to Riya. Heck, he'd probably have been separated from them either way, since, he barely knew how to fight. Who would want someone like him in a mercenary group? He knew he'd miss Ormis and Susan, the latter more so than the former. "Why am I getting so worried, anyway? I can't do anything until we find out what's going on... can I? And I don't think Riya will want to speak with me for a while, after what I've heard Faye say about her..." He rolled over, shoved his face into the pillow, and groaned. "Why do things have to be so hard, eh, life?"
  19. This entire topic is my own posts, haha Also, Mageknight404 has decided to join us against his own better judgement?, so, this should be good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuvZBE1DVrs Also Part 4 has been uploaded.
  20. And this competition is over, AK, please pick the next se-- *shot* Hot damn, that's an impressive splice.
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