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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Oh, yeah, it's been ready for a while, we just didn't want to give it to you. Arch will post when the tale is finished, and will give you a download patch. Patience is your friend.
  2. Celice, I kinda figured that when I stopped posting after Anouleth said something =/ There's no need for you to repeat what someone's already made clear.
  3. Doopdoop, should've been able to figure that out. I should be more RPliterate. And yeah, I do believe he said he was going to. Sounds like a pran.
  4. Clearly the lot of you can stuff your opinions, because Dan is the man doing the hacking, and I think he likes the Lyn map sprites. So, if you don't like that, well, that's a little too bad, isn't it? :3
  5. TSing? o ~ o Wanna help a brotha out? I am bad with RPing acronyms.
  6. Hate. This. EXCUSE. Just because it's from an FE mug, doesn't mean it's PERFECT e__e God, seriously, Joe. Stop using this excuse. It's annoying, and it's horrible. The head's too far to the left on the neck, and L'arachel's skin tones are quite pale. EDIT: and after checking your skin tones, I have to wonder where exactly you DID get them, because they're a lot lighter than L'arachel's.
  7. The head on your Thany splice is way too far out to the left (OPV) on the neck. Move it back, like, 4 pixels.
  8. In FE6 he is. And right now he's a Halb. :F
  9. My turn? huh? Cool. So, Dropkick Murphys: The Meanest of Times Should be easily found by torrent on Google. Here's a list of the music in the album: "Famous For Nothing" – 2:47 "God Willing" – 3:16 "The State of Massachusetts" – 3:52 "Tomorrow's Industry" – 2:19 "Echoes on "A." Street" – 3:17 "Vices and Virtues" – 2:11 "Surrender" – 3:15 "(F)lannigan's Ball" (Traditional, Dropkick Murphys) – 3:39 "I'll Begin Again" – 2:38 "Fairmount Hill" (Traditional, Dropkick Murphys) – 3:58 "Loyal to No One" – 2:25 "Shattered" – 2:47 "Rude Awakenings" – 3:23 "Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya" (Traditional, Dropkick Murphys) – 3:54 "Never Forget" – 2:51
  10. The sound of flying arrows was apparent in the silence, as no one said anything. Adrian listened to Greg speak, and said nothing else. There was nothing for him to say. He'd explained what had happened, Faye had stopped talking, and even Riya wasn't speaking anymore. He simply followed the two girls to the caravan, and sat between them, not wanting to do anything but go to sleep after this night. He opened his mouth to say something, trying to make a joke to levy this heaviness of the situation, but he couldn't. I... I'm starting to wish this night had never happened. He buried his head in his arms, and sat there, waiting for the caravan to start moving. Maybe he could even get some sleep, during the ride.
  11. I have massive red green/pink/purple line to follow for fixing it up, so, I'ma do that, first o 3o
  12. I feel bad for laughing xD
  13. Oh It's AK Oppai o 3o
  14. Ohshit, we DO have to fight Sykes!
  16. Whoa, look at me, I can stick a head onto a different body, that gives me the right to be snotty and insulting, ho boy. Tone it down and be less of a douche, Joe. People will be more accepting of your crit, and won't argue with you as much. And if they do, hey, then they're in the wrong. Just don't be rude, 'K? Komodo, as for what he's said (as rude as it is), most of it's right. The parts you've put together don't really fit, and it looks like some of the parts have just been cut off at points. But, hey, this is your second sprite, like you've said, so I'm sure you'll get better as you practice more. And, if you don't like how Joe acts, just tell him to stop, and if he doesn't, ask a mod to get rid of him. It's not fair for someone to be so rude to someone who's just starting.
  17. Alriiiiiiiiiight, JOBS. I can't wait to get my job and start working at McDonald's yeah... *sighs*
  18. Adrian wanted to talk. He wanted to say how none of this was his fault, that it was out of his control; that he didn't have any say in it, which he really hadn't. Instead, he just at there on the floor, staring down at it, with a blank expression on his face. He expected Susan to say something to the contrary whilst Riya went on and on, but she said nothing. I suppose the shock's too much for her. Can't blame her, can I? I still can't believe it... And then Faye started talking, and Adrian looked up at the witch for a moment. He'd rather have not heard their conversation, because, if he didn't pity Riya from what Faye had said before, he did now. "I..." he tried to speak, but there was nothing to say. He couldn't explain all this to Susan without sitting her down and having a long talk, and Riya wasn't in any mood to talk, it seemed. He couldn't blame her, but he was still angry with her. Well, angry wasn't the right word to use. He couldn't describe his feelings with one word, as simply as that. But he wouldn't be able to dwell on that any longer, as Greg spoke up, Adrian hearing the bellowing voice of what Greg had said was "cavalry". Who's cavalry? Are we just going to be carted away to another camp, waiting to be killed, now? I've had enough of this... It it turns out to be what I think it is... I'd rather go down fighting than go through all of this again.
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