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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Of course, you're not stuck to the person being hunted xD
  2. Man, dat wall must've packed a punch, eh, Cam?
  3. "Don't worry, kid, if no one else steps up, I'll kill her for you." Yeah, that's real reassuring, Grant. Adrian gulped, "I-I've gotta g-go..." he stuttered out, grabbing whatever sword looked good off of the wall. Leaving a pile of money on the counter, he ran out of the shop. So, basically, everyone in this whole damn city knows that you're the crimson witch, AND, I have to fight with you, because otherwise, I die, because you control my life in the palm of you hands?! Goddammit!! Adrian thought out the whole scenario in his head, only making him run faster. Coming upon the southern city gates, he saw a crowd, and Ormis out cold on the ground. Looks like he already tried. At least he didn't get himself killed... Heh, I'm gonna have to fight against everyone from last night, won't I? Looking past the crowd, he spotted a rather annoyed looking Riya, just standing there waiting for him. "You!" Oh, you're gonna get an earful. He ran up to her, and grabbed her by her shirt. "So, the whole fucking town's out to kill you, and all you tell me is to trust you!? No, let's not tell him what's going on so that he might be ready for it, fucking NO! Let's just tell him to 'trust me'! What the hell's wrong with you?!"
  4. Adrian smiled, glad to be recognized. At least I'll have someone to talk to, while I'm here. "It's Adrian, ha ha. Sorry about not mentioning it, didn't really get the chance. I didn't get your either, actually." Adrian thought of how to answer his question, starting with a simple thing "And I'm not in the best of moods right now, frankly. Damn woman won't explain why we need to get the hell out of the city. Seriously, she's making it out to sound like someone's after her! I swear, women these days..." and turned it into a mini vent, not intending to do such to the knight. "I've got to get myself a new sword. I lost the other one last night. Kinda sucks, since it was an heirloom of sorts, but, not much I can do about that." He started inspecting the wall, remembering that he had that letter from the receptionist. Might as well give it a look. "To those unaware, the Crimson Witch, or The Devourer as some would call her, walks the earth once more. You were with her last night, you have seen her new face, and now we have one thing to ask of you. Capture her, or if you can't, kill her and bring her corpse to me. If you can manage this, you will be handsomely rewarded, riches of any kind at your fingertips, you name it. If you can't manage this within a week's time, you will be hunted and killed. Contact 'Greg' when you finish the job. PS: Nothing personal. Sincerely, A Friend" What...? No, no, this isn't going to happen! Adrian paled, and froze in place with the letter in his hands. So, everyone at the inn who was there last night... got a letter exactly like THIS?! Oh shit... Oh, shit! He didn't know what to do, or what to say. He just hoped that the knight hadn't pieced together who he was talking about, a moment ago.
  5. You are a very handy helper. Danke.
  6. Cool. I'm totally there atm, but it appears no one else is, so I think I'm at the wrong place xD stupid internet things why do you have to be do complicated.
  7. Caaaaaam, Ormis is soooooooo dead XD
  8. Oh, so sorry, I didn't mean to upset your internet! I shall remember that for later `~` now go have Grant interact with Adrian, or freak out, or something? You're intelligent, I'm sure you can figure it out HOSHIZ, I totally just thought about what Adrian should do in the armory. Ohman, this'll be great if not obvious
  9. "Yeah, because I've got every reason to trust you!" Adrian was getting extremely frustrated, not knowing what was going on. And instead of get an explanation, Riya just left him at the inn, rushing off to do her business. "I don't get a fucking choice, do I?!" he screamed, the few people in the inn staring at him. He couldn't care less, at the moment, and grabbed one of the bags of cash from the reception, as well as one of the letters, shoving them into his pocket. "Hey, you can't take--" one of the workers started, but he'd already left. "Might as well get a new sword." He made his way to the armory, surprised to see the knight from the night before inside. "Uh... hey." Adrian started, not sure if he'd be remembered, or not.
  10. Huh. Maybe it's your internet? Iunno.
  11. ...Huh. That's extremely weird. What model PSP is it, and how old is it? It might just be too old, or your wireless switch may have busted.
  12. Whoa, that's actually a pretty good still. Well, you could reference the shaman, and maybe splice it in, and then just splice in the necro's actual cape flowing movement for the spell.
  13. No, you don't wish you could. The internet browser is the shittiest thing in existance. Ugh. Get an Ipod, or something xD
  14. Hey, it's funny, because you're right xD
  15. I think it should be at least optional for those who do want to.
  16. Dat Renair. Holy shit. That's extremely impressive. and she looks mad. I would not want to make her as mad as she looks.
  17. That's... not even the same thing, Claude. Your water is just a literal corner. All of those waterways have a source, and flow properly down to some other edge of the map. Yours is literally a corner of water, and it doesn't look good.
  18. NAAAAAWWWW. Couldn't be... Edit: Lol, posted from my PSP xD
  19. Good luck with that. I'm goin' t'bed.
  20. "You know there's...!" he started, as she went to splash the water on her face, trying to tell her there was an easier way to wake herself up without having to get herself wet. Too late. Then she made for the door faster than he'd expected, almost surprised to see her there when he turned. "We're getting paid for killing some soldiers? And, wait, why do we have to leave?!" He yelled, following after her. I know she said we'd have to go, last night, but, damn, she really wants to get out of here. I seriously wish I knew what was going on! He simply grabbed his coat and sack, ready to follow after her. He didn't want to. He wanted to stay with Ormis, Susan, and that knight, maybe go on some adventures with them, but he was tied to the book she held. He cursed under his breath, wishing, once again, for the last night to have never happened.
  21. Adrian Vs. The World. Fuck.
  22. You don't see him posting multiple topics, posting image only posts, posting awesome faces and ignoring advice, posting crap sprites and acting like he's improved a ton? You didn't see any of this in the last two topics he's posted? REALLY? Because it was pretty fuckin' obvious. I don't know about you, but I don't appreciate inconsiderate, ignorant, and trolly morons, making a mockery out of one of my, and most everyone here's, favorite hobbies. And you'd still rather defend/help him, than acknowledge that he's actually being a troll? Get some glasses, then, because you're quite blind. He's been breakin' the rules since he joined. Posting multiple topics in the same section, posting image only posts outside of FFtF, he had an offensive username a while back, he's stolen sprites off of google with the intent to use them without permission, he's been taking sprites that are not his and using them as his avatar, and in his signature. His signature used to be offensive, and so did his profile page. And I have NO idea how he's not been banned/suspended yet. I really don't. If you're really only taking his side because it reminds you of how Cam, the seemingly only person (seeing as I wizened up and STOPPED insulting you after the first few posts, with the intent to actually try and help) to actually be rude to you when you posted your "first/ONLY portrait", then you need to get your personal bias out of here. I'm done discussing this. The mod's'll get up in the morning, and, HOPEFULLY, they'll finally deal with this, because it's getting ridiculous.
  23. Y U say that, SB? ; n ;
  24. I think you should allow fullbodies and the like. I mean, if someone's going to go through the trouble of doing all that work, they should be allowed to post it, no? and I think that being a little lenient on the 16 color limit rule would be nice.
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