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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. He's just gotta keep runnin', bruh! ' 3'
  2. Doku, I'm beginning to like your character more and more xD
  3. Whoa, man, check it out, I'm posting from my 3DS! This shit's crazy, bros!
  4. Adrian looked back, not seeing anyone right behind him. Alright, that gives me a minute. He dashed behind a rock, setting Riya against it. He knew he should've bought some potions, but it was too late now. He tore off the rest of his shirt, looking down at the gash in his chest for a moment. The bleeding was stopping, but his running wasn't helping it. It was actually healing at an alarming rate, and he could only blame that on this new body. It still hurt, and was still bleeding, so he took his shirt and tied it around himself, tying it tight enough to sting. "Ugh... That's gonna hurt for a bit, but I'm not bleeding anymore..." He picked up Riya once more, ready to run, as he started to hear the faint echo of footprints behind him. He glanced back, but the snow was too heavy to see who it was following him. "If it's Grant, I'm dead. Just gotta keep going." He was less worried about the wound, now, as the bleeding was being stopped. He started running again, almost halfway down the other side of the mountain.
  5. Adrian does =D I think! Yeah, probably not... Oh well, BRING IT ON LUCRETIA. LET THE CHASE BEGIN, BITCH!
  6. Ahhhhh... Dammit. Oh well, got away from the peg and Grant, I can try to deal with Lucretia.
  7. Well, he's a little too pre-occupied for that xD
  8. Adrian hit the top of the cliff, shoving Carrion onto it, and laying down. "Finally, I can catch a brea--" "ADRIAAAAN... GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!" He literally jumped to his feet from his laying position, almost slipping back down the ledge but catching his foot and placing it back down. He could feel his legs starting to shake, and he knew he had to move, but he couldn't. He was frozen, a look of terror on his face more powerful than when the lizards had shown themselves. "I've got to k-keep moving, now!" He blinked back into reality, picking Carrion back up and running, the rest of the mountain on a mostly downhill slope. Of course, he was still bleeding, and if his adrenaline ran out, he'd probably collapse. His mind kept running, though, as Grant's scream echoed through it over and over again. If I stop now, I die. I can't stop, I can't stop. I don't want to die again! Eyes wide, he kept running, not stopping for anything.
  9. Ahsum. What's she planning on doing? o 3o
  10. And then I'll just have to deal with Roy, and I'm set. Wee~
  11. Oh? Yes! One obstacle down!
  12. Yeah, for now. Now I wait until Lucretia or Susan/Katrina comes down on him like a hammer comes down on a nail.
  13. These explosions barely phased Adrian, having been one of them before. Of course, getting splattered with the guts of the chameleons did, a little, but not enough to stop him from what he was going to do. He spotted Ormis, though, the kid didn't look like he was going to be getting anywhere soon. Cursing under his breath, he jumped down the ledge to where Carrion was, pulled the unconscious girl onto his shoulder, and shot back up the ledge as quickly as he could. The heat having melted all of the snow in the area was making it easier for him to move, but the snow was still coming down. He took one look back at Ormis, still pissed that he couldn't have brought the boy with him. "I'll come back for ya, I swear." Of course, this was the point where Adrian's body finally caught up to him, and he felt it. His adrenaline was still pumping, so he kept running, but the gash in his chest opened up again as he ran, causing no end of agony for him. He was sure that Aurelio or the girl would chase him, and he could hear wing beats of some sort. I've still got to try and get away! By this point he'd made it to the wall the chameleons had come from, and was climbing it furiously.
  14. And, SCHEMING. Pran success.
  15. Naw, that's just Grant and Carrion. And the rock wall's not that high, to them. And Iunno about you, but if something was trying to kill me, I wouldn't really notice everything around me :E
  16. Dat's not very nice at all :E And of course they wouldn't notice, they're trying to deal with the ones right in front of them.
  17. Sholes, I think you should leave that sprite to someone more skilled.
  18. Yeah, ha ha xD If you want me to fill you in on what's going to go on in the plot via PM, well, just gimme a PM xD
  19. And now we have to wait for SB to get back home in 5 hours to continue the plot xD
  20. "Alright! Don't die on us!" He turned and fell onto his back, one of the chameleons having jumping onto him. Aurelio kicked it off of him, sputtering something about a gash on Adrian's chest. A gash? I'm... hurt? But I can't feel... Oh, oh yeah, there's a gash there. He hadn't even noticed he was bleeding, and even now, the blood was starting to stop. Of course, this didn't mean he wasn't feeling it, as his adrenaline start to slow down, and he clutched the wound. "Yeah, you're right... Agh!" He stood, his chest burning in pain and still bleeding. Just a little while longer, right? Just... a little bit longer. I'm not going to die twice! He jumped at another one which had gotten past the slowing Aurelio, and dove his sword straight into its face, not even giving it a chance to use its tongue. "Riya, hurry up! We're going to die if you don't! All of us!"
  21. Adrian was honestly surprised, taking the man's hand and standing back up, sword in the other now. "Ha ha, you're not as stupid as I made you out to be. I don't really care if you like me or not, let's do this!" Adrenaline started pumping, and he actually started enjoying the fight. He jumped at the monster that had taken his sword, and dove it back into its mouth, blade first. "Try to eat me, will you, you gross mutation of nature?! You should've stayed an iguana, beast!" He then tore the sword upwards out of its head. He laughed a little, blood spraying onto his face. "This... this is fun..." Of course, he hadn't noticed the large gash on his chest that the monster had created only second before he killed it. Of course, his adrenaline was keeping him moving, and he glanced back to see Grant save Carrion. "Grant! Are you alright?!" He yelled down at him, hoping the fall hadn't hurt him as much as the lizard.
  22. "D'you honestly think this is me trying to blackmail you?! Alright, hotshot, go and take on all those monsters by yourself, see how well you do!" I'm not gonna argue this with two idiots who don't even know the whole thing! He jumped at the one Grant had stabbed, diving his sword into its back, hopefully ending the monster. Of course, the beast wouldn't go down without a fight, and struck at Adrian with its claw, knocking him back against a wall. "Agh!" Damn that hurt! Ugh... But I can't stop now, there's probably more. Of course, as he thought of more, another jumped down in front of him and lashed at him with its claw, Adrian getting his sword up in time to block it. Damn, this thing is strong! Just gotta... hold on for a bit longer! He managed to shove it back, but it tried the same thing the other had to Grant, shooting its tongue at him. He blocked with his sword, but didn't have the sheer manpower to hold it, losing the blade to the monster's mouth. Crap!
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