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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "Yeah, I'm sure you'd want to do all-- That!" He gasped, falling on top of her as she tugged. He turned so read he thought his face would melt, as he was pulled close enough to kiss her, almost going to... before being pushed onto the snow, watching her run off, laughing. "Oh, you tease!" He yelled, smiling and laughing after her. "I might have to get you back for that, you know!" He was actually enjoying himself with her. He thought about it for a moment. He was enjoying spending time with the woman who had almost killed him two nights ago. It was surreal, but, he really was happy. ----- "Why? I wanna help!" She exclaimed, continuing to chase the man. He was acting rather suspicious, and she wanted to know why. Does he know where this person went? They'd stopped running, Amera giving him a confused look. "The alleys?" she asked, as he spoke. "Alright, let's go!" She bounded after him, glad to be able to help.
  2. "H-Hey, wait up!" Adrian ran after her, laughing a little bit. If we keep running, we'll get there in no time. He'd caught up to Riya by this point, not really watching where he was running. "So, what're we gonna do once we reach Shuthra? Just relax and enjoy the rest of our lives? Ha ha!" He joked, not watching his foot as if collided with a rock jutting out of the ground, causing him to crash into Riya, rolling over with her a few times. He ended up on top of her in the snow, sitting on his knees. "Uh... Sorry about that" he stuttered, standing up and extending a hand to help her up. ----- Amera blinked, and everyone was gone, having rushed outside. "H-Hey, wait for me!" The group had rushed out into the streets, where a man lay dead, crossbow bolt sticking out of his chest. Amera glanced at the roof, nothing but a crossbow still sitting there. The man who had done the yelling-- she could tell by his voice --ran off, and she chased after him, Ormis leaving with the gem girl. "Hey, where are we going?" She called to him, catching up to his pace.
  3. Amera had noticed Ormis eyeballing her after she'd sat down. Normally, she'd tease him some more, but some less than pleasant memories had been brought back into her mind from what she'd said, so the normally happy girl was a lot less than happy, at the moment. Some new woman, covered in jewels had walked into the room, though Amera only gave her a glance before fixating on one of the green ones. She continued to stare at it, zoning out at how it shone in the sunlight peering through the windows. "Murder! Murder most foul! Up there, on the roof! There she is, with the thrice-blasted crossbow of hers in her blood-stained hands!" Screams from outside brought her back to reality, as someone yelled about a murderer.
  4. Welp, I tried it out, but stat RPs just aren't my thing. Do what you will with Tanner. Actually, I think it'd be funny if he got taken out by Uziel. Sorry about this, everyone.
  5. Enraged by all of his comrades falling beside him, Tanner targeted one of the enemy soldiers, his axe swinging with such force that it literally cleaved the soldier in half. His corpse fell to the ground in two pieces, as he scanned for another piece of meat to stick his axe into. Tanner (3,5,5) Hit, Critical Hit Mt 11 - 4 def, 14 damage! AH Lancer A, KO'd. Woohoo!
  6. yeah I'm with Celice. I see no need for him to name them after something from another FE game, instead of calling them something not FE.
  7. Amera let the girl go, crossing her arms once again. "Well... you should! You shouldn't have to kill someone without trying to talk to them first, at least..." Her tone changed from annoyed to serious as she trailed off. Her expression changed as well, as if she was remembering something, and instead of say anything else, she decided to just sit down in one of the chairs and put her chin into her hand, her tail wagging slowly from behind.
  8. Bolts came flying, bouncy off or sticking into Tanner's armor, but none actually piercing it. A bullet did, though, almost tearing off the shoulder pad and skinny his shoulder underneath. "Urgh... You bastards!" He screamed, charging forward with the rest of the soldiers in his team. He noticed his captain get taken down, but he couldn't care less at the moment. One of the fools had gotten too close to Tanner with his crossbow, firing it off into his chest plate. It stuck in, but not deep enough to take him out, his axe crashing down into the soldier's head. "Come on, men!" He shouted at his group, taking the place of the captain for a moment, "Charge 'em! Don' let these bastards take us out!" He had to get them worked up, the adrenaline rush would help them fight.
  9. It's been like that the entire time. Every mug in EN uses FE8-esque colors.
  10. Amera growled, smacking Ormis upside the head. "You said you'd try, at least!" She was obviously upset that he'd said he would try talking, and then suddenly opted for killing her outright. Her thought process was a lot simpler than that, though. "Hmph! See, Grant's not against trying to talk to her." She crossed her arms in a huff, turning away from the boy. She wasn't going to be talking to him until he apologized for lying to her. The other girl from the day before walked into the room, and Amera cheered up, giving her a tackle hug. "Lucy, how're you~?" She hadn't really paid attention to what she was saying beforehand. ----- "I'm joking, the mountain's fine. Besides, the less interaction we have to have with other towns, the better." He kept an eye on the gate of the fortress. The quicker they got out of eyesight from that place, the better. Another chase was not something he wanted. He found himself actually walking faster than normal, getting away from the fortress being a top priority. "Yeah, shoulda figured, heh... Yeah, I can wait until we get to Shuthra to eat. It won't take more than a day from here, right?" He was certainly curious, having never left the province.
  11. And Amera totally ignoring what she's saying, and any sense of personal space. Huzzah!
  12. "More mountains? Joy. I've been wanting to scale more difficult things." He complained, still smiling, and walking outside. The sun shone on his face, warming it up. Yesterday seemed like a blur, almost. He knew that everyone else had to still be close by. It scared him a bit, knowing that if they didn't start moving now, they'd probably be killed. Riya mentioned Lazarynth, and he chuckled a bit. "We'll be in Shuthrian territory by then, and I doubt they care as much as Sapphire does about your bounty. What would be wrong with exposing ourselves then?" He spoke a bit louder, talking into the house. Might wanna hurry up there, dear. Waiting in the house isn't going to help us. ----- Amera fell back as Ormis fell out of his chair, almost falling into it, but catching herself on the chair's back. "Morning to you too, Ormis" she joked, looking back at Grant, "Nooooo, problem! It was the least I could do." She was glad to have felt important, glad that everyone got a good night's sleep. "Var... thas? I don't think I've ever been there... but I don't mind coming along~" She didn't want to get left behind now, she'd made such nice friends! "Ormis, I thought we were going to try and talk to her first!" Amera whined a bit, as they'd agreed to try talking before fighting, but the kid didn't seem to want to do any of that.
  13. "Seems that way. 'N'what's wrong with that? Anyone who wants to serve their country should be able t'try." He responded quickly, not really wanting to chat as they were sure to be rushing in soon, and he wanted to keep his mind ready for battle.
  14. "I, can't let myself go parading around, thank you" she said with a coy, smile, enjoying the little pat on the head. "Still, thanks, breakfast time!" She bounded out of the room, down the stairs, and into the common room, where Grant and Ormis were already talking. She padded over to Ormis's chair, leaning on his head from behind him. "G'morning you two~ How'd you sleep?" She looked down at the map, tilting her head a little bit. "Where are we going?" She liked the idea of taking a vacation. Better than sitting around at her home all day, doing nothing, in Shuthra. ----- He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, not sure how she would react, but doing so anyway. "Stop apologizing, please. If I wanted to make this easier on myself, I would've left you on the mountain and ran away myself, alright? I chose to help you, so stop acting like I forced you to do it." He smiled, making for the door. "So let's get going before anyone wises up and starts checking these villages, alright? I can carry you again, if you want me to." He joked, though, if she really wanted him to, he could.
  15. But the both of us trump you in channel views :3 And I'm almost at a million video views ` ~ ` You've also got 300 more videos than I do, so...
  16. Well, then yes, that first bit is irrelevant. The other parts depend on whether or not Arch wants to spend that much time getting the music to sound perfect. I seriously wish GBA FE had the sound system of GBA SRT. 12 tracks for theme? Yes please.
  17. "Ahh!" She gasped as she was pulled into the room, hoping the boy hadn't seen anything. She peered back at him, seeing him face away from her. "A-Alright." She kept the towel on whilst getting her leggings and skirt on, letting it go for her shirt. She sighed, collapsing a little while still standing. "Sorry about that, Aurelio... I really didn't know this was your room, but thanks for letting me change here." She gave him a running hug from behind, not enough to knock him over, and nuzzled her face into his back, like a good cat. "Thanks~!"
  18. "Crazy warm, eh? I'll try my best not to complain, then. Sorta used to the cold, though." His stomach made a noise, indicating he was hungry as well. "Well, shit... I don't think we could enter Reinaldt to get some food, since everyone there probably knows about you. Think you can wait until we're in Shuthra? We can't be more than an hour away from the border." I could kill for some food right now. I haven't eaten for an entire day... Urgh. "I guess I could try and sneak into Reinaldt, but, if Grant or any of them are there..." He knew the chance of getting caught wasn't worth it, so he wasn't really prepared to try.
  19. Amera opened the door to the room she thought was hers, though Aurelio was standing in the doorway, also only wearing a towel. She shrieked and hid behind the door, poking her head around to talk to him. Before she could get a word in, though, he held up the room key, and she turned red. "S-Sorry... Oh, I slept here too, didn't I?" She was more embarrassed than the had been in probably her entire life, freaking out a bit too much to think of any other time. Though, she was confused at something he'd said "Uhm, why would Ormis matter? This isn't his room too, is it?" His statement didn't make much sense to her, but in any case, she was standing in the hall wearing only a towel, and said towel wasn't the longest thing to be wearing. "Please, can I change in here? I promise I'll be quick, I will!" She didn't want to be in the hall much longer, hoping no one would walk by.
  20. Celice, please note that MIDIs inserted into GBA FE can only have 8 tracks to function perfectly, have to be either inserted manually (which barely works sometimes) or by using Zahlman's music editor, which isn't finished and isn't perfect, and by pointing to Blazer's music patch, unless someone wants to manually take the time to repoint all of the instruments to GBA FE instruments inside the rom. Inserting it manually and repointing are probably two things that would take Arch way too long, and while the MIDI isn't the best thing ever, it's not complete Garbage, so I think he'll be fine with it for now.
  21. "Wee~ Shower~" Amera absently purred to the petting of whoever it was that had taken up the washroom, before heading in herself, almost forgetting to close the door. There wasn't much for her to remove to have her shower, quickly stripping and standing underneath the showerhead. A small tug on a string nearby sent lukewarm water rushing down her body, almost instantly waking her up. "Aaaaahhhh~! That feels so nice..." A quick rinse was all she wanted, stepping out, wrapping a towel around herself, and quickly scampeeing back to the room she had came from, clothes in hand.
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