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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Nah, just copying your ellipses. Wee~ So wait, you're really leaving the RP? Awwww...
  2. Oh nooooooooooooooooooo...
  3. Urgh, Brunya's mug, urgh. So bad.
  4. XD Kinda sucks when we need him to move the plot along and he's not here. Maybe we should ask to CC for him when he's gone for the day? Lol, CC for the GM
  5. The helmet shading's not fixed. It's armor, not clothing, so the lines differentiating plates shouldn't be as thick as they are on that helmet.
  6. Yay, Ormis is awake. Wee~
  7. Really? They were attacked... and lived? They must've ran, or the rest of her group must be powerful fighters. Amused and bemused, Amera dropped her wary of the girl, knowing now that she wasn't some sort of insane murderer. Mention of these others was what was amusing her so much. "So, these others, where are they? These mountains really aren't that safe of a place. Are they alright?" She might have been asking too many questions, but she really wanted to know. "Oh, I know where that leads!" She smiled as the girl pointed, her ears twitching a little bit. "That way leads off to Reinhaldt. It's the fortress on the border of Sapphire and Shuthra. And you and your friends have come from... Ayreh?" it was either that or Estarna, though, if they'd crossed the mountains, coming from Estarna would've taken a long time, with the route she was describing. "Gosh, someone's being hunted as well? Sounds like you're going through a lot, there. Maybe we should wait for your friends to catch up? And I never did get your name." Amera said 'we' because she had nothing better to do, and didn't want to leave the girl in the condition she was in. She set her sack down and stretched again, giving the girl a reassuring smile. ----- Adrian had found his way to a small village on the outskirts of Reinaldt, which looked mostly deserted, save for an old couple still living in their shack. The rest of the houses were empty, and devoid of any signs of habitation. "Alright, I can sneak into one of these houses and fix myself up. Maybe there'll be something in them, too." The old couple didn't notice as he made his way into the empty house. There wasn't much there, but there was a bed, which he set Riya down on. He found a towel in the bathroom, and replaced his shirt with it, leaving the blood soaked mess on the floor. "Man... what have I got myself into? I just... hope Riya wakes up soon."
  8. Right... of course you can't >__> <__<
  9. Come hang around with us, I mean, the lot of you were heading the same way as Adrian/Lucretia either way, amirite? You're just going slower is all.
  10. Julius, kinda waiting on you here~
  11. A lot of your shading is quite jagged, Julius. And you seem to band a lot as well. That, and your custom armor colors need to be toned down, as the third shade is darker than the outline color. posting this for color fix even though AK's gonna post epic fix soon:
  12. Julius, you didn't really fix the shading. If I'm right, you've made it worse in parts. So instead of just telling you what to fix, I went ahead and fix'd the shading myself: The mug could still use less Lloyd, and a different hair color, as the third shade's not dark enough.
  13. ...If I were SB, I'd make a really offhand joke, but, luckily I'm not xD
  14. No. Did I imply that there was? :R I personally think there's too many female characters in the RP. Huzzah opinions.
  15. o: Well, that'll be fun.
  16. Oh, thank the Gods, she's not crazy. Interacting with a human, one covered in blood, was the last thing Amera had wanted to do that day, but she wasn't about to leave the poor girl here. "Are... Are you sure you're fine?" She was still worried, as, it was a lot of blood, and she couldn't tell if it was this girl's blood, or someone else's. "Where did they go?" Amera hadn't seen or heard anyone else running in the hills that day. This girl was making it sound like there were, though, which she just couldn't believe. "Uhm... 'they'? Miss, I haven't see anyone else on the mountain today. Listen, I'm Amera. D'you need me to help you get to town?" She got a little closer, still wary of her. I can't just leave her here, but... I should've just went home. Let's just hope that no one else shows up; like anyone else would actually be here.
  17. Off course. Oh well, now we wait to see if SB thinks your mother's OP xD
  18. I hope it's male D: This RP needs more dudes.
  19. It's pretty old news xD like a year old.
  20. Another scream rang out over the hills, but Adrian didn't pay attention to that. He was almost free! He'd stop at Reinaldt, get fixed up, and then... run to Shuthra? It'd be better than trying to hide out in Sapphire; the entire province knew who the witch was and was probably hunting for her. Of course, that means that Reinaldt will probably be searching for her as well. Alright, I'll just visit one of the smaller villages instead of heading to the fort. Yeah, yeah. He could do that, and, hey, maybe he'd get at least one good night's sleep. This's gonna work out! Alright! And then he fell over, smashing down into the snow, and dropping Carrion out in front of him. "What...?" His right leg had given out on him, unable to handle all the strain he'd been giving it over the evening. He struggled to get back onto his feet, forcing his leg to stay standing. "Alright, I can't run anymore, but I'm not being followed, this is fine." He picked up Carrion once more, holding her on his back now, and continued to limp off of the mountain, almost down. ------ "Ahhhhhh~" Plodding across the mountain snow, Amera stretched out her arms. She had a sack over her shoulder, containing the bodies of three boars, indigenous to the area. It was always easier for her to find food in Sapphire; the mountains in Shuthra were either too dangerous or too barren, and since she lived so close to the border, she'd cross it to go hunting every now and then. She was getting ready to leave, when a scream shot through the air. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" She flinched, turning towards the noise. "Who was that...?" Sounded like a woman... She was interested in finding out, since, normally, no one else (save for the odd hunter) would be on the mountains. And they never screamed like that, if they were. "Doesn't she know what's here?" Of course, whilst Shuthra wasn't the safest place, Amera knew of the monsters that inhabited the mountains here, which caused her to never venture that far in. Coming over a small ledge, she saw a girl sitting in the snow, covered in blood, and seemingly crying. Oh, geez, what happened to her?! She bounded down the ledge, and walked over to her, making sure to stay back, just in case there was another reason for the blood. "Uhm, miss? Are... are you alright?"
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