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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Amera awoke the the sound of someone leaving her room, or Aurelio's room, but she didn't notice who it was. "Morning already...?" She sat on the edge of the bed, stretching, before getting ready to take a shower of some sort. The inn had a working one installed, though, if she wasn't quick the water would get cold quickly. Mr. Weebly didn't have the furnace working this early in the morning. Upon leaving the room, she spotted two women in some sort of altercation, one huffing off to her room. Too tired to say anything, she stumbled over to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "Heeeeellllllooooo~? I need to make use of the showers, please~" Her voice was groggy and squiggly, as she swayed in place, trying to stay awake.
  2. "I'm really sorry about that..." He wished he'd grabbed it, but in the hurry of it all, he'd forgotten. It made him feel like an idiot, but, he didn't mind taking Riya's suggestion of a few odd jobs. "Shuthra's not that bad of a place. And getting work should be easy, there." She sounded a bit embarrassed to be telling him to grab a shirt, which made him more embarrassed. "I-I don't think there's one here, but I can check." He had spotted a dresser in the room over from the washroom the night before, so it'd be better to check that than do nothing. Rummaging through, he found a shirt, which was barely larger than his old one. Walking back in "Riya, ready to leave, then?" He didn't know if that other man was still hanging around. He hadn't seen him all morning.
  3. "It's alright, I can't blame you for freaking out." Adrian, glad that she had calmed down, sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. That was a lot to take in, but, I'm not gonna go and forget all if just like that. Stretching out, he remembered he lacked a shirt, and became a bit embarrassed. At least my pants are still on. She mentioned his sword, and he looked around for it, only to freeze as he remember where it was. "Uh... yeah, I kinda forgot that on the mountain... while we were being chased... Sorry?" Great, weaponless and half naked. What a potent combo.
  4. "Whoa, whoa, what--!" and then his mind clicked, remembering most of what she'd said. Her yelling was helping him jog his memory. "I do, I do! You told me about your brother, and how you want to find a way to bring him back! I just forgot for a moment, I'm sorry... And... I was kinda wondering if, anything... else... happened, when I asked..." He looked away from her, his face the same color as the night before when she'd grabbed his arm. "I... I remember you started crying, but after that, I can't remember much other than sleeping." Oh god, we did something, didn't we? Oh god, we probably did. Adrian glanced around the room quickly, noticing that the man who had shown up the night before was gone. Whether that was good or bad was to be seen, but at the moment, he didn't really care. "Listen, I'm... sorry for making you freak like that. I really do remember what you told me last night, alright?"
  5. "Yeh, understood." You pompous idjit, we should be rushin' in there right now! His temper would get the best of him one day, as would his impatience. He at least knew that it would be better to wait, but he didn't want to accept it.
  6. "I'm not yer master, I'm Tanner. I call you Robin, you call me Tanner. Simple enough?" This whole situation was starting to get really unnerving. Why weren't they entering yet? Shouldn't they be giving all the support they could to their commanders? Sitting around was killing him. He couldn't take it anymore! "Captain! Why're we sitting here, waiting?! We should be in there, givin' our all for our commanders!"
  7. Adrian, actually content, was glad to see Riya finally sleeping, after all that crying. "Get some rest, you'll need it..." he whispered, closing his own eyes. He'd never slept with someone there, in his arms. It was a reassuring feeling, and it almost made him sleep more contently than he normally did. THE NEXT MORNING... Adrian felt a certain warmth leaving him, rolling over a bit. "Jes' five more minute..." he mumbled to himself, not really realizing it was morning yet. He rolled over again, this time enough for him to fall off the bed, causing a loud crash, and waking himself up. "Who, what?!" His groggy senses managed to pull himself back onto the bed, noticing he was shirtless, and that Carrion wasn't far from the bed. His memory was also quite blurry. "What... happened, last night?"
  8. Amera was happy to see everyone getting into the town so quickly, leaping off the gate. "Time for some sleeeeeeeep~" She gave Mr. Weebly a nice smile as she walked in, everyone else seeming to have already went to bed. "Well, darn. That's not fun. But they were tired. Oh well, I can bother them tomorrow." She made her way to the rooms, noticing one of the doors was ajar. Oh~? I wonder whose room this is. She peeked inside, spying Ormis out cold on one of the beds. "Ooohhhh, gotta resist that urge, girl. You've teased him enough for one day." She then proceeded to enter Aurelio's room, not knowing it was his, and collapsed onto the near bed. The room was dark enough that she didn't noticed him on the bed across from her own. Sprawled out on the mattress, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.
  9. OoC: gonna ignore Snowy's part about Merissa, 'cause of what Phee states in that little OoC section thar. "Strong. Strong enough t'stop a bullet? I doubt it." The general commotion in the crowd was making it difficult to hear anything other than the faint screams from earlier. Dammit! This pisses me off... I should be in there fightin' with them. Instead I gotta wait? Ugh! Then orders came to breach the far side, Tanner's mood changing to something a bit happier. He gripped his axe tightly, wishing to run it through one of the enemy soldiers inside; any soldier would do. He had all this pent up rage, and it needed to go somewhere. "You heard the man, Robin. Let's go." His temper was apparent in his words, as he jogged along with his group.
  10. Maybe because that cute anri girl seems to hang around there a lot? :D
  11. Adrian pulled her into a hug, letting her cry into his shoulders. "Shhh, shhh, it's alright. Listen, you didn't know that would happen to him, you only tried to save him, right? You say your intentions didn't matter, but they do. You can't blame yourself, you really can't." Yeah, this is a lot worse than I thought it was. Poor girl. And to get constantly hunted with that on her mind the whole time? Geez... I can't let Grant have his way. I'll fight him off if I have to. Adrian wasn't about to consider that she was lying to him to convince him to help her; no one could lie and cry like she was. These tears were genuine. "Just let it all out, alright? We've got to get some sleep, so, please. Just let it out..." Crying'll probably make her feel better, if only a little. Better than keeping the emotions holed up. ----- "Open the gaaaaaaaaate!" Amera yelled up at one of the sleeping guards, shaking him awake. "Oh, you... yeah, yeah, sure, one sec..." he groggily pulled the chain the slid the gate open, letting Amera slip through. She walked into the inn, the first building in the town, and sauntered over to the front desk. "Heeeellloooooo~?" An elderly man with a cane slowly made his way to the front desk, putting on the thickest glasses ever before exclaiming "Oh! Amera, I haven't seen you in weeks! How are you, my dear?" She smiled at him. He was a kind old man, and practically the whole town knew him. "I'm just fine, Mr. Weebly. I brought some more boars for the chef!" She placed her sack on the desk, "and I was wondering if I might be able to get some rooms for a few friends of mine..." "For a girl like you? Of course I can. How many people will be staying?" "Oh... 5, including myself. I can pay for them." "That won't be necessary, my dear. You've helped this inn for so long, I can spare one night for your friends." "Oh, that's so nice of you! Thanks~" She smiled and left the inn, leaving her sack there. Mr. Weebly would call the chef in later to take them to the kitchen. Instead of wait at the inn, she scaled the gate and sat on top, waiting for the rest of the group to show up.
  12. Not ten minutes were given to Tanner, the general's orders bellowing out seemingly as soon as he'd laid down. "Great! Let's get movin'!" He wasn't going to take no as an answer from Robin, as he'd grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her along with him to one of the wagons. At the building "Geez, sure are a lot of men here... Probably gonna need the lot of 'em." He'd made his way to his group, waiting for orders to assault the buildings. A small group entered first, getting attacked almost immediately. Yep, this's gonna be a long fight. His group had no orders to move in, yet, and it was irking him. The commanders had been sent in, though, and he wanted to rush in with them, smash a few heads, but he held himself back. Moments later, screams were heard from inside, but it sounded more like their own soldiers were yelling. "That's not good..."
  13. "Not anymore it's not. You're welcome to sit down, if yer lost, kid." The new knight didn't seem overly impressive to Tanner, and he seemed more lost than a puppy in the middle of the woods. "You could just ask that lady out in the front if yer really lost, kid. She seems nice enough." She seemed more than nice enough, to him, but he tried to remain focused on the task at hand. Of course, the girl followed him, complaining about his ability as a knight. "Well, yer still followin' me, so I don't think I'm screwin' up. If I was, you'd probably be runnin' away." What a silly girl. Oh well, at least it's someone to talk to. He laid down on the bed in the room, staring at the ceiling. "Not much to do until we get called off to fight... Might as well relax."
  14. Alright, I'm not going to die, but this is still scaring me close enough to death. He didn't know what to make of her, though, as her sudden tone change made him feel a lot less awkward. And then she brought up her brother. He listened intently, though, he wasn't really surprised. It'd make sense for her to want to do that. She'd been grieving over it since he'd met her, at least according to Faye, so finally having brought someone back to life must've been momentous for her. "I... uhm..." He couldn't help but chuckle, unfortunately, at her apology. "Why're you apologizing?" he asked with a soft voice and a smile, "if you hadn't dragged me into this mess, I'd probably be dead, still. All I can do is thank you for that." He didn't know what else to say, other than "what can I do to help you bring him back?" ----- He's so cute. I almost feel bad for teasing him. She giggled once more, before sighing. Amera didn't want to wait any longer, the town in sight. "Uhm, Grant, Ormis, I'm just gonna run ahead and check out the town, alright? You can all make it there without me; maybe I can set up our rooms so that you can all just collapse when you get there!" With that, before waiting for an answer, she bounded off on all fours again, making her way to the town.
  15. "Barrack, o'course. Thanks, again, ma'am. I think that'll be fine." He gave her a smile, and went back to the woman he'd have to deal with. About to speak, he heard the captain's overbearing voice, and paid attention to the lists. Second squad, then, if I'm to stick with her. "You heard the man, miss. Now, I'm gonna be in the barracks fer the time bein'. I don't know what you're gonna do, but I assume you should as well, since I'm s'pposed to be makin' sure you don't get into trouble. Your choice." He walked off to one of the seemingly empty rooms down the hall, setting his axe down on the table inside. "Gonna be headin' out soon, eh? Could use a good battle..."
  16. Adrian blushed furiously, not exactly wondering why she'd done that. He remember her saying she would pay him back for his little joke. Of course, he hadn't thought she was going to pay him back like this, and he didn't know how to react. He took a deep breath, thinking for a second. Alright, you wanna play like that... He rolled over, to face her, wrapping an arm around her back to pull her closer. He was extremely red at this point, but if she was going to act like that, he was gonna act like it right back. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead... ----- She shook his hand back, trying to control her giggles. "Heehee, don't get too embarrassed, Ormis. I might have to make you feel even more awkward~" She mused the end of her sentence, smiling. That was way too much fun. Although, they'd reached the bottom of the mountain by now, and the lights from Reinaldt could be seen in the distance. "Phew! Only a little longer, everyone. Gonna get a nice nights rest."
  17. "O'course, miss. I would've assumed that from the way you cut yer hair. So the bowstring doesn't get in the way, right?" He may have been a country bumpkin, but he wasn't stupid. As for her using stone weaponry, he assumed it worked better for her. He'd always preferred iron, but as long as it worked for her, he wasn't about to complain. "Listen, I've got to find out where I'm stayin', you do whatever you were doin' before." He was obviously not very interested with her, as he'd walked over to the woman from before, needing to ask about the sleeping quarters. "'Scuse me again, ma'am, but I don't know my way around this place, mind tellin' me where my quarters are? Need to get myself ready for what's happenin' tonight, after all."
  18. Adrian wasn't annoyed with him anymore, as he seemed to be a polite person, rather than some simple axe murderer. "There's one problem with that" he mentioned, "and that's that, there's only two beds." I'm going to have to... no, not going to think about it. I won't do it. I'll sleep on the floor if I have to. He then mentioned Crimson Witch, and Adrian went back on alert for a moment, not saying anything to it. If Riya was going to play it off, he'd let her, and he wasn't about to start accusing him of anything, yet. He fell back against the bed, relaxing onto it. Fuck it, this bed's too comfortable after what's happened today, if I have to sleep with Riya I will. ----- Amera couldn't help but laugh, as the kid blushed underneath her. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue? hee hee." It was quite obvious that the boy hadn't been very social in his life, but Amera couldn't help herself. He was just so darn cute, she had to pounce him. Sighing in her smile, though, she got off of him and held out a hand to help him up. "I'm Amera. You are?"
  19. Scowling. Perfect. This's gonna be a great relationship. Hopefully it'll end soon. "Yeah'm sure, miss. Make sure you don't, otherwise we'll have trouble to deal with." He wasn't looking at her as he responded, now, since something seemed to be happening over in the group of soldiers. "Wow, now that's quite the woman" he said aloud, impressed by how she'd reigned in the other girl. Wish this one was as easy to deal with. "Well, miss, we'd best be gettin' ready to fight. I have to keep my eye on you, but I'm not gonna sit around whilst all these other soldiers protect the country." The woman from earlier shot the two a glance, making Tanner think she's heard him, but then noticed she was looking at Robin. You musta pissed her off somethin' fierce.
  20. "Oh my... that sounds terrifying." Amera hadn't even heard of displays of magical feat that powerful, and some part of her wished she'd seen it happen; it almost seemed, in this magical world, too surreal to believe. She shrugged, listening to the rest of what Grant said. "Alright, that seems like a reason to want to hunt her... but maybe you should talk with her, instead of just killing her?" Amera was one to try and find some sort of peaceful resolution before outright killing someone. Of course, she had, and would, if she was forced to do so. Having not spoken to only one person in the group, she glanced around and spotted the cute boy from before. With a cat like grin on her face, she bounded up to him, and pounced on him, knocking him down into the snow. "Hello~!" She said, cheerfully.
  21. Great, she is one of those types. He could see the determination in her eyes, and it was kind of unnerving. "Listen, lady, I'm not really much fer different languages an' all that. If we could stick to somethin' we can all understand, that'd be perfect." Of course, she continued to ramble about her stature as a fighter, and Tanner just sighed. I'm gonna have to put up with all of this, aren't I? Her hand extended, Tanner did nothing. He wasn't about to give a little slave girl the feeling of equality. "Listen, lady, yer name's written down as Robin, don't start with me and some silly nickname, alright? I'm just here to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble. Let's hope that's all I have to do."
  22. "Listen, I'm really in no mood to deal with your bullshit." Adrian sat up from where he was laying down, the blood seeming to have stopped from his wound. "What do you want to know? I'm Adrian, just some kid from a village in Sapphire, on his way to Shuthra. Anything else you must know?" The man didn't frighten him anymore, but he sure was getting annoying. "So get to askin' or shut up an' sit down, 'cause I want to get some sleep." It was getting dark outside, and rest was what Adrian and Riya both needed.
  23. "Don't worry, ma'am, most people have that reaction." The obvious shock of his height always left room for a joke or two, but he was here on serious business, so he couldn't joke for too long. "Thank ye, ma'am" he said, turning towards his intended target. Smaller woman, wearing animal hide with a weird haircut. Grand. Looks like she'll be a barrel of fun. He approached her warily, these types never seeming to be compliant with him. "'Scuse me, miss? Name's Tanner. I've been sent here to keep on eye on you from Ursaea. Now, let's not get into some silly fight about this, I'm jes' followin' orders." Maybe she'll be different... nah, they always flip.
  24. Generic Crimean Soldier, alright! GodImisshavingIlyana...
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