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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Gotta get on with what I'm here for, could ya finish talkin'? Tanner stood among the soldiers at the southern fortress, listening to a women explain the situation. Of course, he'd love to join them in their little raid, but he'd been sent to keep watch over one of the prisoners on location. Some slave-fighter, according to the letter he'd received. At least the squabble between the two women was entertaining. As the soldiers began to disperse, Tanner approached the woman who had given the orders, making sure to take the letter he was sent, out. "Ma'am, could I trouble you for a moment?" He held out the letter, "I've been sent here from Ursaea to keep watch on a..." he glanced down at the letter, " 'Robin', part of some guard-exchange program; I was hopin' you could point me in the right direction?" He'd rather not have to search through the large group of soldiers to find her. He had a picture, and she seemed like she'd stand out in the crowd, but he hadn't noticed her just from lookin' around.
  2. Ahsum. If you wanna give me a run down of what's goin' on in a PM, or something, feel free. I can just jump in whenever, or...?
  3. That could work. Also, Rothene ran me down (briefly) on what's going on in the plot, atm, and about how there's a serial killer on the loose. I was thinking that, maybe, Tannar could be brought to the capital because the city officials want to bolster defenses, because of the recent rash of murders. If not, Snowy's idea sounds fine.
  4. Uh... what? Celice, he asked about the statsheet, not the glowing effect. I answered about the statsheet. Not the glowing effect. What're you going on about...?
  5. "Yo, Amera!" "Ah, yes?" She was surprised, being suddenly addressed like that. She'd never been around this many humans at once, on good terms, without freaking out a bit. "It's only a little bit farther. Not even 5 minutes off the mountain, I swear. Of course, the town's 20 minutes walking after we get off the mountain." She kept up her happy mood, hoping to maybe bring up the happiness in the rest of the group. They all seemed really depressed and down, though, after fighting what they said they'd fought, she wasn't all too surprised. "Yeah, I've known him for a few years now. I bring food in sometimes. He's a pretty swell guy." Amera's curiosity was eating at her, and she just couldn't help it anymore. "Listen, this has been bothering me since I talked to Lucretia, but, how did all of you manage to survive against all of those chameleons? I've heard stories, and I know they attack in huge groups, so..." I should just learn to stop asking questions.
  6. The glow isn't part of the background, no. It's an extra effect that's placed on top of the background.
  7. "O-Oh... Sorry" Now I feel kinda bad. Maybe I shouldn't have asked? "Yeah, you're right. I'd probably be upset too, except I don't have any family anymore, so, heheh." She made a small smile, to force out her sadness. Grant mentioned sleep, and Amera perked right up. "Of course we can! I know the guy who runs the inn at Reinaldt, so I might be able to get you all a discount. Or maybe I can just give him one of these" she motioned to the bag once again "And they might just give up free lodging." Or we could camp out. That's always fun~ "Sorry for bringing up that question... mister. Actually, I don't know your name. I'm Amera."
  8. Name: Tanner. Nickname: None Gender: Male Age: 23 Height: 6'8" Class: Knight Affinity: Anima Weapon proficiency: Axe Weapon of Choice: Axe Inventory: Sold iron axe for 20 points, purchased Defending Weapon for 50, 4 points remaining. Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 1 DEF: 5 RES: 1 spent 130 points, got two levels. First level: HP, STR, SKL Second level: HP, STR, DEF 34 points remaining HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 2 LCK: 1 DEF: 6 RES: 1 Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 6 HIT: 4 Avoid: 3 DEF: 6 RES: 1 Occupation: city Guard Appearance: Nature/Disposition: Tanner is a kind man who tries to help who he can, but will always listen to orders, no matter what they are. He's the kind of person who could never disobey his liege, or those in higher command, unless he had proof they were corrupt, and were ordering him to heinous and evil things. Hometown: Urquium Backstory: Tanner was the eldest son in a family of 6 on a farm. His parents, while not wealthy individuals, made ends meet for his family. His father would take all the boys out back, every day, and teach them how to work the farm equipment. Tanner would work the axes and sickles, cutting the wood for the stove and gathering the wheat. His brothers, Volkrus and Ingram, would work the rest of the equipment, setting the plants, and sowing the fields. He had no idea what his sister would do during the day, as she would work with his mother in the house. They were a very olden time family. Of course, this would change when Tanner's father got stuck in one of the wheat mills, losing his arm. Without their father's help on the farm (as a one armed man couldn't operate machinery that well), they started to run into money problems. Tanner, being the eldest, had to find a job for the family, so he decided to take his axe arm to the city guard at Ursaea. Of course, being fit of body and mind, they accepted him into the ranks, where he worked his way up into being one of the main city's guards, working the town center and making sure nothing went wrong. 164 two levels 34 Sold iron axe 54 points purchased defender weapon 4 points Huzzah! Now, let me know if I've fucked anything up.
  9. I think it was about the assassins.
  10. "Alright, Aurelio" she got out slowly, not used to his name. "I was out here hunting!" She said gleefully, pointing at the large sack that was back over her shoulder. "It's a lot safer here than over in Shuthra. I mean, sure, you've got your chameleons an' all, but the beasts on my mountains are infused with magic. Nasty critters, Aurelio." She got his name out a bit better this time, but still had trouble pronouncing it. That's gonna be hard to get used to. Aurelioooo. She pondered his name for a moment before the hulking beast of a man from a moment ago spoke. "Well, what did she do to you to make you hate her so much?" Amera was asking the wrong questions to fuel her curiosity, but she asked them anyways. "It's not like she... killed your family or something, did she?" Her voice getting a little quieter at the end of her question. Her genuine curiosity was generating more questions, but she decided to wait before bothering the man once again. She has to have done something...
  11. For FE8, the entire statsheet is one image. For the bars and such inside of it, those are different.
  12. Yeah, that's the statsheet. And it's just image hacking. Grab GBAGE or UNLZ, design your own, make it 16 colors, and then insert it.
  13. "No problem, sir." She responded to the axe man. Though, maybe there is something wrong with her. I dunno, she seemed nice enough. "I wish I knew why she'd screamed, though, sir. I mean, I wouldn't have found her if she didn't, but, makes me worry." Of course, the boy walked off to Lucretia before telling Amera his name, or anything. Hmph! The people here are so rude... She trotted off after the boy and Lucretia, surprised as she suddenly started running off. "Hey, wait! That big guy's still climbing over here." Gosh, she's so impatient! What could be so important that she can't even wait for her friends? But she wasn't stopping, so Amera sighed, making a little pouting face. "Fiiiine, wait for us, then!" She followed after the boy and Lucretia. Amera's day was now being pulled into the interest of finding out what was wrong with Lucretia, and why these people were chasing these others.
  14. Wow, almost everyone's parents are dead Robin xD
  15. Well, at least he apologized. Amera sprung back over the ridge, all smiles once again. "Yeah, she's just over this hill, sir!" Her tone had turned back into a happy one, as her tail proceeded to wag once more. "If y'all hurry up, we might be able to make it to town tonight~. I'd love to sleep on a nice, soft inn bed, wouldn't you?" Amera had been on the mountains for most of the day, and the inn at Reinhaldt was starting to feel extremely inviting. Even Estarna would be nice, though, going there would mean a longer trip back home, for her. She ignored his comment about what he'd seen, wanting to hurry them along, rather than sit there and chat. Sh'd probably ask him later. "So, come on, hurry up, hee hee~" she said, with a giggle. It's nice to have these nice people to talk to.
  16. You say that, and yet I'm still laughing.
  17. This entire topic is great. Thanks for the lols, Joe.
  18. Adrian shot off of the bed as soon as he heard the door crash down, standing between this new figure and Riya. "Nothing happ--" "What happened? Almost dying to goddamn lizards and barely escaping with our lives... I think... I fell unconscious after i casted a spell... and... I think he brought me here? Ugh..." "Or that..." He sighed, wishing she hadn't opened her mouth, but it was too late now. He sat back down, the man, even though he had an axe, not seeming like one of the people chasing them. Adrian had thought, for a moment, that it was Aurelio. That would have terrified him. "Yes, I brought her here. We're on our way to Shuthra, and were attacked up on the mountain by the chameleons." As long as this man didn't find out who Riya was, Adrian wouldn't have to worry. ----- "Lucretia, they're almost here!" Amera called back down the hill. She glanced back down at the group of people, staring at the boy who'd noticed her first. Well, he looks kinda cute. Seems to be walkin' a little funny, though. Hope nothin's wrong. Though, the man near him was scaring her, screaming up at her just for saying hello. "Yeah, well... You're mean!" She stuck her tongue out at him and popped back down from the ridge. "All I said was 'hi', geez. He didn't have to react like that." Her tail had been wagging until he'd spoke, putting a damper on her mood.
  19. Adrian flinched, half expecting someone else to be there when he looked over at Carrion. "You're awake... good." He breathed a sigh of relief and fell back against the bed. "We're in a small village outside of Reinaldt. After you... took care of the chameleons, I grabbed you and ran. I still don't know how I managed to get away." Of course, he played back his escape in his mind. Running down the ledge, grabbing her, and getting passed two fully armed warriors... he couldn't believe he'd done it. Snapping back to reality as Riya began to freak, he thought the same thing. "I... I haven't heard from her ever since the night of the attack..." He couldn't say she'd been the highest priority on his list of worries. "Listen, can we worry about her later? I need to know if you'll be okay to move, soon. I know that Grant won't stop following us." ----- "Alright, Lucretia" she said with a smile. The girl seemed to want to leave, and Amera hoped she wasn't putting her off with her kindness. Though, when she said she'd better stay for her friends, Amera was glad. I'm not very good at socializing with others... Oh, man. "You said that you came from that way, right?" She asked, pointing to the direction indicated earlier. "Hold on, I'll go check to see if they're coming!" With that, she bounded up the hill, running on all fours just to take a peek over the ridge. By this point, the earlier storm had turned into flurries, and most of the mountain was easily visible. She poked her head over the ridge, spotting a group of three people walking towards it. "Hello!" She called down cheerfully, the same silly smile plastered all over her face.
  20. And none of the updates made it look any more like Brenya, or fix the multiple shading problems throughout the hair/clothing :<
  21. There :V The hair is chunky and not smooth in any way, the neck is too small and improperly shaded (Making it look like it's collapsing on itself), the eyes seem too far apart, the hand has a shading problem on its right side (OPV), and the nose is flat. The blinking frames are flat, have no depth, and are chunky with a need for shading. The clothing is the best part because you've barely touched it, but there's still a small shading problem on the left side of it (OPV). And the worst part about the mug? It look nothing like Brunya, in any way, shape, or form. I would never be able to tell that this girl would grow up to be Brunya, no matter how much you tried to convince me. Are you happy that I have posted this in your spriting gallery, now? Honestly, I stopped giving you advice, because no matter what I pointed out, or suggested to fix, you never seemed to improve, so I felt like I was wasting my time. Let's see if you can actually make this mug better, this time.
  22. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25222&view=findpost&p=1545971 I did, and you never addressed the problem D: But okay.
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