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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. ; A ; Any way we can make it up to you, Nighty?

  2. We're on Skype, which sucks, because your country apparently hates Skype D:

  3. "Riya? Hey, are you...? She's just sleeping, alright. Listen, Amera... I believe her too. I mean, I don't know how much you trust me, having just met me, but... could you keep watch? I've got a sprained ankle, and I doubt Riya's gonna wake up anytime soon..." He yawned, himself, not having not realized how tired he really was. "I think... I think I'll sleep too. Listen, um... Can I trust you not to run off to Grant, or any of them? Can I really? Just... please. Even if you don't believe us, even if you don't trust us, and you do run off... don't tell them where we are." He pleaded with the girl, as he lay down, Riya laying there on him. Just... let us get some peaceful sleep. ----- Amera simply nodded. She listened to Adrian, and didn't say a thing. I can keep watch, at least, for one night. I need... I need to think these things over... She left the room to the two of them, and exited the inn entirely. Standing outside of the front door, she leaned against the wall, looking up. It was getting dark, and a few of the stars had just begun to show themselves. One of the two moons had shown itself in the sky, and the town was gearing down for supper and sleep. Can I trust them? I still don't know... Makes me wish I hadn't yelled at that old wolf. Maybe he'd be able to help me with this.
  4. Riya, seriously? You're... really just going to give her the option of taking your life like that? Her trembling was extremely obvious, as was the shakiness in her voice. He could only sit there and hold her, until the cat girl responded. ----- Amera sat there with her head in her hands. Her mind had finally come to a decision, and she wasn't sure it was the right one. But she released a long, exasperated sigh, leaning back in the chair. "I... won't do that. I can't do that. If you're lying, then you're a good enough liar to have convinced me, but I don't think you are. I don't think anyone could fake a reaction like that..." She looked back at the two of them with her normal smile, not wanting to be sad anymore. I guess I'm going with my gut, for now. "So! What can I do to help?" Back to what she'd originally came to do, Amera needed to know what she could do in order to get Carrion to trust her more.
  5. Adrian listened intently, making sure to follow everything she was saying. Of course, not even halfway through, he simply wanted to cradle her in his arms; give her some kind of loving contact, but she was still standing, and he wasn't getting off the bed any time soon. Luckily, she'd sat down afterwards, and he quickly pulled her into his lap, whilst sitting up. He wrapped his arms around her, and placed his head on hers. "I... feel bad. I feel bad thinking that my life is terrible, after hearing that. I've lost my family, sure, but... compared to you, it's like I've just fallen and scraped my knee, while you've broken... every bone in your body." He was crying too, now. It was an extremely depressing tale, and from Riya's reaction, every word of it had been true. So he sat there, embracing her just to give her some sort of support. "Listen..." he said through sniffling, "I know that... people like me, people who see 'you'... have probably said this before, but, I... I don't care. I'm going to be here, and I'm not going to let anything, or anyone take me away from you, alright?" ----- Amera listened with bated breath, her eyes widening at the mention of Carrion being the 'Crimson Witch'. She's really...? That's... Of course, Carrion's story matched up with the tales Amera had heard, but, they were from a much different point of view. About how this woman was truly the entire evil of the world, but... how could she be? Wouldn't she have razed the town in flames by now if the stories were true? Amera didn't really know what to believe, but... I want to believe her. I... she's crying, and she's shaking... could someone really just... act like that, of their own volition? She stared at the floor, hands at her sides, not sure of what to think or what to say. At the end, she couldn't even say anything. Her mind was trying to process everything she'd just heard, and it wasn't working very well.
  6. "Alright, Carrion. Also, that ice was made with magic, that's not a problem, right...?" She kept her smile on, though, the woman's anger was showing through, and her happy demeanor was starting to change. "I-I didn't think I was--" "Speak up now, or just LEAVE!" And her smile was gone, as she looked down. "No, I really don't know who you are... That's why I followed you, so I could find out. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was threatening you, I was just..." she had only tried to excuse herself from actually fighting against them, but she felt kinda stupid, thinking over what she'd said, "I'm sorry, really. I-I... didn't mean to come across like that..." She looked back up at the woman, a look of sadness in her eyes. "D'you think... you could tell me who you really are? I do want to know." ----- "Ow, ow, watch the ankle...!" Adrian complained a bit as his leg was moved, suddenly feeling better as the ice hit it. Oh, seriously, that feels so much better... A satisfied sigh escaped his lips, as he placed his hands behind his head to rest on. Riya's shout broke his relaxation though, as he listened to the two of them speak. "Get cozy, Amera, you're in for a long... actually, ya know, other than what you told me at the village, I don't really know much about your past." He sat back up, leaning on his arms, intent on hearing a bit more about her.
  7. It looks like he's jumping... and I think it's just you. The shading may be making you think otherwise.
  8. Seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I've even spriting for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. SeverIan :(
  9. "Hello!" She hurried into the room and sat back in the chair she had before, curious as to why it had been moved a little, but not really worrying over it. "So, I brought the ice! I'm sure it's melted a bit, but it should be fine!" Sure enough, there was still a large chunk of ice in the container, surrounded by a small, growing, puddle of water. She held it out for the witch to take, remembering that she was to ask their names. "Oh, I never did get your names, but you know mine, ha ha." ----- "Why can't you--?" he was immediately cut off as Amera walked into the room, her presence stopping him from talking. "Oh, awesome. Thanks." He wasn't about to move and put the ice on his ankle himself. As lazy as it was, he'd wait for Riya to put it on for him. "Oh, I'm Adrian." Yeah, she did kinda say her name back with that wolf.
  10. "Well, as long as you know, that's fine. Just don't expect me to lay in this bed and watch if you have another one of those episodes, alright?" Her general sarcasm and fervor seemed to have died out on her, and he couldn't help but wish that she hadn't picked him up like she had. "Just try to take it easy..." As luck would have it, there waa a knock on the door as soon as he'd said that. ----- Amera, making sure to knock before entering, was hoping that the two people inside were doing alright.
  11. "Hi, can't talk, sorry!" She completely ignored the man who had spoken to her, as she had to get the ice in before it melted. Though, he seemed somewhat familiar. Oh, he was outside the room before the witch pulled me inside... Ah! I don't even know their names! I should get to learning them when I get back. "Come back up to the room later, if you really want to talk!" she shouted, before disappearing back into the inn.
  12. Wow, seriously? Over HOCKEY? God that's some sort of sad. I mean, it's a sport. Your team wins, huzzah. Your team loses, that sucks. You don't start a fucking riot over it. I'm kinda disappointed to be Canadian as well, after reading that. Geez...
  13. "Wha--! What're you--!!" She had somehow managed to pick him up and put him back into the bed, almost collapsing afterwards. He fell back into the bed, and she did collapse. Her poke was seen as some sort of a silly gesture, but after what he'd seen, he was still concerned. "I was worried! You were holding your head, mumbling, laughing to yourself... are you really alright?" He poked her head, wondering if she'd respond to that instead of words. "And, I know you want me to stay off of my ankle, but if you do something like that again... I'm here for you just as much as you're here for me, alright?" ----- Amera had wandered into a quaint looking magic shop, and older looking Anri sitting at the front desk, messing with some fire in the palm of his hand. He seemed bored. "Uhm, excuse me, sir? I need some ice. I can see you know how to use fire, but, d'you think you could switch it up for me, for a bit? Eheheh." She joked a bit, hoping it would alleviate his seemingly bored mood. "Twelve gold pieces." He spoke monotonously. "Twelve? A-Alright." She had a small pouch with her, and it contained at least twenty. She took out twelve, and the fire in the man's hand immediately turned into ice, falling against the desk. He grabbed a small container from under the table, and handed it to her. "Many thanks." He continued in the same monotonous tone. "No, thank you!" She took he container of ice, and rushed back to he inn, not wanting it to melt. Magic ice is just as good as normal ice, right?
  14. "Uh, R-Riya, are you alright?" No, you DOLT, she's not alright. The obvious stress that she was under had finally become apparent to Adrian, as the girl sat against the wall, clutching her head. He turned to get out of bed, standing for at least a second before his sprained ankle caused him to fall over. He didn't care, as he crawled over to Riya, taking her face in his hand. "Riya, look at me, look at me! Everything will be fine, alright?!" He just wanted her to stop freaking out, her manic laughter freaking him out a little bit. "Please! I promise, everything will be fine, alright?!" He was about to start freaking out himself, but he kept his eyes on hers. ----- Amera barely heard the thud of something hitting the floor as she left the inn, thinking of it as nothing. This was Shuthra, and while she'd only been to Lazarynth once before, she was sure she could find a mage, or something, that could make her some ice. She didn't have much money on her, though. She hoped it was enough.
  15. "If I really wanted to do that, don't you think I would've done that already? I might not be the smartest, but I can tell the both of you aren't in top form, and I think I can outrun you." She chuckled to herself, not really understanding the stress this girl was under. "And besides, I could probably take the both of you, either way! But, like I said, I wanna help. I'm sure if you really were as evil as you were made out to be, I think you'd've tried to kill me when I mentioned Grant, ha ha!" She was a bit happier now, and she sprung out of the room to get the water and ice as soon as she was asked. I think we're going to get along just fine. ----- "If I really wanted to do that, don't you think I would've done that already? I might not be the smartest, but I can tell the both of you aren't in top form, and I think I can outrun you." "Uh..." "And besides, I could probably take the both of you, either way! "Uhm, you know you should, probably..." But before Adrian could get anything said, she was gone. She means well, but she's probably going to drive Riya nuts. "Listen, I think we can trust her for now, can't we? She makes a good point." Adrian only wanted to try and calm Riya down, unsure of how to do such. "Besides, I'm sure there's something we can get to make her listen to us if we really can't trust her. Some sort of... magic collar, or something?" He joked, thinking the existence of something like that to be quite ridiculous.
  16. The top of an ear should, normally, start at the eyebrow, whilst the bottom of the ear will end up at the bottom of the nose, in length.
  17. Doesn't that just suck :/
  18. Yes, learn Japanese, become a wealthy business executive, and meet with the development team o 3o
  19. That would be cool. Send the idea to Banpresto and see if they go along with it.
  20. That would kinda ruin the whole point of it being OG, then. Ya know. OG = Original Generation?
  21. "I, uhm..." She sat down in a chair across from the two of them, feeling a bit awkward. "I want to help you. If it's as you say, then Grant's just running on blind ambition, and he shouldn't be doing that. I mean, you don't seem like an evil person..." She said resting her chin on her hands. The boy on the bed seemed to have gotten a sprained ankle, probably from having come down the hill, but that was only a guess. "I'm sorry if you don't believe me; I wouldn't be surprised. I did say I was with Grant when I first showed up, heh heh." She scratched the back of her head, and smiled, sticking tongue out a bit. ----- "Ow, ow! Yeah, that's gonna sting for a bit..." He couldn't help but glance at her revealed leg as she tore her clothing, quickly looking away to avoid suspicion. Dammit, gotta keep my mind focused on getting some work, not getting some... nevermind. This new girl seemed harmless enough, though, it worried him that she'd worked with Grant for as long as she had. "Alright, Amera. I don't mind you helping, but, the real person you've gotta convince is her." He made a small motion towards Riya, as he grasped at his ankle again, the cloth a bit too tight. He wasn't going to complain, as he knew it was better in the long run.
  22. Amera had run into town, not exactly sure why she'd ran. Honestly, she was upset at herself for blaming the old wolf. He hadn't done a thing, and seemed sincerely kind. Why did I do that? Why did I have to bring that up? I know it was horrible, but it wasn't his fault... She shook her head, wiped her eyes, and sniffled her nose. She didn't want to start crying in the middle of the plaza. Another nail into her upset coffin, she slunk her way into the inn, only to spot the two from before resting in one of the rooms. The door was ajar, and she had caught a glance from the girl inside. It wasn't a very pleasant one, but she felt the urge to talk to the both of them, either way. Popping her head through the door, she poorly put a smile on her face and said "Uh, hello?" ----- "I still don't think you have to go through all the trouble of doing this for me, but, thanks, Riya." He relaxed back into the bed, trying not to twitch around his ankle at all. "Still, I'm surprised we've made it this far without any real... well, other than this, problems." And as soon as he'd said that, he spotted two fluffy ears poking their way through the slightly open door. "Oh... speak of the devil." A man from outside the room gasped in surprise at the three of them, and Adrian groaned. "Greeeaaaat, more problems."
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