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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "So, how about some town work, then? I'm sure they could use some help around here. Or maybe there's a monster or two that we can go take care of!" Amera was getting way into the idea of taking on guild work before even finding out what was available. Of course, the guild wasn't too far from the church; conveniently placed? "Alright, let's go have some fun!" She busted into the place, leaving Ormis behind her to catch up.
  2. "Haha, let me rephrase that. He looks like a puppy that's been through a mangle. You've got a point about money, we better get looking for something. Farmers are usually good people to ask for work." "Yeah, that's what I thought you said," she said with a small wink and smile in his direction, glad he'd changed what he'd said. Of course, it had been a huge joke the whole time. And his mention of money got her spurred onto what she was doing before. She grabbed Ormis's arm once again, ignoring his comment about some group of mages attacking the city, and ran off, dragging the poor boy along with her. "Sorry to run off, gonna do what we were planning originally! See you later!" She shouted back at them, not really explaining herself, before turning around a building with Ormis in tow. "So, Ormis, what job d'you think we can get at the guild?" She stopped running as she asked him, knowing talking would be easier while walking.
  3. "You still look like a cat that's gone through a mangle..." "Hey, I resemble that remark!" Amera shouted at Aurelio, only managing to hear that specific part of his conversation with Teis. Sadly, her arm did still hurt. She'd thought it would at least have stopped hurting by now, but it still throbbed every few moments. Stupid arm, heal faster! I don't want to have to deal with you. Her inner ragings aside, it seemed like Lucretia had a story to tell everyone. "It's a long story as to why I fought my mother." Lucretia replied. "And if we could get somewhere to stay for the night, I could tell you all, if you want to know." "We were just about to try and find some work so we could pay for a night at the inn. Want to come with us and help out?" She smiled, glad that they were all back together again.
  4. Not quite. You've got this ridiculous mess of blue going on around his neck.
  5. "It's good to see you too!" She replied, chuckling. "After we got to the inn I found my mother..." Her face darkened. "Then we fought, and I--I killed her." "Y-You killed your mother?!" Amera gasped, astonished, and finally climbing off of the girl. "Wow... but, why did you have to fight her?" Amera was confused as to why a daughter would ever have to fight, and kill, her own mother. Though, that would have to wait, as Lucretia's question brought down her mood a bit. "Everyone's... well, they're not doing very good. Carrion's been stabbed, Adrian's been burned and mangled a bit, and Ghideon's got a pretty nasty head wound... Ormis and I both have broken arms. I think Teis is alright!" She finished with a smile, glad that at least one person was still healthy out of everyone in the group. Within her explaining, she'd completely forgotten that Lucretia didn't know who Carrion and Ghideon were.
  6. "Ormis! Amera! Hey!" She shouted in the hopes of getting their attention. "Huh?" Amera looked in the direction of the shout, seeing someone she hadn't expected running towards them. Lucretia, of all people, had somehow managed to make her way to Lazarynth. Amera spotted Aurelio behind her, but, before paying too much attention to that, she smiled and bounded off in Lucretia's direction. "Lucy!" She yelled, before tackle hugging the girl to the ground. "Where have you been?! I lost you and Aurelio after crossing the mountain!"
  7. Teis spoke, and Amera knew she couldn't get away with sleeping the day, as much as she wanted to. The mention of an inn also made her feel a bit bad, because Adrian and Carrion really did need a proper place to stay. She burst out of bed, and growled again, shaking her head to wake herself up. "Alright, alright, you're right! Ormis, let's go do something!" She grabbed the poor boy by his not injured arm and dragged him out of the room quickly. She had no real plans, but if she looked like she was being active then no one would get upset at her. Dragging Ormis out of the front church doors, she leaned against the wall, and sighed. "Alright, Ormis, give me a suggestion here. I really have no idea what to do."
  8. Like this ^ not like this. ^
  9. "Well, Adrian..." She began, "These aren't normal circumstances... Just rest up already." "I know there's something you're not telling me, but..." he sighed, not sure why she was being as secretive as she was, "I'm... not really in any position to try and get it out of you." The cot almost pulled him back into it as he lay down, still curious as they what was going on in that mind of hers. He'd have laid down next to her if he wasn't in such a state, and he might've been able to get something out of her then, but even as he thought about that, he felt himself falling asleep. Guess I'm not going to be helping for a while... grand.
  10. "The man's right" She said aloud, "You should all wait until you're feeling better before you hop into another life or death situation..." This isn't like you, you know. You wouldn't want to relax, you'd want to get back to fighting. Maybe set a few people on fire to make yourself feel better about being stabbed... He struggled to move his legs out from under the sheets, finally managing to slip them over the edge of the bet and force himself to stand for a moment. Of course, he fell back into the bed within moments, unable to stand yet. His head felt woozy, and he did want to go back to sleep, but, he was worried about her. "Carrion..." ignoring everyone else for the moment, "What... what happened when you were stabbed? I don't think you'd normally give up the chance to have a fight..." ----- "I suppose that anyone who can fight get ready in half an hour, because that's when we should get going..." "Rrrrr..." she wanted to laze away like Gideon was, but she knew her arm was already feeling better. It wasn't completely healed, but she figured they wouldn't want her just laying there if she could walk around. She could always try to get out of it, though. "My arm's not healed yet, I'm staying in bed." If Gideon was staying, so was she. She'd be too lazy to leave even if she was healed, either way. Falling back into bed, she curled up under the covers, trying to fall asleep once again.
  11. "I got... got stabbed and you got burned..." The memory of her getting stabbed came back to him, but he couldn't remember how he'd gotten burned. Though, neither were things he'd really wanted to remember. Looking down at his hands again, or rather the bandages that encompassed them, whatever had burned him must have been bad. He almost wished he didn't remember, because it was probably something horrific. "How're you doing? Your hands got any feeling in em by chance...?" "I... I could be better, heh." He coughed along with the laugh, clearing his throat out a bit. "And I can feel them, but, barely. Don't think I'll be using them for a while..." He felt bad, knowing that he'd mentioned helping her learn how to use a sword, and was now unable to do as such. "Sorry... I won't be able to teach you. Maybe Teis can help you?" He'd rather not resort to someone else, especially another man, but it would be better than waiting around for his hands to heal. ----- "So, where to next?" "Raaaaaaaah, back to sleep!" A roaring groan from Amera, still tired and not wanting to wake up. She dove under the sheet on the bed and hid herself from the ridiculous awakening ray of light. She, of course, popped her head up once she realized how futile this was, and sighed. "I don't know. Maybe we can see if there's anything to do at the guild? I think there's one in town..." It would be better than sitting around and doing nothing, she mused in her mind. She wasn't going to leave the sheets unless everyone else woke up, though. The cot was too comfortable for that.
  12. "Aaaahhhhh..." Amera groaned, the sun shining through a small window straight onto her eye. She rolled, but there wasn't enough bed for her to roll onto, falling onto the floor. "Ah!" She said with a thud, waking up in a less than pleasant way. "Rrrrrr..." A small growl, climbing back onto the cot. She didn't want to wake up, she wanted to sleep, and as she tried to get comfortable on the cot once again, that same ray of light kept her away. "Oh, fine, world. I won't sleep anymore." The rest of them seemed to still be sleeping, as she sat up on the cot. Everyone except Carrion, at the other end of the room. Wonder how she's doing. ----- Adrian had slept surprisingly well, though his wake up wasn't pleasant at all, waking up to the disgruntled, unpleasing sound of Amera hitting the floor in an equally unpleasing manner. "Wha--?" He opened an eye as she climbed back into her bed, sitting up himself. His entire body hurt and he could feel his hands now, but barely. His fingers felt like they were still asleep. Finally taking notice of why, he noticed that his hands were entirely wrapped in bandages. It was frightening, for a moment, as he couldn't remember what had happened. Carrion was awake though. Might as well ask her what's going on... "Uh... Carrion?" His voice was still raspy, but he could speak now. "What... what happened?"
  13. I'll ruin your fun all day long. And it's an obvious GBA FE spriting comp, so if you really wanna bring in technicalities, Amelia can change to the rules to ruin your fun too o 3 o Now quit being silly, we're derailing the topic.
  14. Well it has to be hackbox-esque sized, so if you can fit a map or an FE9/10 sprite into that gray box, go nuts.
  15. Well Waq came back recently, so if he notices this topic, I'm sure he'll smash the most of us and if AK enters, at least quality wise, I'm 90% sure the rest of us won't be able to beat her o 3o
  16. I'm with Dan, it makes it more of a challenge that way.
  17. Maybe. of course, with AK here pointing out flaws, I don't think I'd ever get finished
  18. You post a mug, and then you edit it to give it a summer feel. Sorry Ether :C
  19. See how bad with words I am? Weee~ If you wanna play, just throw me a PM here, or bother me on the program you probably won't ever get working.

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