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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "Yeah, in all honesty, I thought he'd go out in the first round." "Same here. I can't believe he took that guy out in one hit, too. Such a small kid, and he's doing stuff like this? It's impressive, even if he did lose." And then, Aurelio decided to be funny. "Heh, I've got you that scared? Don't worry, I won't steal your girl. You can relax." "Ha ha, you wouldn't be able to if you tried. Not because of me, no. I couldn't stop you, but her? She'd scare you away before you got the chance to try any of your moves, Aurelio." He joked back, at he expense. At least he was making conversation, and at least it wasn't awkward.
  2. "You aren't fighting," Gideon reminded her. "Just watching and possibly laughing as we clean house, alright?" "But--! Grrr... You're lucky I'm hurting like this, or I'd fight you, to let me fight them." She kept smiling as she spoke. Her stomach had decided to hurt her again, as soon as she'd said 'but', otherwise there'd be two people arguing outside the guild house. "Fine, fine, let's just get in there, alright?" She brushed past Gideon and pushed open the door. Most of the guildies turned to see the same girl from before, and she couldn't see the fat man from before. At least, not near the entrance. She took a seat at one of the empty tables, and waited for Gideon and Ignatius to get to the counter.
  3. Adrian Well, you don't have to smile about it. He had to get over his nervousness, as they approached Aurelio. He seemed to be sitting with another girl, and a cute one at that. Ha ha, maybe Carrion would be that cute if she wasn't worried over everything. She'd be able to put on a fancy little dress and just relax. Even though Carrion had already asked, Adrian took a seat near Aurelio and started talking about the matches. "Ormis did a lot better than we'd've thought, eh? I mean, I know that a lot of stuff he did was pretty stupid, but, it was entertaining." He motioned for Carrion to come sit down, almost about to answer this other girl for Aurelio, before deciding to let him speak for himself. "We kinda got off on the wrong foot, but they're not all bad. You guys need to tell me what you've been up to, I swear you're keeping secrets from me." "Yeah... secrets, ha ha..." He laughed with him, trying his best to make it not seem forced. We're going to have to explain a lot, aren't we? Amera "Sure, we can handle it, but perhaps you should try and overcome fears as well, Amera? I do not mean to pressure you but if you truly feel it's best to just stay away, then so be it." "It's not really a fear, it's just annoying... but alright, I can go too. They probably won't give us our pay unless we're both there." She held a hand on her stomach, as it pained her once more. Come on, you're going to get fixed soon. Just chill out, just for a bit, alright?
  4. Just right there. It's not smooth enough, and looks a little jarring. Nothing ridiculous to worry about.
  5. I meant her arm the stringy thing, I guess now that I notice it. The loops fine, and so is the bend in the string, actually, since she looks like she's moving. Motion's fun, an' all. But yeah, I was talkin' about the arm xD
  6. Wow, that's really good... The lines are a little rough, but, eh, not really that much of a problem. Practice will get rid of that. The only thing I can see which might be a problem is that her arm is a bit bendy around here and could be straightened a li'l bit. But, damn, that's a nice drawing.
  7. It was, we've just decided to revamp the mug, since his was too much of an Alan/Wil/Canas splice.
  8. Adrian Carrion's laugh cause nothing but more confusion for Adrian, quickly turning from confusion to understanding and a sigh, though. "Adrian, Adrian, really, it's fine I was just yankin yer chain, OK? "Yeah, I guess so." Come on, you need to catch this stuff a little better, or you're going to be so whipped. Unless you really like that, in which case, hey, your call!" "Uh..." he was, again, slow to pick up on what she meant, as he blushed once more. Dammit, Carrion. Just because I'm new to all this... "I dunno, maybe I'll like it if y-you're the one doing it..." He really didn't know what to say, but he did his best not to sound awkward. "Come on, dear!" I guess we're sitting with him. Hope he isn't the kind to hold a grudge. He almost reluctantly followed Carrion to Aurelio, still unsure of his intentions. Grant wasn't around, at the very least. Amera Most people would probably be able to tell the small bit of uneasiness that Gideon was feeling from her hug, but then again, Amera wasn't most people, and simply took what he said instead of anything else. "No problem" She'd grasped his arm harder when he said that, almost unaware of it, and she didn't let go until they'd made it back to town. She dragged Gideon along with her to the guild, and stopped at the door, almost afraid to walk back inside. "Yeah, uhm... I think I'm going to wait out here. Iggy, Gideon, want to handle them?" If they really needed her to go along with them, she would.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USlnfTGlhXc
  10. Yeah, lol, you're not 24, ha ha. And none of the archers in the screen are Crowe.
  11. Oh my lawd, for the last time, it's NOT CROWE XD it's been mentioned at least three times now, that it's not Crowe.
  12. "Well... I guess you won the bet." Adrian saw the depressed look on her face, instantly wishing Ormis had dragged it out longer, somehow. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be this upset about it. I can give you the favor, if you want." "Haven't seen you guys in a while! Why not come up here, the view's pretty good!" Though, their conversation about it would have to wait, as a familiar voice called down to them. Adrian turned to see Aurelio, certainly surprised that he looked happy. But, you were... with Grant when we were on the mountain. Wouldn't you be chasing us, still? "Uh... hi." Adrian didn't know if he should go up there to sit with him, wondering if the same thing was on Carrion's mind.
  13. Amera "Well, I can't really relate. Not like there's anything on me worth grabbing." Yeah, that's what you think. She wasn't going to get into that again, not yet. She'd already told herself to stop, mentally, and she wasn't about to change that now. Her stomach cringed once again, forcing her to continue knowing that her rib was still broken, and still bothering her. "No problem. After that pig, fat men will be a nice change. Besides, you aren't fighting in your condition," "B-But I--" "Not until you're certain you've healed." This was one of the first times she was being shut down by someone. Normally she'd just argue against them until she got her way, but... some combination of the pain in her stomach, and how tired she was, made her sigh and stop. Gideon doing the shutting down wasn't helping, though. She tried her hardest to resist, but couldn't, walking up to him and grabbing his arm. She hugged it into her chest, before spouting, "Thanks for worrying~" nuzzling her cheek against his arm. Adrian "YES! YES! GO, DUDE! YEEEEEEEEEES!" He didn't even realize how loud he was shouting, as he sat back down into his seat, still laughing to himself a bit. Wait, slow down, was that three minutes? Oh god, if it was more than three minutes, I'm going to look like the stupidest person right now. He slowly turned his face to Carrion, hoping to see some sort of dissatisfied expression from losing their little bet, on her face.
  14. o 3 o suddenly player units are red.
  15. Amera She honestly couldn't tell if her jabs were annoying him or not, as he flashed her a smirk, which didn't please her at all. Maybe I need to step it up, hmmm... "You were in there before, right? Think there's anyone in there I should look out for?" "Yeah, I was. They all seemed to be your typical guild idiots, especially that fat neck beard... uggghhh, just makes my skin crawl. I doubt you've ever had to deal with a greasy, large, overbearing man trying to grab at your chest. It's not something you really want to experience again, so, I'm gonna leave you to deal with them guildies." It was an excuse, but it was a good one. She'd hang outside the building when they got there, unless she honestly needed to show up in there. She wasn't going to deal with ogling eyes if she wasn't in a good enough state to blacken them. "Sorry about forcing you into this, Gideon." She didn't try to mess around with her tone this time, as she really was sorry, asking him to do all of this for her. Adrian He'd watched the kid throw his sword at Ormis, almost jumping out of his seat to cheer. "Come on, man, kick his ass!" It was a seriously close fight, which was surprising him, since Ormis didn't seem like the kind who would ever be able to handle himself in a fight.
  16. "Agreed. and if he wins before then, you'll owe me a favor~." "Y-Yeah, alright!" Oh god, Ormis, LOSE. LOSE YOU MORON, LOSE! His mind screamed at him as the battle finally began, the challenger throwing some dirt at Ormis during his charge. Yeah, blind him, and then get him! Get him so I don't have to follow whatever the hell she's planning! He felt a bit bad for cheering this other guy on, but, he wanted to win this bet now.
  17. "I know, but for how long? We're fine right now, but who knows what's going to happen in the near future...?" "I said we'll be fine, so we'll be fine, alright? Now, and in the future. Optimism works, ya know." If she was going to be down and unsure of everything, he was going to try and make her feel better about things. He wasn't sure himself, but he could hope for it, and try his best to make it work out. If everything else failed, there was still his home in Sapphire. It was a house, at least. "I hope you know I'm probably going to be an extremely annoying and bitchy person until I get unsealed, so please don't take anything I say too personally, alright? If you put up with me long enough you might get a... special favor." "Well, I think you're worth putting up w... with... f..." he'd turned red trying to speak. He knew what kind of tone she'd always carried with words like that, "P-putting up with, because you're not the terrible person everyone's made you out to b-be..." Why did you have to say thaaaaaaat?! He'd be red for a while, but his mind was going to be on the match, as they rushed into their seats, and Ormis took the field. "Oooohoho dear, Ormis in the first match? This oughtta be good..." "I'll bet you that he loses within three minutes. If he lasts longer than that, I owe you... I dunno, something. You choose." Wait did I just say that? That was not smart. WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT?!
  18. Heya Prime, pretty nifty idea, but I think there's too much goin' on there. It's pretty distracting, and it takes away from something that could be much, much better.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbJt8RbpOQo
  20. "Eh, it's doing its job right now. I'm covered." She added coyly, "For the most part..." He was red, but he was glad she was still enough of herself to toy with him. "Y-Yeah, for the most part. I don't really think you should worry about, and it's not like it bothers me, I just thought... well, that it might bother you." He sighed, wondering if he should've tried to control his reaction, or shouldn't have said anything at all. "...I don't want to think about this shit right now, I'm a bit flustered as is..." She got up, and he followed quickly, "Then let's not worry about it, alright? Let's just go watch some people beat each other up, ha ha." He placed a hand on her shoulder as the walked out of the room, looking down at her with just a simple smile. "We'll be fine, alright?"
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L71PdB3_qUQ
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