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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Moving through the woods was nothing for her, but in her haste, she'd forgotten that Gideon was trailing her. Upon finally making this realization, she looked back. He was gone, but, her ears twitched. That noise... Yes! That has to be it! But... Shit, Gideon! She rushed back, only to see him narrowly dodge the monstrosity. "They want this killed for only one hundred gold!?" She shouted not the best of ideas, as the boar quickly turned from its new charge at Gideon, and made straight for her, tusks at the ready. Oh Gods! Acting purely on instinct, she jumped up, and, barely, managed to vault over it, crashing and rolling onto the ground after. "Alright, I have no idea what to do against something like this! Have a plan?!" She was stunned, mentallly. Her fists would do nothing, but annoy it... but she did have something. Maybe this'll work... Concentrating for just a moment, sparks began to circle their way around her hand. Clenching her teeth, as having pure electricity run through one's finger normally would hurt, she waited for the animal to turn. The boar was furious; it had missed two meals already, and was fed up with playing tag. If wheeled, and shot itself right back in Amera's direction. Alright... Now! The beast came for her, but once again she jumped it, grabbing onto the top as she sailed over the deadly tusks. It immediately stopped, and began to try and shake her off. Her grip absolute, she shouted "Alright monster... Try this!" Her fist crashed down into its back, and the electricity exploded into it. Unfortunately for Amera, this served to anger it further, as she was viciously tossed off into a tree. "Agh!", was all she could get out, collapsing to the ground in pain, the hungry thing turning towards her, preparing another charge. ((WhoaMan, thunder storm outside, this is so cool~ Love these things))
  2. "I think we may need to go deeper" "Yeah, we will... there'd be signs if it was anywhere around here. I'd rather not have to go that far into the forest, though. The beast probably knows the area well, and if we have to go too far into its territory, it might have the advantage." Amera knew how to hunt. She'd been doing it since she arrived back home, four years ago. She knew that they'd have to tread lightly, but she didn't know how Gideon would be able to, with how large he was. We'll just have to be more careful, then, as it'll probably hear us before we hear it... "Come on, let's go," she said, darting further into the woods. ----- "It's a deal then... when you're up and ready, we'll both get swords, and then you can give me some training. I don't care anymore, I just don't want to be so fucking useless anymore. And then once I can get used to the sword, you and I have to find someone who will be willing to undo the seal I'm under, alright?" "Yeah. Sounds like a plan." Even in his sorry state, he was happy. I guess this it what it feels like to be cared for... I... could get used to this feeling. She took his hand, and he could only wish to feel hers. Alas, no wish was granted, but he was still glad for it. "I know I tease and give mixed messages, but I do care about you, alright? Though your words are cheesy and pulled from children's stories most likely, I believe you." "I guess I'll just have to start teasing you, to balance it out, won't I? Ha ha... I don't know if you'd like that much, though." He wasn't physically better, but this whole talk was really making him feel better. "Oh yeah, Adrian! There's a tournament going on right now, do ya... feel like going now or no? Actually, you look like you could use rest. We can always go tomorrow." "No, no, I can make it! You'll just have to give me some help with the walking there, alright? I think watching someone fight, instead of actually fighting myself, would be enjoyable." He moved his legs out over the bed's edge, and tried to stand, but fell back down pretty quickly. "Yeah... I'm going to need a lot of your help." He smiled, sighing.
  3. Just a notice for everyone who's participating in this! If you want an interview with me, please PM me. If you don't get your PMs and interviews finished before the 8th, you won't be getting one! Just letting you all know.
  4. This whole thread is just^ Seriously. All this over one tile, when GBA FE does shit like this all the time. Oh mang xD
  5. Combined with everything else Dan has to do, yes, it would be.
  6. "I'm... better than I was earlier today, yeah, but I just feel so... mixed up right now." She took a deep breath and continued. "I'm really, really trying not to explode here, and I just don't know how long I can go until I do. It's just so damn frustrating. I guess I should count myself blessed since I found people who actually give two shits about me for once instead of wanting to gut me, but... I hate it, all the same. Being in debt to someone just makes me feel even worse since I can't do it on my own merit... I'm sorry, you just woke up it seems, I should probably wait until you're ready to listen..." "That's good to hear... and, please don't explode. I know that's... probably a hard thing to agree to, but..." he coughed again, finally seeming to be over them as this one barely hurt his throat, "... you'll be able to get over this, really. I'll be here for you, okay? I... don't know if I can do much right now, but," he raised his hand to stroke her cheek, realizing that is was still wrapped. He chuckled as he set it back down, "once I can, I'll get stronger. For you, for me, and for our future, alright? I wish I could come up with something a lot less cliche, ha ha..." he sighed after his little laugh, "... but, I do mean it, alright? Just give me a few more days, I'll be fine." He started trying to move his fingers. He could feel them, but they weren't moving. "Carrion... what... did anyone see what happened to me out there? I seriously wish I knew what could've caused my hands to get as damaged as they are..." He still smiled, though. He had someone to keep safe, and to be with him.
  7. In the backlist, along with 5 others :F Lrn2wait I follow no deadlines, even my own.
  8. Your stream quality's pretty iffy. I suggest you use Manycam to stream.
  9. "Just take it out on the pig when we find it" She was planning on it. Maybe killing something would make her feel a bit better about what she was doing; make her feel like it was less of a time waster. "Oi, open the gate!" The guard on duty simply sighed and started twisting it open, letting Amera slip underneath it, but not before hearing Gideon speak some more, "You think they'll be satisfied with a tusk? I'd rather not have to carry an entire boar back here..." "That axe of yours seems pretty good. We should be able to bring the head back, right? I'd rather eat most of it while we're out there..." Amera's stomach growled, betraying what she'd said earlier about not needing food. She hadn't eaten in a day or so, and had planned on killing the boar and roasting most of it in the woods, before bringing the head back. Half an hour later... This forest was much closer to town than the one near the lake where they had fought the day before. No wonder the guild had wanted the boar dealt with, before it got any closer to the population. "Alright, Gideon? Let's find this thing and then get to ea-- I-I mean, get to killing it." She blushed, growling down at her stomach for controlling what she was saying. I'll feed you soon enough, calm down! ----- There's... someone here, right? Adrian stirred once again, opening his eyes to see Carrion sitting next to him. A nice calm smile, and a sigh, as he went to speak, "hey... there. You feeling better?" He was, actually. Nothing major, but his body didn't want to completely collapse on him now. At least, not at the moment, it didn't.
  10. "Boar" Fun, she thought, walking to the edge of town. Well, the guild didn't say we needed to give them the entire thing, just kill it and bring proof, so we'll be able to get some food out of this, at least. "I don't mind the change of pace. If I get to spend a few hours killing a giant pig, and be paid for it, no complaints here. The fun can happen when we're not broke." She slouched a bit, and sighed, "I guess, but it just feels like I'm wasting my time doing that, when I could be doing something so much cooler... but, you're right, having some money would be nice." She'd never done any kind of adventuring before running into Lucretia on the mountain that day, so she really wanted to get into the heart of it. Of course, she had no idea how dangerous it could really be, but she still wanted to try. Her arm twinged in pain once more, and as she moved to strike it again, "Stop that," he chided. "If you want to fight a dragon, do it without messing with your shattered arm, yeah?" "The bone's already started to reform, so I can't really call it broken, but it's still hurting, and it's getting on my nerves." She growled low at her arm, cursing it in her mind before letting her other hand sit. "Alright... let's just get going, so I can keep my mind off of it," grumbling at Gideon as she ran to the gate.
  11. LolJoe The people who have been playing this game inside and out are telling you it's going to be that bad. I assume they mean it, and yes, I also know why you need this shop. So, stop arguing a minor aesthetic, and talk about something else.
  12. Hmmhmm, let's hope he can run faster than he did last time, Amera thought to herself as he caught up to her, remembering zooming past him the day before at the fight. "You could be a bit more specific." "Huh? Oh, right, right. There were two posts at the guild, one about some wolves in the woods about a mile out of town, and one of a rather large boar. Which sounds more interesting to you?" she asked, her tone bored and lifeless as she asked. "Honestly, couldn't there be a dragon flying about somewhere? Something more fun than wolves in the forest..." It was appareng that, even still injured, Amera wanted to do something dangerous. Reminsing herself she was injured, her arm twinged in pain, causing a less than favorable reply from the girl, who just smacked it, in hopes that it would make the arm feel better. It did not.
  13. "Yeah, well, when a hyperactive Ormis runs into you and your money flies everywhere, food isn't an option. And I'm not about to screw someone over who might be down on his luck too." "He did? I didn't even know about that. You should ask him to pay you back." She chuckled a bit, not entirely surprised that he'd done it. It sure was an Ormis thing to do. "The church, eh? Yeah, they do give out food to the helpless, but you're not one of them, are you?" she asked, with a smile. Of course she was just joking, but, hey, who didn't like a good joke? "I owe you, so I'm in," he told her, cracking a smile. Smiling now, are we? I guess a way to a man really is his stomach. "Alright, glad to have some assistance." She started walking out of the store, "Nothing mundane, though. I refuse to do paperwork. That fair?" "Sure. We're going to be doing some hunting." A smile slid onto her face, a rather creepy one, as she left the store.
  14. "Thank you," "No problem, you looked like you were going to drop dead." She really had been worried for him, but now, as the life returned to his body, she could only smile. "I'm just glad to have helped out is all. You shoulda asked us about some food before we left yesterday!" She said, condescending on him a bit. How could someone go for four days without eating? I'd have stolen something by then, geez... "Do you want any? I mean, you paid for it..." he noted after swallowing. "And I can't really pay you back right now." Truth be told, Amera was a bit hungry, but she could make it without some food. "Eat, I'll be fine, and we'll be doing some work to get money, right? You don't have to pay me back, just..." She wagged her tail behind her, giving him a coy smile, "... help me out with a few guild requests?"
  15. Uhhhh, Free Sonia's outline isn't cut off at the top.
  16. Feed me Seymour! Ahem. Welcome to the forum, don't be an idiot, etc., etc.
  17. "Is four days without food life-threatening?" "Uh, yeah, it is!" She grabbed his arm, shocked, and started dragging him to the butcher's shop. She had... only 8 coins left? Agh, that's not gonna get him much, she thought as he hand fished into her pockets. Oh well, it'll at least get him something. He looks like he's about ready to keel over, though... She pulled him through the door, the store keeper shocked from Gideon's appearance almost as much as Amera was. "Gimme the best meat that eight gold can buy!" She slammed all of her money onto the counter, and the man looked at her for a moment before look back at the man she was dragging. He took out small ham, and cut off some slices for her, "sorry lady, but this is all eight gold's gonna get'cha." He handed her only five slices, but at least they were thick. "Thanks, better than nothing." Handing them to Gideon, she simply said, "here! Eat!"
  18. "Uh, okay. You can do that, I'm gonna try my luck at the arena." "O-Oh, okay..." And he was off towards the arena, leaving her alone outside the guild. At least the gross man from inside wasn't following her out. She'd rather not have to beat someone's face in this early in the morning. Thinking back, she realized that Carrion never did leave the church with the group. I wonder what's going on with her. Maybe... I should check? She paced her way towards the church, thinking to herself and not paying attention where she was walking. Not until she walked straight into Gideon and stumbled back. "Whoa, s-sorry... Oh, hi Gideo... Uh, are you alright? You look like a zombie." The man looked like he hadn't eaten in a while, and it was pretty worrying to Amera. ----- "Either way, you two need to heal up first. If you think you want to, Carrion, you know where to find me." "Wish... wish I didn't, I really do..." he trailed off, falling back asleep. His mind ran for a bit, damn body, get better already. I can't be out for this long, I really can't, before it shut off along with his body.
  19. Uhhh, no, it needs to be between 15x10 and 35x30 so any size between those.
  20. "He can use a sword, right? I know he's hurt, but he might be able to help." Even as sleep beckoned him back into a rest, he'd dragged himself into a conversation, and he was going to bring himself to talking in it. Propping himself up against the bed, he sighed, coughed, and started. "All you need with a sword is precision. I've never used an axe, but I'm sure they're large enough to swing around madly and still hit things. With a sword, you have to aim." He shook his head, keeping sleep away from him. "You've also gotta be light on your feet, because if you miss, you have to be able to pull yourself back. That's why a sword would be better for you. If you swung an axe and missed, with your frame, I think the axe would drag you along with it, ha ha..." Even when he was hurt like this, he still had to crack a joke at Carrion's size. "That's about it, really. I don't think parrying would be a good idea for you, unless you think you can take the force of a hit..." Agh, body, I know you're tired, but, please, just stay awake for a bit longer, would you?
  21. Amera quickly walked out, not going to deal with any of the men in that guild for a while. "Ugh... I just wanna touch 'em" she mocked, trying to imitate the gross man's voice as best as she could. "I seriously don't get men and their obsession with breasts..." Instead of wallow in her own misery any longer, though, she answered Ormis's question with, "I saw a few hunting jobs. I can handle those." She would prefer those jobs, if she was being honest with herself. She'd gotten used to hunting in this climate.
  22. Just ignore him and keep looking for work... If you ignore him long enough, he'll leave. As the greasy man's hand fell on her shoulder, though, Amera found it difficult to keep ignoring him. The obvious fact that he was staring at her breasts wasn't making it any easier to ignore the urge to break his face. His rant over, his eyes still glowering over the things she sometimes wished she didn't have, she had but one thing to say. "You're sweet, thanks." If the man didn't seem so inebriated to her, then he may have picked up on the seething hate that fell into those words. "Ormis, we're leaving!" her tone authoritative as she made for the door. Before she'd gotten two steps from the terrible man, Ormis had slugged him to the ground. The guild openly laughed and cheered, Amera smiling a little. "Alright, now we can go. And, thanks for that." He's still a kid, but he's cute, she thought absently to herself. "S... So that's why you were so... upset, earlier..." Adrian's groggy, tired, raspy voice broke into their conversation, their rather loud voices having woken him up. "If that's all you're worried about... Well, I don't know if it's my place to say, but I'm not about to change how I feel about you, just because you can't throw around as much fire..." His eyes still closed, he made an attempt to smile from nis cot.
  23. "Hey, you! You, cat-girl-thing! Get over here, I gotta tell ya something!" Amera sighed and ignored Slobbering McFatbeard, instead walking over to the guild's job board. There was nothing special posted, only town watch jobs, maybe hunting a few wild animals. The hunting was better than nothing, at least. Though, she'd still wished there would've been some sort of special job to take, maybe a murderer, a group of marauding bandits, heck, maybe a mythical creature! Alas. It was at this point that she'd finally noticed most of the men in the guild checking her out, which just made her eyes roll. "Take a long look, boys, it's going to be gone soon." Her tail swished as she spoke, making an annoyed motion. The sooner she and Ormis could leave, the better.
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