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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. I am poor at wording. That was meant to convey that I am free 90% of the time, just that I have no schedules :E

  2. I don't really have set times for being free D: and the only way to contact me would be on Skype or here.

  3. That mouth look very creepy (And also way too large), her neck is quite thin (She looks young, but she still has an anime neck, by any standards), and the lighest hair shade is being here used here when it should be darkest shade and second shade for AA
  4. I might actually get something done with this yay?

  6. We are so scrumptious when your grandmother manages to cook you.
  7. "If you're so scared about... whatever happening again, I'll just have to kill whoever might cause it next time." She forced a half smile at him, not sure if he really meant it, but she appreciated the thought. You're still a kid, Ormis. So am I, but... it's not that simple. She sighed, long and loud; felt more like a groan, and fell back against the cot. "Gotta sleeeeeeeeeep" she whined, shoving Ormis off with her feet and stealing the whole thing. "How's your arm?" Oh, yeah, my arm's still broken. "Can you move it yet?" She lifted it lazily, a small tinge of pain moving through it, but she could still move the arm as a whole. Her hand was quite numb, but it felt better than before. "It'll be fine, just gotta let it heal. I refuse to let that priest near me with magic, and I'm not gonna get into why right now." She rolled over, facing the wall, and closed her eyes. "Just gonna sleep it off..." ----- Thanks, Carrion. You'll be alright. The priest came by, after Carrion had walked off, and Adrian felt the same calming sensation flow over his body. He sighed, surprised that he could now, but he was too tired to speak. Carrion collapsed onto another cot, and Adrian decided it was the best plan of action. It wasn't hard for him to fall back asleep, either, so he let it come over him.
  8. Yes, you have to use the custom animation editor and set it up from there. You got TBA's permission, right?
  9. But as long as you're in here, whatever it is you're worried about probably won't come calling," he said evenly. "Just breathe for a second, yeah? Let it pass." Gideon was right. And as she'd calmed down a bit, she realized she had to get a hold of herself. She couldn't keep freaking out like this the entire time, especially if they were to leave eventually. She'd get left behind, and the one thing she didn't want happening would be losing all of these new friends. She took another deep breath, and closed her eyes, just letting her body calm down first. The shaking stopped, but she remained cuddled up to her knees, not sure if she wanted to sit down normally. "Hey, Amera. What was it that you said to me before? Something about, 'if I can go through my life without this huge want for revenge on my mind, you should be able to'? What has happened has happened, and there's nothing you can do to change it. So let bygones be bygones, and just get over whatever it is that happened out there. I can tell you it won't happen again. I'll tell you this outright." She sighed. "I... never should've said that. It's not that easy for me. And while I'm not saying what happened to me was worse than what happened to you, I don't think I can just forget about it... and it's not what happened out there. That... just triggered it." She spoke quietly, but hoped he'd heard her. She felt bad for saying what she did. How could she expect someone to actually get over a huge life problem as quickly as that? And like she was one to talk, this had been haunting her for years. She finally let her legs slip off of the edge of the cot, and sat normally, hoping this episode of hers was over. "Sorry about changing the subject, but you were more lucid during the fight. Did I drop my axe out there? Do you remember?" Back in the land of reality, she now had a question to answer. "Your axe? I think so... You threw it at one of the men coming after me... I think." That was all she could remember from the ordeal, not wanting to press further lest something less than enjoyable popped up in her mind.
  10. Amera was freaking out considerably, and there didn't seem to be any signs of her stopping. Why, why, why?! I don't want to remember him, I just want to live a nice, happy life! She almost jumped as the tall man's hand came near, giving a bit of a twitch, though. "Gideon." His voice sounded calm, to her, and that certainly helped. "And you are...?" She batted his hand away, but cleared her throat to speak. "A-A..." Stupid animal! Leave my sight! "Ame..." Cry, you wretched waste of space! Your tears will do nothing but earn you another lashing! SHUT! UP!! Her mind screamed at the memories. "Amera!" and she yelled her name, calming down, "It's Amera..." She began to pant, coming back into reality, for the time being. ----- Adrian couldn't help but smile and cry, as Carrion made her way over to the cot he was laying on. There were so many things he wanted to say, only able to think them. I'll be alright, It's fine, don't look so sad. Instead he just smiled at her. Watching her lips, he followed her saying 'I'm sorry.' Why didn't I think of doing that? Geez... 'It's alright...' he slowly mouthed at her, 'do not apologize, please... it is not like you.' If he could feel his hands, he'd probably be holding hers. right now. As it stood, though, he still couldn't feel them, at all.
  11. Amera quickly pushed Ormis away from her, not wanting to be touched at all. She'd shoved him with her broken arm, and it stung, but it was already beginning to heal. "Don't... t-touch me, please..." She controlled herself, not screaming as she wanted to. It'd make her feel so much better to let out one, long, loud scream, but she wasn't going to upset everyone else there. She just wanted everything around her to disappear for a bit and let her calm down, but that was something that wouldn't happen. Taking some deep breaths, she stopped shaking, glancing up enough to see the tall man from before eying the two of them. "I... never g-got your name. I-I'm..." You're nothing! You're a slave, and you'll always be one, you filthy, worthless girl! She clutched her head, whimpering a little; gritting her teeth, eyes wide open. Why now?! Why are these memories starting to come back now?! ----- "Wha..." the croaking ragged voice of Adrian escaped from his lips, as an eye opened the survey the room. It was bright; too bright for him to see much other than a few shadowy figures. He couldn't feel his hands. He couldn't feel most of his body, but, he knew he was alive. At least his mind was working. Another shadow approached him, and he felt some sort of magic pass through his body. His sight became instantly clearer, recognizing the priest from before. "Where..." Adrian tried to ask, his voice as raspy as it was before, despite being able to see now. "Do not speak, my son. You've suffered grave injuries, and you must rest." He nodded as best as he could, before scanning around the room. He spotted Amera, and Ormis. Another man was there... he was the knight with Teis? She seemed to be in some sort of distress. He scanned around once more, and finally noticed what he'd been searching for. Carrion! You're... you're alright. Or at least, she seemed to be alive, and sitting on a cot at the other side of the room. He tried to call out for her, his throat not complying, causing a disgruntled gasp to leave, instead. Dammit. Guess I really do need to rest...
  12. Amera followed the group silently, until they reached town. She'd not said a word during the trip back, and had even stopped her abhorrent crying and sniffling. The priest was a welcome sight, even though she was scared of getting herself healed. A magical mishap had happened to her once, resulting in the loss of a lot of blood, and she'd never been one to trust the staff since. She sat on the same cot as Ormis had, bringing her knees up to her chest and burying her face into them. She'd had a lot to think about on the walk back. She'd wondered if Adrian and Carrion would be alright, the name of the tall man who'd saved her. but the question that was digging at her the most... was why she had attacked that mercenary, in such a brutal, relentless fashion. She shook, the image vivid in her mind since it had only just happened. She'd never wanted to become that, to become the person who had beaten her in a similar manner. She was disgusted with herself, and she started to shake, unsure if she could stop herself from crying, lest it happen again.
  13. Except not really, since the body's angled along with the face. Unless this post was at Pariah's mug. In which case yes.
  14. This is why I like you, Strawman, you're so damn creative with your splices.
  15. Actually, the both of us are blind, the collar's coming from inside the armor.
  16. Unless he's playing the armor off as being leather, which could hold that kinda of shape, and with the colors, would be fine.
  17. I don't think you could really class Canadians as a race. I mean, we're all human :< It's more generalization than racism.
  18. Amera followed Teis's lead, not going to ignore him and run off on her own in this condition. ((Why's he mad, bro? Also, I think this calls for a TS, until camp is set up. Oui ou non?))
  19. Amera could feel the welcome tug of Ormis's hand, urging her to stand, as well hear his words, urging her to hold on. She wasn't about to stop crying and suddenly be fine, but she stood, taking half of Adrian's weight onto her okay arm. "L-Let's go." She was still crying. She was still stuttering. But she was going to keep walking. "T-Teis!" she called ahead, "w-why don't we s-set up some..." she paused to sniffle her nose, "camp n-near those woods?" The same woods the other Anri had come out from. It was better than nothing. ((I'M POSTING FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE, ANNIE, BOOOOOOGABOOGABOOGA!!!))
  20. Amera, trembling, did what she needed to do to calm herself down, and that was give the man a small hug. She wasn't completely calm from it, but she wasn't a sobbing mess either. "I-I'll manage," she got out, stringing Adrian over her shoulder. Of course, as luck would have it, Ormis showed up within moments of their walking. She started to tear up again. "Wh-what happened to you?" At which point she began to sob, falling to her knees next to Ormis, and clutching at the shirt poking out from beneath his armor. She wasn't balling her eyes out from sadness, though. She was just to happy to see him alright. She didn't hesitate to let Ormis rake Adrian from her, mumbling through her tears, "m-make sure you... watch his h-hands..." Her attention shifted once again as the tall man fell to his knees. Please don't die. Please...
  21. "You... you're kidding me, right? Heh... heh heh... This..." And yet, Amera held the unconscious girl with her hand, and even though she'd managed a word, she wasn't moving anymore. Amera started crying, having been there the entire time, unable to stop it all from unfolding. And her inability to do anything was making her mad. The only target being the half alive merc that was stumbling towards her. Gideon yelled from behind him, but Amera only saw one thing in her eyes: an outlet for all of her anger and feelings of inadequacy. She jumped at this merc, knocking him down and landing on top of him, bashing his smug face in with her one good hand. Only until his blood started splattering against her own face did she realize she was beating a gooey mush of what used to be a head. Frightened, she turned to Gideon. The man wasn't looking any better, but what could she expect? "W-We -ccan't... can't l-leave them, w-we, c-c-can't!" She stuttered through her crying. She of course meant Adrian and Carrion, and she didn't care how hurt they were, she was determined to take them with her.
  22. "We have to leave," he said softly. "We have to get to safety." His sudden eloquence surprised even him; perhaps bloodletting made one lucid? "If we go back in there, we'll die for sure," he said calmly. "Your arm's still broken, and I'm still losing blood. Don't throw your life away." He'd gotten off her arm, and she didn't care what he said. She could still run, and, broken arm or not, she wasn't going to leave Adrian and Carrion there to just die. "I'm sorry, but I can't! I have to try and help them!" She turned and ran towards them, attracting the attention of some of the half alive mercs. They tried to get up and chase her, but they were in about the same state as Gideon. Adrian was on fire as she reached him, but not entirely. She pulled him off the man, groaning the entire time since she could only use one arm, and almost dropped him, with a gasp. The mage's face was one of terror, like he'd seen a devil of some sort. The flames on Adrian died as soon as he was pulled off of the man, thankfully, but his hands were a burned mess, the skin peeling and some of his bone showing. She laid him down, the boy obviously not going to wake up for a while, and focused her attention on Carrion. "Come on, Carrion, come on! You're supposed to be the Crimson Witch, you can't let some knife stop you!" She shook the girl with her one good arm, noticing one of the mercenaries get up, the one she'd kicked earlier. He stumbled, but he saw her, and he smiled. "Shit... Carrion, please! Wake up!" Hysterical now, either Carrion woke up, or Amera would have to try and fight this man off on her own.
  23. "Oi-- hey-- stop!" This man pulled her along like she'd been pulling him for the moment, but, she wanted to help Carrion and Adrian. She could hear him laughing from across the field, and she needed to help, but this man's grip, as tired as he was, was steadfast and strong. He began to lose it even further, and that only worried her further. "Come on, we seriously need you to-- ah!" He collapsed, pulling her down with him. Her arm got stuck under his body, as it hit the ground. "Agh, dammit! This is not what I need right now!" The mercs seemed to be held up with Ormis, and it seemed like he was fighting someone. "Come on! Please, please, just get up! If you don't get up, we're both going to die here, you know?!" She was hysterical at this point, surprised that none of the mercs had noticed her screams. Yet.
  24. "Don't worry, I'm...had worse." She wasn't buying it, and there would be more mercs upon them within moments. "Listen, buddy, you're bleeding really heavily. We've gotta get you out of here; I don't care how gung ho you are about fighting!" She began to drag him off the battlefield, not getting much resistance since he was completely trippy, and almost out of it. "What about your arm?" This is going to suck, this is going to suck, this is going to... She grabbed her arm, and snapped the out of place bone back to where it should be, a large, intense jolt of pain shooting all the way up her arm. She fell to one knee for a moment, gasping for breath. "All, that's left... is to wait for the broken bone to heal... alright? Let's go." She continued to drag the man with her one good arm, until a curdling scream was heard. Everyone's eyes seemed to dart to where it had came from, and Amera paled. "Carrion... no." ----- Adrian had done his best to keep up with the witch through the mob. He felt like a useless piece of trash the entire time. He'd hide behind her when someone came running, or stay out of their sight to make sure he didn't get targeted. He was like a civilian without a sword. The entire time he'd kept wishing he had some way of doing something. Of course, the one thing he did do was warn Carrion when she got up to the man throwing fire around the place. "Carrion, listen, I really don't think that's the best of ideas!" Of course, she ignored Adrian, and went up to him "You bastards have no idea how much fucking pain and misery you've caused me... But it doesn't matter anymore, because I'm now one step closer to ridding your goddamn face from this world!" "Carrion, come on--" The mage rose up from the ground as is possessed by some greater power. The scream heard by everyone else fell onto deaf ears, as Adrian watched in silence. Time slowed down for him, his eyes widening as the single thing he cared about, now, fell to the ground, lifeless. Everything played by in slow motion, except for the words of the man, which rang in his ears over and over, "You think you're above us, you pathetic witch?! Look at what your arrogance has brought you, and WALLOW IN IT!" No... no. No, no, no, no! "Ha... ha ha..." A certain feeling came over him. He'd felt something similar when fighting against the beasts on the mountain top; something he'd enjoyed whilst he'd felt it. But it was so mixed with sadness, anger, and guilt, that he couldn't quite pick it out. "Ha ha ha ha..." It began to fill up his body, and he started to finally realize what the feeling was. "Haaaa, ha ha ha ha!" It was happiness. Amongst all of the depressing emotions that were floating in his mind, happiness spread through his body. He looked at the man, laughing as he had been the whole time. He didn't say anything, all he did was laugh. He didn't know how, and he didn't truly care, but within moments, he was right next to the man. The man who was still covered in flames, but Adrian didn't feel a thing. His hands were wrapped tightly around this man's throat, and they were burning, but he couldn't stop; it was an impulse he couldn't control. He began to cry in response to the pain, and his own sadness, but he didn't stop laughing. "HA HA HA HA HA!!" The man tried desperately to remove the boy's hands from his neck, going as far as stabbing Adrian with the dagger. Alas, the man's strength was already leaving him, and the dagger barely left a noticeable wound. Whilst Adrian himself wasn't feeling a thing, his body was. His body was feeling the heat, the pain, and it was starting to shut down. He kept choking the man, though; even though he was dead, hands squeezed tightly around his throat. He was enjoying this, but not for long. Adrian's laughing died out soon after, as he blacked out, beginning to be engulfed in the flames still raging on the man's cloak.
  25. The swish of the blade was almost too much for Amera to handle as she literally felt it cutting off hair. She screamed, expecting the blade to cut straight through her neck within seconds. She'd heard a woman scream before hand, wondering what that was about, though... Wait... wait, I'm still thinking... and, my head's still here...? Wha... She quickly glanced up. The tall man from before had saved her, in the nick of time, it seemed. She then glanced behind her, the woman from the inn standing a few feet away from a nearby wood. A small group of men had broken off from the main mercenaries to attack her. Amera would have to thank them both, but for now, she had to get a grip. If she let herself get into a situation like this again, the man who saved might not be able to do it twice. "I... I'm fine. Thanks, really. You... saved my life." She spoke as she stood, making sure there were no other mercs close by. They luckily seemed preoccupied with the rest of their group, if only for the moment. She then noticed the blood beginning to poor out of his head. "Never mind me, what about you?! Your head's bleeding!"
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