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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. It's a character that Vincent got someone to draw a year or so ago for an April Fools joke where he faked an FE game. She, and another character, were made as fake protagonists. Ta-da.
  2. He is pilloooooowed. And kinda fat.
  3. Hey that's not a fair fight unless you didn't intend it to be as such uh uh uh uh uh Amuro/Char |D
  4. Adrian "You're right, you're right. Just, try to worry a little bit less, alright? I can't expect you to not worry at all, but maybe I can get you to stop thinking about it as much." She stooped herself from going on, and he just smiled. "Yeah, best wait until we have somewhere we can yell without freaking anyone else out, ha ha ha!" He joked, pushing her on her temper, knowing it'd spark some sort of reaction. Walking into the inn, he swore he could see Amera and Gideon arriving outside, and Amera was... Nooooo, it can't be them. There's no way he'd let her ride on his back. The inn was full and noisy, so he auickly pulled Carrion up to their room. Sitting himself down onto the bed, he cleared his throat and sighed, "alright... So, is there any specific reason you can think of as to why it freaks you out so much when someone gets close to you? Don't tell me it's just you feeling vulnerable, you acted the same back on the mountain." Amera "I don't think I'm beating myself up over it: I know what happened isn't my fault, so you don't have to worry about that. And... thanks for understanding." That brought her smile back, and made her almost want to tell him, though she was still unsure of how to do so, or even if she truly wanted to. She slid off his back, yawning a little bit. "I guess sleeping in the woods was more draining than I'd previously thought..." "You don't want your mule to starve, do ya?" "Maybe I do. Then my mule won't make me say 'please' when I ask for a ride~" She threw on the silliest tone she could muster when she said please. He was right, though, and she was hungry as well, so in they went. The inn was loud, full, and annoying to her ears. They folded back as she walked in, extremely bothered by all the noise. Nevertheless, she sat down at a small table-for-two in the corner, and slouched onto it. At least no one gave me a weird look when I walked in. Maybe this place'll be better than that awful guild. "Come on, Giddy, go order us something." She held out the money bag for him to take, wanting to sit there and try to phase out the noise of the inn.
  5. Did no one really read the bill? All it's doing is editing an already existing law. It's changing this law, to make it so that people can not, legally, stream or make videos about games that haven't been released yet, and make more than $2500 doing such. It's also making is so that artists can not do fan art, and make more than $2500 doing such. That's all it's doing. People need to lrn2read and calm down some.
  6. "You aren't," "Really? That's good." "You aren't moving, either." "I'm no--? Whoa!" He started walking, and she clung to him, making sure to hold on. Well, that was a bit abrupt. Maybe he actually is enjoying me being silly? "I'll carry you until we get to the inn, but you're not getting a ride inside, you hear me? I just got us enough money to eat three boars' worth and then some." "Ha ha, awesome! I wasn't expecting more than the inn, either way. And yes, you did! I just hope the inn has some nice food. Or we could try and find a quaint little restaurant, or something." She giggled down at him as he looked up. "Make sure you watch the road, there. You fall, and so do I." As much as she was enjoying the ride, his next question was something that she didn't enjoy. At all. "Question. What was it about that fatass that bugged you? I mean, he was a lecher, but he was racist too, so which part got to you?" She frowned a bit, wondering if she could bring herself to tell him. "I-I... th-that is..." You're stuttering, girl. Calm yourself, he's just being friendly, nothing more. "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. It's probably not something you'd care to remember. I'm just curious is all." "I don't... really know if I can talk about that with you... at least not yet. It's a pretty... personal reason." She lost the frown, but didn't put her smile back on. "I'll think about it, let's just eat something first-- Ow! Agh, and get me to some damn healer. Stupid bones..."
  7. It's not a hack, it's a game made with RPG Maker X.
  8. Amera "I'm not your slave," he said snarkily. "Ask nicely, and I might." She spoke with an indignant tone, sighing, "well, you're not fun! Fiiiine. Please carry me, slave?" She giggled again at her own joke, just having way too much fun with this. She was hoping Gideon would be having fun with it as well, though she wasn't the best at reading people, and couldn't tell if he was or not. "Ya know... if I'm annoying you, like, if I really am, I can just walk myself." She was beginning to like him, and pissing him off was not on her list of things to do. She let her head rest on top of his while she waited for an answer. Adrian He'd begun walking with Carrion, thinking to himself of what to say, before she started, "So... I'll bet you're... confused with me, aren't you? Honestly, I'm not trying to be. I just... I dunno." "A little bit, yeah. I'm not mad, if you think I am, just wondering what's going on in that head of yours... but, hey, we can talk about this at the inn, right? Relax, don't worry too much about it." He didn't know what else to say. Being angry wasn't on his mind, as much as seriously figuring her out; figuring out why she got so scared when someone made an advance on her like that. It has to be more than her being unable to use her magic, because she could use it back at the mountain, and she freaked out all the same... it has to have been something.
  9. A bag of gold almost hit her head, but she put a hand up to catch it, stumbling over a bit. Geez, thanks for the warning. "You paid for me the other day, so you pick. Food first or new toys?" "Food! I don't need any toys, I've got my hands." Carrie ran past them, and she wondered what was wrong, but she could ask later. "But, hey... I still have to get back at you!" She gave him that smile; he knew which smile, and she ran up behind him, climbing onto his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she giggled. "Carry me, slave! Ha ha ha!" She wasn't being serious, but she wouldn't mind a ride, and she did have to get back at him somehow. "So, come on, let's go! Heehee!" She couldn't stop her giggles, and she knew he'd be upset, but that would only make it more entertaining.
  10. Strawman, are you kidding me? Jesus, the things you come up with...
  11. Adrian "My name is Adano Havel." He responded. "I hope she is happy to see me, I'm pretty sure she doesn't know anything about me." "Well, I didn't speak with her for long, but she seems like a nice girl. Just go and talk with her after her match. I'm pretty sure anyone would be happy to know their father is alive!" I know I would... "... I think I'm done for the day, here." The current match had finished, so Adrian stood and took Carrion's hand. She seemed to want to leave as well. "Well, that was a great match, but we're going to go. Some things we've got to discuss. Aurelio, we'll see you back at the inn, alright?" He knew they would, as he started walking, keeping Carrion in tow. Amera "Just give him the damn money, just give him the money!" "Ha ha ha... Aha ha ha ha!" Amera was openly laughing at the man, now, unable to keep serious when the situation had turned so much. "Wow, you lot are paaaaaathetic! Giddy, I'll be outside. We've gotten our money, let's just go." She smirked at the convulsing mess of fat on the foor, before brushing past someone who had just frozen a man's legs. "Stay frosty, pal." She continued out and leaned against the walls outside, feeling a lot better, now.
  12. "I'm enjoying the matches so far. I'm mostly here to watch Lucretia fight." He paused. "I discovered recently that she's my daughter." "Whoa, really? You're her dad? That's awesome! I heard the announcer mention she was from Miyako, and those girls rarely ever meet their fathers... I'm sure she'll be really happy." A rather insightful moment from Adrian, as this man spoke. "Oh, sorry. I'm Adrian, and you?" He'd forgotten to actually introduce himself. Glancing down at the battle, it looked like it was almost finished, and that Teis was about to win. Well, I guess we can ask him for some of his winnings. He seemed like he wanted to help us before...
  13. Amera was breathing heavy, smiling. "Fuck, I've been wanting to do that for a while now. You have no idea, you just have no idea." Her adrenaline had started to kick in, and she seriously wanted to smash some heads. "If these guys charge us, Iggy and I can hold them off while you work out your stress," he told her quietly, grinning widely. "You didn't think I'd deprive you, did I?" "You! You... You're terrible, you know that? I almost thought you were going to!" She was smiling, but she was obviously annoyed that he had waited this long to let her have some fun. "I'll get back at you later for this, you know that? I will. I really, really will." What getting back at him entailed, she wasn't sure of, but she would... somehow.
  14. "And if you lose, we get to keep her. Wanna do this, punk? Huh?" "Fuck off!" She blurted out, pissed that she was being treated like some kind of trophy. Like hell I'd let these idiots take me as a 'prize', even if Gideon went through with this... I really hope he doesn't. 'I owe you this.' She'd barely noticed Carrie after she'd been slapped, wondering why she was acting so nice to this putrid blob. She wondered this until Carrie kneed the man in his jewels. Amera smiled, and covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Ignatius had walked back in at about the same time, so she could barely contain her laughter. The man was shaking, clutching his crotch now. Amera grabbed his hair and pulled his face up to meet hers, "Awwwww, look at that, where's all that big talk from before gone, eh? Just a little wimpy man hiding behind his friends, aren't you? Yeah? Well fuck you!" She let his head go, and kicked him in the stomach, his body proceeding to fall to the floor. "Treat me like some prize will ya, I don't think so..."
  15. I like the face. Your faces are kinda interesting.
  16. Amera "Follow my lead," he whispered to Amera, letting her go. "Oddly cocky of you to be calling the shots when I'm with two pissed Anri just begging for a reason to shred you," A small growl was all he got in response as she tore her arm away from him, letting it settle down against her side. Her fists were shaking, she was so mad, but if Gideon wanted to talk, he could talk. Far be it from me to stop him from talking, while I let this pungent fat carcass keep living! Far be it from me to jump this man and tear his face off!! FAR BE IT FROM ME TO... calm down, girl, calm down. Control yourself, you're better than this... She let Gideon finish, not saying anything, and simply looking down at the floor. "Just... pay us and we'll l-leave..." She finally spoke, after Gideon had mentioned Ignatius. He's right, if we can avoid a fight, we will. She prayed that the fat man didn't say anything, because she didn't know how long she could keep her anger in check. Adrian "Um... yeah, sure." Whoa, she agreed? Uhh... "Th-thanks, Carrion..." He was honestly surprised that she'd agreed to wait. He figured she'd want to embarrass him some more by bringing it up in front of Aurelio, Ormis, and this other girl. He was thankful, either way. And, as the fight went on, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at her. She seemed... restless, like there was something gnawing at her. Well, obviously something is, I mean, what with what's happened, of course something's bound to be bothering her. I just... don't know what it is, this time. I'll take her back to the inn after this match.
  17. Don't mix FE colors. You've got some FE8 outline on your mostly FE7 mug (the second one) And his neck is mucho long.
  18. She let her arm go, ready to watch his fat ass fly across the room, only to feel a firm grip on it. She quickly turned her head, seeing Gideon holding her wrist. "Take it easy," he said evenly. "We're not here to pick a fight." She growled, glaring at him, now, as if he was the one who'd said all of those degrading things. "You listen here, Gideon, let me go. Let me go, right now, and let me take this shit stain apart...!" She was furious, and her anger had to go somewhere. If Gideon didn't let her go, then her anger was going straight to him. Of course, she'd tried to escape from his grasp, but she was too tired to pull her arm free. She struggled some more, but it was no use. "Gideon, let me go! Fucking let me go!" She was yelling now, trying to turn and get him with her other fist, but at the angle he'd grabbed her at, it was pretty hard to turn and get a good punch.
  19. "Nothing extreme? That's not how you do this, Adrian... And here I thought you were going to man up a bit!" She was seriously confusing him, now. She'd had a small panic attack when he had tried something 'extreme' and now she wanted him to do something extreme? "Uh... Carrion, maybe we can talk about that later, alright? I'll drop it, for now..." He wanted to get this straightened out, and in front of these three others was not the best place to be doing it.
  20. Amera The man slapped Carrie, and she clenched her fist. Stop, Amera. Stop. Getting into a fight with him is what he wants. "And as for you, you may punch my face in, but do you really believe you can take on all of us here? By yourself?" Yeah, I could kick all of your asses. Just let me fuckin' try... "...And since when was it your money, you fucking slut? Last I checked, it's our money, and we can give it out to whoever we want!" I'm going to kill you... I swear, I'm going to kill you. She was beginning to clench her fist hard enough for her nails to pierce her skin. "...Now, since you're such a pretty girl, we'll pay you half, and if you do something very special for me, you can get the other half... whaddaya say, sugar?" "What... what do I say? What do I say?! I say shut the fuck up, you gross, corpulent, fat man! Shut up before I break you!" She raised her fist to drive it into his face, ready to fight against all of them. Adrian "Hey, anything for you, man. But seriously, that thing ((referring to Arcen's sword)) is made out of lead or something!" "Yeah, anything for me. And, seriously? It looked big, yeah, but it couldn't've been that heavy, could it?" Carrion complained a bit about the bet "...I just wish you could've lasted a bit longer and won though... But that's besides the point." "What's wrong, having second thoughts about that bet? Don't worry, I won't make you do anything too extreme..." He smiled at her, trying his best to tease her back.
  21. Neck shading, hair shading, 'fur' shading. Get to referencing because they're all off :3
  22. Someone suddenly sat down next to Adrian, "Hey, what's up? Enjoying the fights?", and he recognized the voice immediately. "Ahh! Ormis, hi, how're you?" Adrian had been sort of spooked by how quickly Ormis had appeared, as if on cue to the subject. "Yeah, the fights are good. Thanks for losing so quickly last round, though. Now Carrion owes me a favor, ha ha." He lightly pushed Ormis's shoulder as he spoke, joking around with the kid. "But, really, you did great. Nice fighting out there."
  23. Amera 'So where are you from? You're the actual Huntress out of the two of us.' "Heh, just a small village inside Shuthra. A part of the country where my kind are actually respected." She was a little annoyed at the man behind the counter, calling Ignatius out for being an Anri. It sickened her. She was about to yell her head at the counter-man, when a better target walked up to her. "So you came back! I hope I didn't offend you there, but we have to keep up appearances here! Anri are despicable, except for the women, like you. It's a shame that some people aren't as generous as us, though. This world is just full of disgusting people who would hate on such beauteous creatures like you!" "If you don't stop talking, I swear..." before she even could, Carrie surprisingly interjected. ‘Excuse me. We were talking, as you may have noticed. We don’t need a pig faced, rotten looking fruit that’s fallen so far from the tree they don’t remember what leaves are, talking to us.’ ‘My father fixes watches you know. He knows when a watch has an inner working that’s broken or faulty. You remind me of those broken timepieces. Faulty. An inner mess. You’re head.’ She finishes, heart beating so fast she can barely keep the fear down ‘your head must be filled with the most crappy thoughts. How I pity you.’ Looks like I won't even have to say anything. She smiled and got up, stretching. "Listen, wide load, I don't want anything to do with you and your 'kindness'. Kindly fuck. Off. Before I have to break your face. And don't think I won't do it..." She'd deal with the problems that getting into a fight would cause, if fatty started one. She took Carrie's hand, and walked over to Gideon at the counter. "Listen, buddy. We killed your stupid boar, so give us our fuckin' money." She was in no mood to deal with these people. At least, not anymore. Adrian "So you like girls like that, huh? Duly noted!" "What?! No, I-- well I do, but-- I mean!" And he was flustered again. So easily flustered by her. His face was read, and he was looking down at his feet once more. Shouldn't have been looking at her, Adrian. Shouldn't have been looking at all. "Honestly though, I'm really not wanting to explain everything yet a-fucking-gain, sooo... if you really want to know, ask my boyfriend here." "L-Let's wait until we get back to the inn, alright? I'd rather not sit here and explain the whole deal amongst so many people. You can wait, right?" He was a bit worried that Aurelio wanted to know because he wanted to finish what he'd started at the mountain, even though Adrian had no idea of his intent. If they were at the inn, at least there wouldn't be a huge commotion if something did happen.
  24. The awkward girl had sat with her-- well, Amera didn't know if she was awkward, she just seemed really shy. 'I'm still waiting for the day I find an all female guild... so much of the world to explore..' "Wouldn't that be nice? We wouldn't have to sit around while all these pigs of men stared at us..." She glanced around as she spoke, getting grins and eyes from many of the men at the guild. There were, unsurprisingly, no women there except the two. She still wasn't seeing the neckbeard, which was good. "So, Carrie, ever thought about learning to fight, and being a hunter, or something? Just trying to find a bit more out about you."
  25. "Ha, no wonder you're so obedient." "With a girl like her? Who am I to complain? If she wants me to listen, why not?" He leaned back in his chair some. "I can give you a couple of battle tips later if you like. It's not like I'm some sort of sword master, but I can certainly hold my own with one." "I wouldn't mind that, actually. I'm only self taught with a sword, and I don't really know much other than the basics. And speaking of girls..." He looked past Aurelio to the girl sitting beside him. "You've got yourself a pretty nice girl, yourself. Seems like you won't have to try and win Carrion away from me."
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