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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. I love your coloring, Roy o ~ o So fun and bright. Like the second leopard better, myself.
  2. Two 5 because lol NPCs animal ear sprites total.
  3. Totally. Only cool dudes don't use Royal Laguz.
  4. yeah, he got all that. His Res may have been a point or two below it, actually.
  5. OH HELLO YOU. You made Marc rage, and I enjoyed the hell out of it :3 Welcome~
  6. Too lazy to plug in the already plugged in GC controller ` ~ `
  7. Fuck yeah, max strength Eddie, A support Nolan, Blood Tide x2, and Vague Katti. He's about to own face harder than any Trublade has ever owned face probably not, but, he's awesome, so who cares? :3
  8. Oh yeeaahhhh, you people have that... SB, why are you better at Mao's character than Mao is? Jesus, it's frightening.
  9. ...Guys? Someone wanna throw me a bone, here? o ~ o
  10. Well... Yeah, his body's not big enough still o ~ o It's the neck and the visable shoulder. They're too small in comparison to his very large head.
  11. Remaking old sprites, weeeeeee. Old one is on the right (Obviously) and new WIP is on the left. Awsm.
  12. Man, this critic is so helpful! Seriously. Anyways, the head is big, the body isn't. The body doesn't have to be THAT much larger, but, Dieck sized as least would be good.
  13. Now, I kinda need Roy and you to post, SB xD Or Cam. Cam works too. Or Oscar. I mean, it would suck for him to get left behind at dat shack.
  14. Yeah. You've missed the outline on a few pixels, but, I'm sure you'll fix that.
  15. Huh. Wait until someone who knows what they're doing comes along, then. And, no, I think it makes the portrait look unfinished and completely out of place :/ Some games don't use outlines on their characters' portraits, FE does, and using FE style whilst going against FE norms just looks... way too off and wrong. If you want to make the portrait feel lighter, try to minimize use of the outline color inside the mug, not on the actual mug itself. It just makes it look bad the way you've done it, sorry.
  16. Well, if you'd noticed, you're missing the outline on... pretty much the entire sprite, and that really doesn't look good on a Fire Emblem mug :/ Her chin's elongated, and her neck is too long. And if nothing's going wrong, then... maybe try again? Maybe you made a mistake along the way without noticing.
  17. You should get a better mug, the quality is obviously killing this. Lalum!Karel!Eleanora needs a revamp. Are you sure that Windhex is the only program you have open during the expansion? Nothing else is open with your ROM when inserting into FEditor? I've never had problems with an expanded ROM, so, dunno what's doing this o 3o It's totally the mug quality
  18. Fix'd Also, hi, Imposter!Cam.
  19. Posted my character there, I'll bother Oscar about doing so as well, tomorrow.
  20. Adrian started breathing heavily, his new body's stamina finally starting to give out on him, but he luckily had come across the encampment, or at least he thought, of the soldiers that had taken Susan and the knight. "Alright... Time to wait for Ormis to show up... At least, IF he shows up." His worry for Ormis had come back, since he didn't know the outcome of Ormis's fight against that woman. The sun was up, and the soldiers would soon be up as well. If Ormis was going to show up, now would be the time. Adrian began to relax against a tree, waiting for Ormis, when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. The silhouette shot to what appeared to be the largest building in the camp, and he couldn't make out who it was before they got to the door. Do I wait, or do I follow that person? There's always the chance that it's Susan or the knight, but... that chance is slim. He was standing now, hiding himself behind the tree. There was no more movement amidst the camp, and Adrian was getting impatient. I know this is a stupid idea, but hey, let's do it. He slowly moved his way into the camp, making sure to move in the shadows, or hide behind anything he could, as he headed for the building he'd seen the figure head for.
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