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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Adrian, fed up will all this nonsense, tossed his sword over at the group, making sure not to actually hit one of the soldiers with it. "There!" he shouted, before whispering, "I just want to rest..." as he leaned back against the tree. He glanced over at Susan, hoping she'd be able to heal him before these soldiers stripped her of her book and weapons. Ahh well. Nothing I can do about it, I suppose. He heard Ormis's roar, and quickly yelled out "Ormis, don't be stupid! We all know you can't take them all; don't kill yourself over something like this!" Enough fighting already.
  2. Adrian had been in too much pain to notice the end of the battle with the witch. After everything had quieted down, the pain in his foot had gone away, as well as almost every other sensation. He could feel a slight twinge every time he tried to move it, and it was still completely intact. He didn't dare try to stand on it, though. "I hope Susan can fix this..." He said to himself, the tears freezing in the cold. He turned his head back towards the charred clearing when he heard a new, gruff voice. A group of soldier had appeared from within the trees, and they didn't look friendly. "Oh, great. Why couldn't it have just been bandits? Why all this?" He spoke to himself, unaware that everyone else could hear him.
  3. Female bodies should be, at least, 60 pixels wide, unless they're, like, 13, or something. And then, they should be at least 50, and look a lot younger than the face on yours.
  4. Yay, hurting myself because I highly doubt Adrian could have gotten behind Susan's wall without crashing through it XD Also, are we making a chat for this RP? o: Or are we just gonna ask a mod to move this topic?
  5. Adrian watched the fight, steeling himself a chance to jump in, though, it didn't look like he was going to get one. Between the emerald knight and Susan, the fight seemed under control. Adrian kept himself close to the emerald guy, ready to attack along with him, if the need arose. Of course, when a dozen fireballs spawned out of thin air, he ran for the nearest tree, diving behind it as a fireball flew past. He wasn't fast enough and it caught his foot, causing him to yelp in pain as it scorched through his shoe, charing his foot. He went to grab it, but knew that would probably hurt it more, so he just shot it into some nearby snow, crying as pain shot through his body. He cursed under his breath, thinking to himself the entire time I want to go home, I want to see my family! The pain in his foot wasn't going to go away anytime soon.
  6. Adrian was shaking all over, his legs buckling under him as he fell onto his backside, sword barely in his hand. He couldn't even fathom what she had done to whoever she'd killed to cause that much blood to come out, but it was certain they weren't alive anymore. Ormis noted his fear, stepping up to the witch. Adrian cringed. Come on, body, move! You're just gonna sit here and cower like a small child?! "Plus, even if I were to die, I'll just come back like last time, and I'll wipe out any family and children you have." He shook his head, grabbing the hilt of his sword tightly in his hand. That's right... I have a family to save, and if I freak out during one of my first real battles, how will I be able to do that?! He pulled himself back up, legs still shaking a bit, but he could deal. Before he could say anything, though, the emerald knight lunged at the witch, Adrian's mouth agape at this feat.
  7. Pretty sure he means the head, Lumes, which IS too small. The head, from the top of the hair (not counting the ponytail thingy in the back that's holding up some hair, since, you wouldn't count the ponytail in Lyn's sprite, either.) is only 45, when it should be at least 48, and the face is really not wide enough. The armor is wide enough, at 87.
  8. Adrian was glad that Ormis and Susan were here. He never did like being alone. Noticing the girl start to limp off, he chuckled "Come on, you're seriously going to try and walk away with your ankle like that?" He kept chuckling to himself until she made her comment about 'Lunch'. "L-Lunch?" Ormis mentioned a deer, which Adrian agreed with "Y-Yeah, it had to be a deer, or something." But that's absurd, Not even killing a deer would have covered her in that much blood, unless she crawled into its carcass. And then Scarlet started talking. The more she went on, the more Adrian started to realize what she'd done. His eyes were wide in horror now, his face beginning to pale, as he backed away from her, drawing his sword. "Y-You're a monster!" He was scared. Scared for his life, and if his legs weren't shaking, refusing to move, he'd be running.
  9. Still a bit shocked by all of the blood, he was brought back to the real world when Scarlet started talking. "Some idiot, huh? I doubt that." He stated, sending the same glance that Scarlet had given him back at her. "And I-I'm not scared. It's just blood. I want to know who it belonged to." Yeah, good lie there, Adrian. She'll totally believe that. "I didn't hear you say that, no." He took offense to her insult though. "Yeah, well, I'm not stupid enough to work with someone who twists their ankle at the smallest of falls." He'd noticed her limping, and was actually surprised that she'd twisted it, though, he really didn't know how she did. Susan and Ormis were rather obvious, at this point. He probably wouldn't have noticed them if Susan hadn't knocked into Ormis. He sighed, wondering if they'd ever be good at keeping hidden, even though he wasn't that good himself. "Guys, you can come out. We all know you're there." He'd rather have two people he trusted out here with him, rather than two he didn't. Maybe they could help if he got attacked by these two. "So, how'd you get covered in all that blood? Get to close to Greg while he was massacring all the bandits?" he joked, trying to bring the smallest bit of levity to this situation.
  10. *dances* Glorious, Dan :D Great Knight Trent shall rock the world! Now, can we use the one Eric is making with the 3 extra colors so that I can have epic awesome black armor on my blue?
  11. Voting for Josh (LordGlenn). Gonna ask if I can use that icon, in fact XD
  12. Yes we do! Dan just tested it; works perfectly. LolLumes Eric did, of course ;3 I'm sure he'd have no problem with you using it.
  13. Ninja'd ' x' Or would that be Nightmared? Nope, that would be Tangerined On topic, we have a working GK animation now. Yay~
  14. "Tch..." Adrian grunted, getting backlashed by this guy. You don't need this? I'm just trying to help someone from my group! "Yeah, I know her. We're in the same merc group. We were sent out to deal with the bandits in the area." Wait a sec, why would she run from us? Adrian started thinking this over, sheathing his sword as he did. She's covered in blood, and if she's wounded, wouldn't she have come to see Susan, if she'd seen us? Adrian glanced over his shoulder, seeing her covered in blood, but without any obvious cuts or gashes. He backed away from her, quickly, a little shocked. "Well... If it's not her blood, whos blood is it?" This is what I get for jumping into things without thinking. He kept his hand on his sword, not very trusting of either of the two right now. "You're right, shouldn't have assumed..." he said, speaking his mind, a little dazed at the situation.
  15. The snow had stopped; the forest becoming deadly silent. Ormis and Adrian stood, ready to jump at anything that popped out, expecting bandits. Nothing was moving though, and that was the most disturbing part. "I... don't think the bandits made that noise, Ormis" Adrian said, after they had waited a few moments. "Listen, we should keep walk--" he began, before he noticed a shadow jump from behind a tree. He quickly turned toward it, drawing his sword. "I'm sure that I saw... Never mind, it's nothing." No, there was something there. I'm sure of it. As soon as he had begun to put away his sword, the shadow moved once again, losing itself among the trees. "I knew it!" He shouted, running towards where he had seen it last. Dammit! We were just supposed to be dealing with bandits, and this is no bandit. Not like any bandits I've seen, at least! He lost whatever he was chasing into the thick of the woods, cursing under his breath. He noticed blood scattered all across the snow, though, and a large amount of it seemed to have been where the shadow was last. A small crash in the distance perked his interest, though, as he smiled. "I've got you now.." he said under his breath, running off towards the noise. He came upon Scarlet and a man in green. The two of them seemed to be having an exchange... and she was covered in blood. Is she hurt? If she is, I've got to help. Letting his naivety get the best of him, he leaped between the two of them, sword drawn. "Who are you?" He asked to the emerald knight, "and what did you do to her?" He, of course, didn't look back at her to see that it wasn't her blood, or at least that she wasn't bleeding. He was too impulsive to have accurately assessed the situation.
  16. So, the blue haired girl has no head. Or, at least, it's caved in. Right here. Just give her more hair, and make it curve down, like on Igrene, or Isadora. The red haired guy's head's also a little caved in, on the left OPV, in pretty much the same area. It's just not as drastic as the girl's.
  17. The group continued to walk, making their way through the trees. The snow was beginning to let up, and that was a welcome thing for the uncloaked Adrian. He held himself a bit, trying to warm up. "So, does anyone know where we--" he began, getting cut off by a loud bang, which startled him, knocking him backwards into the snow "D-Did you all hear that!?" He asked, alive with fright. He was certain that everyone else had heard that; how could they not have? He got back up onto his feet, still shaking a little bit. That was LOUD. By the gods, what could have made such a sound?! He shook his head, no longer cold as his adrenaline began pumping. His hand was already on his sword as he looked around through the trees. "Ormis, Susan, do either of you have any idea where that came from?" His voice was serious now. I doubt bandits could have done something like that. ((inb4Kanamitellsmethebangwasn'tthatloud))
  18. Well, I'm just waiting for Roymbrog to post :< I mean, I could post, but I'd feel like I was posting too much, so, nyeh. @Roymbrog, why not have us run into Kanami's girl? Have yours show off her healin' skills.
  19. Not much happened indeed, Cam I'm waiting for Roymbrog to post, personally I just had Ormis follow along o 3o
  20. D'you want some help getting the body down, then? o 3o I could throw a neon at you.
  21. Dat maaaaaaaaap, oh my goooooooooooood. It's too sexy @__@
  22. When are we getting a body for this head? D: Anywho, the hair looks gorgeous. The shading on it is seriously awesome.
  23. It's alright XD IRL is more important than some internet RP, of course :3 And, where has Zsword been? I mean, for reals :E I've been waiting for him to post for a while, now. The birdy probably flew away ~( ' 3')~
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