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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Uhh... Wot? Selphina?

  2. Ror. It is not a question of being able to fit into such a small spot. It is a matter of wondering if you can FIT ME into such a small spot :D It does. Aeorys's is too tall
  3. Iunno if Ken wants me posting other people's art in his gallery, buuuuuuuuuut since you asked... :D
  4. Persona 3~ I really like all these Persona sigs you're making :3
  5. Hot damn, that map is gorgeous. Nice work, Feaw.
  6. That's a DoF compilation? Why am I not invited? D: This is the second best superhero Tormod I have ever seen. That's right. There's another.
  7. Jenn's eyes are too low, and her neck is thin. Some of her bangs seem to have been cut off, as well. And I see no reason for why you would have to keep the front of the hair for Jenn the same, or ever the ponytail. You could change around both. If you want it to match the animation, all you'd need is a ponytail, not necessarily Lyn's.
  8. Ahaha, thanks XD A lot of things in spriting are simpler than people think, it just takes an example, or some practice, to see them.
  9. The shading in this general area for the second one: looks pretty funky under his chin (on his neck) and on the trim. Otherwise, yay, pretty good splices~ Nice and clean, even if they are a little simple, but clean is what you should be going for. You can make them more advanced later, if you want :3 Now, the thing that needs addressing on these are your frames, both for blinking and mouths. They both look blegh. And your half closed blinking frames look pretty meh. I have a tut for blinking frames: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m6FQn7cyjc and you can use this if want to fix up those frames. As for mouths, I just suggest you use the original mouth frames. But, hey, you're improving :P Be proud of that, at least.
  10. I STAND ABOVE YOU ALL-- *shot* :3
  11. I've never seen someone beg for someone who isn't good to join an RP ;3 But, I won't argue that I'm good. That's subjective :P
  12. Wow, I agree with Celice. This is madness :E butyeah, Fitz, do whatever you want with the mugs. Practice some more, lift some, splice moar; whatever works best for yah :F
  13. I don't RP much :U I should. Mao thinks I'm good at it :V Dunno if that qualifies me. *gets shot by Phee for posting in the chat topic of an RP he isn't in* ilu2
  14. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, WOMAN? All the drama surrounding this RP is a blast. OF COURSE it's fun.
  15. I've been trying all night! D: I'm not as good as Dei, anyway
  16. I know. Hopefully Dei here (I SEE YOU READING THE TOPIC) can give him a nice CnC to fix it Scarily, you say?
  17. It's totally how masculine the face is, isn't it? Oh well, Dan's been wrestling with that all night XD There's a shota Roxas sprite?
  18. It's a splice. He explained it in his gallery, asking if he should enter it. MK, I think you should explain how it's a splice, otherwise people will QQ about how much better it is about how they can't recognize it. @iavasechui: If you're seriously confused about that, you should have been here when Waqwaq and Vamp participated. They would have blown your mind.
  19. Noki? She's female, lol. I don't put cleavage on traps.

  20. I'd say to go ahead and enter it. Shading is one of the things that is allowed in splicing comps, so... Yeah.
  21. And you really shouldn't do this, because if your map is larger than the one you're overwriting, then it could run over the size limit, and overwrite other maps/events/game data. Importing into empty space is always the best idea.
  22. Just because I have tons of boobs in this gallery, doesn't mean I know how V-cut shirts are supposed to work :P which I obviously didn't And you're right, it wasn't perfect :E A lot of the shading near the cleavage was kinda chunky though the idea was right, so I used that And it was tiny. I was referencing sad!lyn, and the outline started at her size, but it shrunk somehow. Oh well. Oh btw I listened to what you said and fixed it :F EDIT: OH! And PW gags are always fun, you spoil sport you >:U
  23. Don't use that much of the outline color to outline trim. It makes it look thick, too dark, and blocky. using the 5th skin shade is fine for outlining trim when it's against a color like on William's clothing. I don't know what gave you the idea to use the outline color like that, but it's a bad idea, and I think you should change it back :E The shading that was prevalent on the shirt before was also better than what you've changed it too :<
  24. Bro, you ruined the shading on Davan's cloak. Put it back D: Custom colors is also not a good idea for someone of your level, since they look a bit meh :E I'd suggest sticking to FE8's colors for a while.
  25. Alllllright 1st one: -She has no neck. It's extremely thin, and should be 1-2 pixels wider than it is. -Her body is also a bit small, even though she's only 15 (Since you said one age older than FE7 Nino). -The shading on ALL of the custom parts is extremely chunky, and a little bit pillowed. All I can suggest to fix that is to reference (closly) how shading and shaping works for actual GBA sprites, probably from FE7. -Last thing, is that she looks much older than just the one year it would have been, as you stated. 2nd one: -The only REAL problems with this are the shading on the neck near the bottom of the neck, and the fact that you're using the FE8 outline on FE7 colors XD It's generally not a good idea to use both FE6/7/8 colors on one sprite Of course, this could be argued, but, for starting out in spriting, it's generally not a good idea 3rd one: -His body is quite tiny. For the size of his neck and head, his body need to extend out to the right (OPV) a bit more. -The custom shading on the top of his hair, and on his neck is done quite incorrectly. The hair: Right here, where the root should be, is completely the second shade, and it also quite flat there. Reference some other sprites with the same facial angle, or stick the rest of Euban's hair back on. -The neck has quite a bit of pillow shading on it. Pillow shading is when you shade as if the lightsource is sitting right between you and the part of the sprite you're shading if you didn't know. Reference some necks of similar size~ And there you go. Happy fixings.
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