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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Lolcam, that shitty sprite? XD Wow
  2. Name: Adrian Gender: Male, 18 Class: Fighter Affinity: Fire Weapon: Al'Math's Short Sword : A regal short sword that has been in his family for 3 generations, and what he used to train himself. It is made of the toughest steel, and has been reforged with iron near the base of the blade. Ladle : No chef is complete without his ladle, for mixing and serving soup. It's also handy for smashing into peoples' faces, when he can't get to his sword. Stats: N/A Personality: He's brash, funny, and a bit of a loud-mouth. Generally easy to get along with, and hard to anger, but hard to calm down once he has been. Appearance: Nation of Origin: Saphs Backstory: Adrian grew up in a small village in Saphs, never caring much for money. Even if he had wanted to, he couldn't care about money, either way, since his family was quite poor. He decided to be a chef, since he had a thing for food, and with they money he had, it was all he could do for a living. This was, until, a group of bandits raided his village. His parents and sister were taken; sold off into slavery, and he was left for dead. He would have been, if not for a traveling bishop, passing by on a pilgrimage. He stopped to help the injured in the village after the attack, and Adrian was one of them. He awoke back in his house (at least what was left of it), 3 weeks after the attack, piles of snow outside his window. The bandits had attacked moments before winter was to arrive, and it had struck hard, leaving him without any way of leaving the village to chase after them, little good it would so him, anyway. He didn't know how to fight, let alone defeat a group of bandits all by himself. He struggled with what to do, not knowing if he could. The bishop who had healed him had helped rebuild most of the village, though, luckily, the damage to it wasn't that bad. During the weeks of winter, where he was trapped within the village because of the harsh weather, he resolved himself to learn how to use a sword, in at least the most basic way. After around a year of training, he had become competent, and could now fight with a sword. He wasn't anything special, but he could defend himself, and wasn't terrible with it. He left his village in the middle of summer to try and track down the group who had taken his family.
  3. I'm voting for Maklo's, only because it has the least amount of problems compared to the other two. I mean, it still has a lot of fixes needed, one being what Celice pointed out as well as the shading, the angle of the cleavage, the placing of the chest, facial features being too scrunched together, body size, etc... But I won't get into that here. Let's hope next round produces some more activity.
  4. I think the problem with the Sigrun is that her nose and mouth are too far to the left (OPV) and it's giving her an elongated face. If you pulled them a few pixels back to the right, and pulled the cheek in a bit, it would look better.
  5. I'm thinking that they're placeholder mugs, because I've been told that this hack isn't finished, but it's still fully playable o 3o I mean, they have mugs for some of the characters that they've inserted, like Klein, and Oliver, and Sothe; the Black Knight. Why wouldn't they make more mugs? I guess we'll see, yeah? As for dat chapter 11x boss... Yeah, I stopped playing for a while after seeing that XD
  6. Yeah, the blizzard mages don't move. And, they might! The chapter 11x boss has 40 speed, AND a wind sword. The Tiltyu look-alike is supposed to be Sigune, apparently. Yay placeholder mugs?
  7. By THINGS do you mean the blizzard mages? Yeah, they're stationary. If you mean the knight hoards, also stationary. If you mean the group of pegasi that shows up once you get halfway across the map... No, they move. If THINGS is something else, please expound on what it is o 3o
  8. The cap is hard coded to 60. You can set it higher with stat boosting equipment and it'll stay at whatever the stat boosting equipment sets it to as long as said equipment is still equipped, but, otherwise, if you give them higher than 60 HP, once they attack, or get attacked, or anything, it'll go back down to 60. Unless you know ASM, it's impossible to change this.
  9. Well, this won't go over well with Nightmare...
  10. SIGUNE IS A MAN~ Oh, man, Dei's old sprites XD They're so lulzy. EDIT: wait, those weren't old? ... *dies of laughter* AAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway... Awesome! Tale 6 is welcomed, for Ilia, pegs, halbs, and ZEALOT! He's so damn manly o 3o Must... Resist... Urge... To start... Another... LP!
  11. Awwwww, Ken cares about me XD And, EPIC abs on Holyn there. I like everything about it, except this hand: It's, like, gimping all over the place.
  12. Just a note, if you're going to recolor, at least use colors from the actual FE games, not paint default colors. Paint default colors look gross. And make sure to stick to one FE game for colors.
  13. Where's the back of her head?
  14. Is that Diadora? If so, my god, that's a gorgeous painting. It's still gorgeous whether or not it's Diadora XD
  15. I think Psych just likes to argue the most random of things. Red is fine for Lyn; it contrasts with her hair, and that works for the colour scheme.
  16. I totally promote to Great Knight :D Sorry Arch, too hard to pass up XD
  17. >implying Lyn has importance >trolling successful Damn, you're crafty, Arch.
  18. Fox, that is so not fair, Nighty told us to stop talking about it, and then you go and bring it back up. Grrr grrr grrr grrr >:U You know that Kai and I were trolling each other, right? :V
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wob41XQ-60A :U
  20. Because Go-Lion is awesome D: And we've already had Go Nagai in here, gotta keep changing things up.
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