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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Oh hey, Amelia's here. Amelia, RF wants to know if we're going to be an incestuous paired ending... Damn, that feels awkward to type >__<;
  2. XD Dernit. That makes sense. Except he's not. But, "18-year old Brooklyn Luckfield, or Bullet, as most characters address him, speaks in an oddly archaic form of Japanese." That's prolly why.
  3. Then Bullet is weird, since he says Nakuru :<
  4. Speaking of weird Japanese, Ryusei says Knuckle in Katakana as "Nako" when it should be "Nakuru" He's just weird like that XD
  5. Maybe it's because Ether is such a nice and charming person? Who knows? You could be pansexual.
  6. Hey, at least you're doing it right, yeah? Even if you're not trying.
  7. No, Erl, just become attracted to the picture, not the person using it! D8
  8. Spy, the shading is better, the colors are worse.
  9. Asty, just wanted to let you know about the indoor/outdoor thing, we were required to use both indoor and outdoor in the map XD I do agree that SL's is the best though.
  10. On a completely different note... http://www.justin.tv/seph1212#r=WTKrync~ Streaming, for anyone that cares XD
  11. Meep. Ask Amelia. I have no say in this matter :<
  12. I do not think she would kid about losing such a precious thing.
  13. Parents wont let me get a snake... I want a snake, myself. You can get one once you've moved out, right?
  14. You have Furet~ So, just to let people who are probably not interested know, I'll be streaming tomorrow, starting... Whenever XD I'll post a link when it starts. OH. Furet's streaming too, so, go watch him. You'll probably find him more entertaining XD
  15. Daaaaaaaamn, I have to get to doing that as well XD Amelia, you might beat me just on these mugs alone.
  16. Dammit, Furet, quit making me lol IRL XD
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