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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Yeah, they are. Any suggestion as to how I could go about fixing it? And making his green shirt not flat?
  2. But Feaaaaaaaaawwwwww, we're lazy and not that good at mappiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. ERIC MADE ME WHINE ABOUT IT!! *runs*
  3. I'd say the one on the right has a better jaw. It is quite an improvement, Asty. The hair that comes down on the right (OPV) and falls onto her shirt is kinda flat, and the hair on the right (OPV) could use more shading in general.
  4. Total revamp on Falcon Rey here, for an even more epic helmet, and less flat clothing. Kayleigh's sprite had a problem with the neck, so I fixed it up. And some general touch ups on Yuria.
  5. No problem. If you really want to continue this, just take the piss out of FE10. The plot is easy enough to mock.
  6. Malik IS playing the PSP YU, right? Otherwise, no Mistel .__.
  7. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

  8. HELLO GOOD FOLKS, I AM STREAMING PERSONA 4 AT THE MOMENT, AND AM PREPARING TO DIE FROM LAUGHTER. If you wish to watch, please click below: http://www.justin.tv/seph1212#r=WTKrync~
  9. LOL Also, STREAMING: http://www.justin.tv/seph1212#r=WTKrync~ IT IS PERSONA 4. I AM GOING TO DIE LAUGHING.
  10. Yuri can use axes, I can vouch for that. The "swords" that Raven uses are more like large knives than actual swords. Estelle does have staves, but she uses them like she would swords.
  11. It's a reference. There was a senator, or someone, on TV, and he said he was super serial about a certain issue.
  12. Best: GAIDEN. I will have the only vote for this game XDD Worst: FE8
  13. Twelve year old me would like to respond with "SHE'S A HALF WOLF DEMON, KINDA LIKE THAT GUY IN INUYASHA", but, the eighteen year old me is going to tell you that, she's not Laguz, but, if I had to compare her to something in FE, it would be the wolf laguz.

  14. Critique all you want; those sprites are old as sin. Like, half a year old now. I NEED to retouch them. And Yuri always looks like a girl XDDDD I shall get to fixing them. Get a PS3! They're making a translation patch for the PS3 Vesperia Sucks that you can't play ToV. It's my favorite. Jealous that you've been able to play ToG, though. GLAD it's not as serious as TU. Crossovers shouldn't be super serial XD
  15. I think this Yuri is better XD I've got a Judith, if you need her. I can touch it up, if need be Just FYI, I have played ToS, TotA, ToL, ToP, ToE, and ToS2, on top of ToV, so, I know more about Tales than you'd think XD
  16. ^You know I love Tales Of games ;3 Also, d'you need help with portraits? I can provide a few, and make some of the ToV characters, if you need them.
  17. I. HAD. THE BEST STREAM. EVER. Also, lol at the Hawk. He thinks his RD fanfic is good XD
  18. Mkay, first off, I hate what you've done to Jarod at the start. He would never get drunk. Out of all the face value evil in FE10 (Read: cliche and boring) Jarod is the only villain who gets my respect, because he is doing what he wants, not just being evil. You shouldn't have ignored Aran's chapter. It has two of the best characters! Aran and Ilyana :< (And he does have character) Mkay, you made me chuckle at the abridged part of the end of Pain and Agony's chapter. That was mildly funny. This is the kind of humor that you're missing. You need more of it if you want more people reading/more people laughing. Now, as for the self-insertion part, I know I complained about how people integrate themselves into the story, but, since you've already done it, you need to do it more. All your character's comments feel useless and out of place, since only a few of them get a response from a character, and the only character you interact with is Nolan, for the most part. More stuff like this. It's funny, it's silly, and it fits into your calling this an abridged series. Over all, it was well written, but it was... Boring. Sorry to say. It felt really bland, and only a few of the jokes were enjoyable. If you're going to call this an abridged series, then abridge it. Don't take text from the game, make your own. Make more like the actual abridging you did. Those were enjoyable. That's all I have to say. It didn't "lolololol suck", but it wasn't that good, either. You're probably just going to say "Blah blah blah that's just your opinion" in the end, so, this post is probably pointless XD
  19. I hope this turns out well, Blazer. If I like it enough, I might LP this as well XD
  20. It wasn't concrit. I was telling Aizengard why no one commented on this, or provided concrit. I felt he needed an answer. For one, I never said it sucked. I haven't even read it. Like I told you, I was answering Aizen. And, since you're not a fan of my "mindless spam post" I'll read it, and THEN tell you lololol it sucked.
  21. Fffffffffff- I'ma have to side with Psych on the height, Eric. Sorry.
  22. Can't take credit for most of the head. I can only take credit for the eyes, glasses, and body. (barely even the eyes, but I made some edits)
  23. Don't mind me, just reviving my topic. New Kayleigh sprite for the hack (got permission from Dan to base it off his Meiko sprite): Pretty much finished Yuria for now. Dan and Lumi may make whatever fixes they wish, as long as I see them: FALCON REY.
  24. It's a self insert FE10 story. I'm sorry, but, self-inserts are one of the worst kinda of fanfic, especially when you insert yourself into an already existing plot AND as a main character (Or at least a character who intermingles with the main characters). And, it's FE10. FE10's plot was quite undesirable.
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