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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Wellll... Your choice. If not, does a sister/olderbrother paired ending sound cool? Like, I'd be all protective an' stuff?
  2. But Furet, I MAIN AXES. Unless you're trying to get yourself killed.
  3. Wait, I have to kill Furet to join the Player's side? Oh man. Oh manohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohmanohman. I can't do it!
  4. BUT, I'M ONLY 18!! And, I do look like my mug... :< AH! *hides*
  6. OH MY GOD ERL I SHOULD TOTALLY BE AS SUCH!! Like how you recruit Douglas
  7. So, like, Amelia's gonna boot my ass out of that high place on the spriting tier, apparently. ... I don't doubt her XD
  8. You guys'll use me, right?... Right?
  9. OF COURSE I'll LP it. And I'll spam the shit out of myself and my friends here XD Why would I not LP it? It SOUNDS like it'll be fun.
  10. When I LP this, I'll make sure NOT to use Psych XD
  11. Uhh... Psych, what class are you? XD
  12. Wanna know my averages, all? 8D HP 56 STR 27 SKL 22 SPD 15 LCK 15 DEF 32 (I BROKE THE FUCKIN' CAP) RES 8 I am the manliest prepromote EVER.
  13. Naw, ERL, you're right. Her sprites are kinda... Really bad. Especially dat Snape. Ugh.
  14. His HP sprites suck aaaaaaaaaaass. I could do better Obviously
  15. Kai, I love this list, except for one thing... WHY IS FLORINA SO HIGH?! XDDD He sucks.
  16. LolKai XD Maybe, if she doesn't kill me first.
  17. I meant, like, sister brother. Please don't kill me :E
  18. Alex, I will side with you on SF Assault being the best Starfox game ever.
  19. Hey, Amely, want to have a paired ending? XD *shot* Also, Joshy, what's up? Then again, I'm not the closest person to you, so I doubt you'd want to tell me. Also, WE GOT FURET ON SKYPE!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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