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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Yeah, he's lurking the chat. We linked Rey the drama from Lux earlier; guess he's just reading what's going on now XD
  2. Not bullshit, I mean it. 204 centimeters of height, and 150 kilos is about 320 pounds.
  3. Metric, metric... Around 204 CMs, and... 150 KGs? That should be me, abouts.
  4. I am every bit the stereotypical gentle giant. I hate conflict :<
  5. 6'9"* And 320+ Lbs. Yeah, I doubt anyone would want to fight me XD
  6. I wish people would try and get into fights with me at school XD I'm not one to want to fight, but I'd love to put some idiot in his place, at least once.
  7. MMMMMMM, I got to sleep in until 10:00 every Monday when I was going to Cegep~
  8. I had 4 art classes a cycle in high school~ IT. WAS. AWESOME.
  9. MONSTER~~~ That shit helped me get through so many boring school days @~@
  10. Get yourself some MONSTER, then. Fucking love that shit.
  11. I know it's just a doodle, but Bishie!Eliwood has no neck, and is missing his circlet thing XD
  12. Oh, yeah, art advice. People are triangles. Men are inverted triangles, and women are normal triangles.
  13. Lux, shut up and listen for a second, would ya? PRACTICE MAKES MORE PRACTICE. First rule of drawing. You'll NEVER be perfect, no matter how much you try. The fact that you're GIVING UP because you tried to COPY your reference and couldn't, instead of trying a few times to see if you could get it right, is sad. You say you want to be an okay artist, but you're not even willing to put as much effort into practicing as you are for complaining. All I'm seeing is "QQ, PITY ME, I CAN'T DRAW EVEN THOUGH I'VE BARELY TRIED". Want to get better? FUCKING TRY.
  14. That's, uh... Actually, that's pretty much all your fault XD
  15. Wait, Dan, was Lux the friend you mentioned who was trying to draw without learning human anatomy? 'Cause, if so, what a moron.
  16. Wut. Lakche is a broken myrmidon/swordmaster in my hack, like normal XD
  17. Dan and I agree that the shoulders are pretty well done. We're taking issue with the triangular piece in the middle... >__>;
  18. The latest patch is done up to the split where Eirika and Ephraim would normally go separate ways, but I'm revamping it because I felt the text was lackluster, and that I could do better. Also, portrait touching up, battle animation touching up, yada yada.
  19. The trim on the armor is actually pretty good, Lumi. I don't know why you say you suck at that. I'm glad Dan is going to fix the hair, though XD
  20. Yes~ Misha, falcoknight from FE5, peg knight in my hack XD Gotta shade up the hair, touch up the face, and then get to doing the armor.
  21. I did XD If he says he's not, he's not. Simple as that~ I pronounce it Lak-Chey. Ska is tomorrow? NooooooooooooooooothatmeansIhavetostartonAyraaaaaaaaaaa. Alright. Stream plans are as such~ And then I can finish this:
  22. Oooooooooooookay I see the hair now. But, on the card art, the hair flicks out to the right, rather than going down, like you have it doing. Either way, my mistake.
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