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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Oooohhhhh, serious artz. Or at least, trying to be serious. This took me way too long to draw @~@ *is still getting used to using a tablet* I can still see some problems, but, it's almost 1:30 in the morning here, so I have to go to bed. Oh well. Here's a headshot of Amera. See what you killed, Kanami!? Lol XD
  2. That only works when Quattro isn't Quattro. It only works when he's Char and is piloting something red. When it's red, it's 3 times better ;3 Anyways, Japan, 'cause it's the RX-78-2. ORIGINAL GUNDAM, YEAH.
  3. ... ... ... I just pictured how hilarious of a scene that would be XD
  4. The right shoulder on Apennd!Rin (OPV) seems a little bit too low. Otherwise, awesome job. That headset must have been a bitch.
  5. Could I also point out that the right arm (OPV) looks a little blocky, and the shading on the opposite arm could use a little work?
  6. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. Can't say I like the face paint, but, that's personal preference. It's all really coo' :3
  7. Well, if you feel that way, mkay :< I never thought I'd be able to do customs either, but, hey, look at me now.
  8. Kai = whipped By Spike, no less :< Sad.
  9. I guess I can see that, but going back and fixing up old sprites would make it easier to do new sprites, since, I doubt you're only going to be doing competition sprites, yeah?
  10. Well, that just sounds to me like you don't want to fix it :< Whatevs~
  11. Well, don't get down about it! Keep trying until you get it right C: Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes more practice. Also, the round you made the sprite from is over, right? So, you can splice other things onto it :<
  12. No need to resize it :< Just sprite it the right size, or find a better body to splice, no?
  13. Yes, it's Roland's armor, so, shrink it to make her have not man shoulders? :< I mean, it's not like you can't.
  14. Wait, Flint, do you seriously think he's playing on NM? AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!
  15. *late intro is late* Hey. More people, awesome~
  16. Nanami Touko

    My Work. :)

    Arrrrgh, that sucks. Well, I dunno what to suggest, as I'm not a battle sprite guy. Reference FE animations, reference other's animations, etc, etc?
  17. Nanami Touko

    My Work. :)

    Zihark! Right? Pretty awesome. Ever thought of animating any of these? They'd be ridiculously amazing, if you did
  18. Uh, what? Excuse me, Dancer, but your understanding of the timeline must be extremely flawed if you think Zealot is only 10-15 XD FE7x is set before FE7, like, 15-20 years before. Zealot is 30-ish in FE6. FE6 takes place 15 years after the end of FE7. Zealot wouldn't even exist :< Vamp, I have no idea what you're going to do with the Astra animation, but I want to know @~@ It'll probably blow my mind.
  19. Oh, hey, FCs: Chachamaru: Alicia: Woo! EDIT: Thank you, Dan @~@ I think I'm done with Alicia, at least, done with her head:
  20. Uhh... 'K? That was... Out of nowhere. I don't think I'm very self-important, but I'll agree to being obnoxious. I'd also disagree that I'm that, in a passive-aggressive manner. Hell, I'm more passive than anything :<
  21. Ken, I fucking love those stickmen pictures you do XD Like, seriously. They make your posts a ton more entertaining.
  22. You just stick to writing, I'll stick to art... ...Which still doesn't make sense, because as an writer, you should be able to describe things well *rants off somewhere else*
  23. I believe what Furet it trying to say is that it looks like his hand is resting against the gun, rather than resting on it, which wouldn't work unless there was a wall behind him for the gun to rest on in the first place. Otherwise, the gun would just fall over.
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