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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. ((Incoming Wolf football!)) Amera's adrenaline was running out, like a machine running out of battery power, and her mind was shutting off again. She wasn't aware of all this, but it was happening. She met Shiris's charge with a lunge of her own, but her energy ran out, mid-lunge; her eyes going back to normal and her ears falling flat. As she blacked out, her lunge became more of a drop, and she flew straight for Shiris's legs, colliding and knocking her down, but not causing any serious injury. She was out, and not waking up anytime soon; her body and mind needed time to relax.
  2. I know, right? It's like we're the life of the RP... And, at your RP, darn. You're a good writer XD
  3. (Short posting, go!)) Her teeth revealed, she tried to bite Shiris's shoulder, before the fire knocked her off. She rolled as she hit the ground, trying to put out most of the flames, before getingt back on all fours, circling Shiris while she growled. The low rumbling noise almost chiming in with the fire's crackling, and Amera was slowly creeping closer, planning her next attack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dirk had brought the man to the church in the middle of town, paying for his and the man's injures. "If he lives, tell him who helped him. I've got something I need to do..." With this, Dirk left, heading back to the village exit. If he waited for the witch to leave, he could get his chance at the girl, even if this was a cowardly act.
  4. Dohohohohoho. I don't think that's how it works XD Dernit XD Was hoping she wouldn't be a villain, but, I'm not exactly helping, am I? @Kanami is your RP still open for sign ups, or have I missed the boat? Scratch that, just found out it was dead.
  5. I would agree, but, run where? XD There's fire EVERYWHERE~~ I do want to see how you deal with her, though.
  6. @___________@ I honestly can't believe I seriously typoed that. Woooow. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I GET ONLY 5 HOURS OF SLEEP. asdf Ah, well. You've got crazy instinctual wolf girl to deal with, so, have fun.
  7. ((Not unconscious, just trying to imagine it away XD Childish, yes, but she's panicking)) "I-I thought we were frien- Aaagh!" She yelped, taking the kick in the stomach and getting knocked back, rolling a few times. She struggled to get herself up, holding herself up on her arms. There were no thoughts in her head anymore; too many of them racing about to think straight. Her vision was starting to fade, as she finally managed to get back on her feet. Shiris was barely audible now, and everything was getting blurry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dirk only barely to get his arm up as the fireball smacked into him, burning the leather off of his arm and sending him flying back. "AAAAAGH!" He screamed, the burn on his arm sending a spike of pain up through his entire body. "I've got to get out of here... But I can't just leave him, dead or not!" With his one good arm, Dirk grabbed onto the back of Bullet's shirt, hoisting the man onto his back. He jumped through the flames once more, his adrenaline the only thing keeping him from not screaming out in pain. He limped back to the village, yelling out for a healer as he made it into the main gate, Bullet held around his shoulder now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amera couldn't hear anything anymore, but she still felt Shiris's kick to her face as she was knocked down once again. Her vision had gone dark, and she could only feel her arms, barely, as they tried to hold her up, but couldn't. Amera was going, but something inside of her was waking up. She didn't want to die, and it didn't want to let her. Her eyes glazed, her pupils becoming slanted. The adrenaline rushing to keep her alive was awakening her animal side, and these instincts were only focused on surviving. Surviving meant getting rid of Shiris. As if a new life had been breathed into Amera, she snarled, managing to pull herself up onto all fours, before pouncing onto Shiris, howling as she did.
  8. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry 'bout Dirk. He needed something to do, and he only hates Amera, so... XD He's not selfish enough to watch someone else die.
  9. Doesn't really surprise me XD She gets to set things and people on fire. Sounds like Kanami.
  10. With the way Kanami's going, you might have another bad guy on your hands XD
  11. @Kanami Gonna play the pity card with Amera, hope Shiris gets taken aback by her ears again XD @Cam HEY LOOK, DIRK'S PLAYING THE CARING VILLAGE SOLDIER! WOO!
  12. With a shaky resolve, Amera clutched her sword, standing from her hiding spot to face Shiris. Seeing fire all around, her body filled with anxiety; dread spreading throughout all her limbs, making them shake. I can't take it, I can't! Her legs were shaking too much to stand, and she fell right back down to where she was hiding before. Her ears folded down, and she started to cry. Her tail wrapped around her stomach in a meager attempt to protect herself with it. "I don't want to die here..." she whimpered, letting her sword go and holding herself as panic entered her mind. Horrible memories of her childhood were coming back; the first time she tried to use a fire spell and almost burned down the school. "Shiris... Please, stop..." She looked up at her with teary eyes, before she shut them, hoping that the next time they opened the fire would be gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dirk had just left the village as the first fireball had been thrown. He ducked back behind the gate, watching the witch toss flaming death at the unarmed man. He was too afraid to do anything; he was just a lowly soldier. After the fighting had gotten to its peak, and the man finally struck the witch, Dirk sprang from his hiding place, hoping to help finish her off, but a tree fell, blocking any attempt of him getting to her. He watched the man jump into the flames, only to emerge once more, and fall down. He presumed him dead, but rushed over anyway. A wall of fire blocked his path, but Dirk jumped through it, searing his face a little, his armor protecting most of his body. "Hey, hey! You still alive?!" He asked, shouting above the sound of the crackling flame as he prodded a hand at the man. "Come on, if you're still alive, I have to get you out of here! Anything, say anything, do anything!"
  13. BUT IF I GOT PUSHED INTO THE SEA, THE WHALES WOULD SAVE ME SINGING " We are family~" :3 Oh, so, so evil. OKAY, SO, it's 2 in the morning here, and I'm sooooooo going to bed. I'll post first thing in the morning, so just wait 7 hours, or something XD
  14. I screened it. It's immortalized forever in my computer's documents.
  15. ((SCRATCH THAT, giving Cam an opening before going to bed)) The branch flew by Amera, making her shake a little, but nothing more. I have to do something. I HAVE to. And then it clicked. Maybe she could distract her for long enough to let this man get a hold of her. Her hand reached for her sword. Her magic might not be strong, but her sword's might be enough. She chanted to herself as another tree came, down, almost breaking her focus. She was scared, not afraid to admit. Ever since she was young, fire was something that had always frightened her. But she had to do something. Her incantation finished, a bolt of lightning shot from the tip of the sword, flying at Shiris. Please work, if only for a moment.
  16. ((And, I'm off to bed. G'night XD)) Amera tried to cling onto Shiris as she tackled her down, losing her grip almost immediately, though, as Shiris stood and threatened Amera with a blast of fire. She did all she could, put her arms in front of her as she heard the sound of another fireball being tossed, bracing herself for the heat, but surprised that she didn't feel it. She opened her eyes to see Shiris focused on fighting this other man, giving Amera the time to run for cover. She found a tree not on fire, and scrunched ran behind it, hiding from whatever that was that was launching those fireballs. She couldn't recognize that as the funny talking awkward girl that was there only a few moments ago. Getting up the courage to peek from behind her tree, she screamed, jumping away from it before it was set on fire as well. She got as close to the ground as she could, hands on her head, as she watched them fight. The man throwing the branch was something she didn't expect, as she closed her eyes, hoping no debris came flying her way. It WAS a huge branch.
  17. I'll say, in all honesty, I'm surprised you didn't roast Amera right then and there XD
  18. Dude, no fighting D: Sure, I may be built like a tank, but I hate fighting :< I'm your stereotypical Gentle Giant.
  19. I am a large man, 6'8", around 320 Lbs... Wait, you meant personality wise. Mmmmmkay. It's funny 'cause I'm only 18 XDD
  20. I did mean in the chat topic. You HAVE been referring to her as Ameru here XD
  21. Amera was still amused by this girl; her mannerisms providing a large amount of fun. The way Shiris was staring at her was confusing her, though. She seemed extremely fixed on Amera's ear and tail. More laughs escaped her mouth as Shiris introduced herself. Amera just smiled and say "alright". The staring was making her think why, all for just a moment, before a fireball was launched at a bush, causing Amera to sprawl back in mild terror. A man jumped out from behind it, and her eyes watched him move, wondering what he had been doing there the entire time. He caught him glance over at her, which made her worried, above anything, before Shiris launched another fireball. Not wanting either of them to get hurt, she yelled at Shiris "Stop! Stop!!" The sound of the fire was too loud, though, and her voice wasn't going above it. She did the next best thing her mind could think of. She did a lunge tackle at Shiris, knocking her down, and out of the way of Bullet's incoming punches, as well as stopping her from shooting fireballs at the man.
  22. BTW, Kanami, it's Amera, not Ameru XD I don't know why you've been spelling it with a U all this time.
  23. asdf, Kai, let's just do a new chapter once everyone's met up XD We don't have to do everything like LotAF does XD
  24. Keep chapter one going~ End it once we're all at Yied, or something of the sort.
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