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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. @Joe herp, darn you editing your post. On Skype.
  2. [26/11/2010 11:50:22 PM] AstraLunaSol (Mango): Trent, stop sucking up to Furet [26/11/2010 11:50:26 PM] AstraLunaSol (Mango): *shot* [26/11/2010 11:50:33 PM] Seph: LE CAKEFRUIT: Lawl [26/11/2010 11:50:39 PM] Seph: LE CAKEFRUIT: Well, it DOES make sense. [26/11/2010 11:50:44 PM] Seph: LE CAKEFRUIT: Why are we giving stats to these weapons? [26/11/2010 11:51:03 PM] AstraLunaSol (Mango): ... [26/11/2010 11:51:05 PM] AstraLunaSol (Mango): I don't know [26/11/2010 11:51:10 PM] AstraLunaSol (Mango): but at least mine has a story [26/11/2010 11:51:14 PM] AstraLunaSol (Mango): 8D I've already asked that question, even though I'm guilty of doing that :P
  3. Y'know, if Crashman makes a hack, I wont play it, because I don't think he understands what balanced is .__.
  4. Can I second this motion whilst sounding like I'm sucking up to Furet even though I'm not?
  5. Y'know, with how good Amera's magic is, that would probably happen XD
  6. I'd say go for it, but then I remembered how broken FE4 was, weapon wise. I was shooting for something you might see in GBA FEs, maybe FE9 XD
  7. I'll be pretty upset if Light Lord makes it broken .__. I'd rather it not be, really.
  8. That sounds pretty dern broken to me, Lumi. Especially that 3 weight. That's, like, god Mani Katti. Very broken. I guess I post mine, too? Diskastis: 10 mt/8 wt/10 crt/70 hit/magic sword Casts Elthunder at range. FURET, tear it apart.
  9. I refuse to redo it!... But I will fix it :3 So I may have to redo parts. So... Yeah. Don't worry! It'll look better, eventually. Oh, and the strand at the back is already gone.
  10. Well, I guess you don't need me to make them anymore XD Hope you get something from here.
  11. No, it's completely from scratch. I just had the picture up as a reference.
  12. R-redone?! D: Ouch :( And, no problem, Reaps. Any advice is good advice... Unless it sucks, but yours doesn't, so... Yeah.
  13. Thanks, Cam, Pickle. I don't think it's very good, and it's not even done, but, thanks anyway XD
  14. That's my fault XD I linked my stream to this topic to lol at how overpowered Crashman was.
  15. Furet, Crashman, I love you both. This is hilarious.
  16. He's talking about his character that he tried to submit for the Serenes Tales of hack thing, right?
  17. Amely, thanks for having that awesome picture in your sig. It made me want to sprite this XD So, hair, I need help. First time FCing hair, so... Yeah, it was started before sir blue-hair mcpointy bangs CnC? Vaaaaaaaaamp?
  18. Most of us just use paint ;) Don't worry about it. As for the sprite... Well, it's a pretty clean splice. Maybe one, two very small shading issues that I can unzoomed, but, otherwise, pretty good for your (I'm assuming) first try. Maybe change the hair color, to make it less Karel? Iunno.
  19. I don't think I'm arrogant :( Don't want to turn into Nickt here Just giving an honest opinion of what I think of them. Trust me, if I was being arrogant, I'd think I was better at drawing than you, which, at the moment, I am not XD
  20. Lololololololol. You, sir, are a funny troll. He wont enter it. And, even though I know you wont, if you want to tell the mods and admins "wah wah, he wouldn't enter it" I'm pretty sure they wont care, 'cause you DID steal it. Nice trolling though.
  21. Uh, Eclipse, you kinda need a bio, lol XD
  22. Just a random thought, since everyone seems to be choosing Jugdral... Why not just write something about that, rather than someone who finds a way to travel between dimensions? Iunno. Your choice :P
  23. Gotta say, the anatomy and the facial structure of some of the older ones are pretty bad. Well, not bad. But not good. Like, 5/10 art. But oh well. Ike also has a suuuuuper long nose XD As for the newer ones, the hair seems really chunky, kinda like what you do for your sprites. I just think that throwing in a few more strands here and there would make it look better. Yay, personal opinion. Don't worry, Ken! You're still 5th best in my books! XD
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