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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Your Kyle should have shading around his beard to make it blend more with the skin, and there should be a little bit of shading where the armor overlaps to show that it's actually overlapping. Your... Sage, kinda just looks messy overall. I really think you should look at other robed battle sprites to get a sense of how they should flow around him. The shading on his body could use some more work as well, as it seems to be mismatched around parts.
  2. Vamp is like that little pinch of sugar that you put into food to make it better. You don't taste it, but the food would taste bad without it. GAWD, that looks SO much better. More bishie, more Asian, more less-than-dithery hair. Awesome, Dan. Awesome.
  3. This is not me going apeshit, I assure you. This is me being calm. I don't like his work. And, no, it's not just as simple as not voting for him. It's a simple, as telling him what I think he should fix/change to make it better, so he has a better chance of more people voting for him. Just because you'll settle for the bare minimum, doesn't mean I will, and it doesn't mean Crashman will, for that matter. He SHOULD change the armor. It would make the splice look tons better.
  4. :/ Do I really have to get into this? He used one bit of Heath's hair for the fire, Joshua's hat, and then flipped Narshen's hand and put it on the other side. That is all he did. There's simple, and then there's super simple. Crashman, please, if you want to make a mage!Narshen, at least try to make his clothing/armor mage like. That's all I want to say. Florina, if you want to do this silly argument any longer, and continue to be stubborn, please find someone else to do it with. EDIT: On top of that, it isn't even cleanly spliced. There's no shading where the hat touches the hair, and it looks pasted on.
  5. Face looks a little too feminine, but, GEEZUS where did you learn to custom so well all of a sudden? XD
  6. It still feels too simple, as cool as it is.
  7. Oh, I C. You could still mess with the armor to make it less armory *mumbles* And, it should be in my gallery. Just look through the latest pages to find it.
  8. Dude, that hands still looks kinda weird. Anyways, HOLYSHITTHATHAIRISAWESOME.
  9. Speaking off topic, Crashman, if you want to use my Tinny sprite in your avatar so that it doesn't look awkward, you can go ahead XD It just looks so weird with your sprite next to an FE4 one. Back on topic, is that splice o' yours supposed to look like tons of Narshen, or could you just not think of anything else to do with it?
  10. I dunno if it's the right size, but the chin looks HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, to me. As in, to long. Otherwise, MORE BISHIE~ I like the hairs lots.
  11. Well, base mug is gonna be this XD Might do a version with the 1/3 body that I have SINCE DAN SAID I COULDN'T USE IT FOR THIS ;~~; but, we'll see. Slutty Christmas outfit time! Wut?
  12. I do not disagree that it is good, but I think the colored pencil looks better. Yay, comparative terms Oh well, personal opinion, who cares~
  13. Vamp, dude, go for it XD It would be nice to have someone actually explain this as they go along.
  14. Excuse me while my GF helps me beat a dead horse YEAH, GUYZ, IT HAS TO LOOK LIKE MANGA. MY GF MADE THE MONA LISA BETTER, RITE? Now, onto Amelia's actual art.. IT'S SO DAMN CUTE. Like, seriously XD (this is a good thing) I like the way you draw, but, I think you color better with colored pencils, than with Sai.
  15. That would be nice, if you don't mind :3
  16. Is that some kind of... Reverse bullet bill? 'Cause, that's what it looks like to me XD Some kinda spiky-reverse-bullet-bill.
  17. I'm still on this list, and am getting some Tiltyu, right? I think I was on the list before, but, I dunno if I specified Tiltyu
  18. Yeah, you can blame me THIS TIME! But, I still made you eat your words for the splicing comp, so I half win :P
  19. I swear, unless you edit around her clothing, it wont fit me, I promise you :P Lol, 6'8" 320 Lbs
  20. I'd prolly wear a male version, if it exists XD I know they never really state its gender, but that outfit is totally not meant for men :P
  21. I'm... Pretty sure Limstella is supposed to be female, but, yes, its outfit is fucking awesome.
  22. To further Cam's point, yes, personal character growths are always the ones taken first. Class growths are for enemies and NPCs. These growths increase Enemy/NPC stats when their levels go up.
  23. LOL Lol, yes. I'm just a sucker for pairing drawing that look cute, so sue me~
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