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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Good! I can't wait for the final product but I will, since if I didn't have to wait, it would be done already (How's that fem rogue going, anyway? LOL, yes, Trent, bother him about stuff, mwahahaha)
  2. IMAAAAAAGINATION!! Yay. So, yeah. Copy over the hex, and you should be golden. Make sure to back it up this time :3
  3. Shuh, ruin my surprise, Camcam. YES. If it was a map or an event that you changed to cause the goof, by going to the offset for the event/map in the original FE8, in hex, and copying it over into yours, in hex, you can fix whatever went wrong.
  4. OH, OH, I HAVE AN IDEA THAT MAY FIX THIS. You have to tell me what exactly you changed that screwed it up. If it was events, or a map, I can fix this. (Also, wanna be a bit more specific on the troubadour? Like, length of hair, body size, any details?)
  5. Like a moron, I noticed you mentioned the legs as I clicked "Post". Oh well. Obvious splice or not, it still looks good. I'm with Camcam on animating them completely. That would take quite a lot of effort not to mention customing, unless you want the knight jumping around like Hector XD
  6. Anything gone that you can't find a back up for, oh, say, a sprite that you might need remade? wink wink, I'm really bored with spriting lately and doing some for you would be awesome, since that would give me motivation Just let me know.
  7. Obvious Hector and hero splice for the knight, and pupil + mageknight + I'm not good with legs, but I'm gonna guess thief Gonna make an entire animation for them? I think that would be pretty boss.
  8. My vote goes to Acey. Chalis and Adell get honorables.
  9. Obviously he was trolling when he said that, because that's pretty damn good. Much better than the original.
  10. Her ear is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far back, there. I'd say just throw it under the hair, or shorten the bang there, if you really want the ear to show up. Otherwise, nice splice.
  11. And, final version is a go. Yay, three hour splice/custom.
  12. Pretty much. Kinda feel like an idiot for that comment now. Oh well. Back on topic, here's a tut about what we're saying, basically: http://www.feuniverse.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=280 And here's one using GBAGE: http://www.feuniverse.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4109 These are your two ways for changing the battle palette on a unit. Have fun.
  13. Quick answer is, don't use deviantart, since they could close your account if you upload splices. Image edits aren't allowed on DA. Of course, if you ever do full custom work, that's allowed. Just use imageshack.
  14. More fixes. The part under her neckthingchokerwhatever has been changed. Looks better, I think. Also extended said neckthingchokerwhatever more so that is covers her trapezius muscle. Opinions/CnC?
  15. Improvement! Got some CnC from FEND, so I touched it up.
  16. She looks... Absent. Like, she's just spacing out. Otherwise, looks fine. (Maybe give her a smile to make her seem more awake?)
  17. Pretty much. 'Cept, it's easier and faster.
  18. It's been forever, right? Lol, not really So, two new ones. First is Scarlet. Practice portrait I made based on a character that Lordglenn had in FFT: Next one is for one of my friend's hacks, since he has no clue on spriting (At least he doesn't think he does) so I offered to help, and this was the result: The first one is pretty custom heavy, but the second is just a simple splice with some customing here and there for shading. (I say custom heavy, but the only custom thing was making the body larger XD) CnC?
  19. Pretty sure it's because Arch is using FE8 colors, or those close to them.
  20. So, simple question, when and where do we vote? If we can vote now, mine goes to Acey. EDIT: Scratch that, Lordglenn told me XD
  21. Wolf ears. I wasn't very creative as a twelve year old when the characters came into creation XD
  22. I asked her before hand. She said go for it, and she said hers was pretty ass-tastic.
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