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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. I'm pretty sure it's in the options, BUT OFF TOPIC DISCUSSION IS OFF TOPIC :D
  2. Oh I C. I'll wait till next week before entering.

  3. You can do it manually with Usenti, lol, it's easier and you get to skip a step XD
  4. XD

    I guess I could give it a try. Sign me up?

  5. Touché Nobody gave me a break when I made recolors .__. I was shot down for it. So I tried splicing, and found it wasn't that difficult. Practice makes more practice.
  6. *shrugs* Nothing I can't handle =D
  7. Oh yeah. I asked him about that, as I was quite confused. You have to start it on Eliwood's mode, or the prologue stuff screws everything up. SL should really include a save file with the patch, so you can go into Eliwood's mode right away XD
  8. Or you can do it manually, since you've only got 18 colors, to make sure you don't lose any shading.
  9. Man, only thing worse than recolors is using a sprite with no changes, and changing the name >__<; Yeah, what Camcam said. At least recolor them. All you need for this is FEditor and paint. FEditor to take the sheet out, and paint to recolor it. And, try splicing. It's not that hard to do.
  10. I just want to point out that I think the lance on your Halberdier animation should be going through the myrmidon, not on top of its sprite. OTHERWISE. I really need to get to recording this one XD
  11. Yay, recolors >__> My personal vendetta against everything unoriginal aside, when he said he can see 18 colors, I'm pretty sure he meant that it was 18 colors. It can only be 16 to be inserted. Just open it in Usenti, and see if it is. If it is, and it's still not working, save it in Usenti as a bmp with a bit depth of 16 colors. Then open it in paint and save it as a 24bitmap bmp. See if that lets you insert it.
  12. Come on. You know I can't seriously troll someone. I have a conscious! I'd feel bad afterwords.
  13. Awww, but it's so easy, buddy XD Besides, you and me both know I'm just joking around.
  14. Accent? What? Where? I'm Canadian, but I don't think I have an accent XD Yeah, but the version I have is past the beta, or at least I'm pretty sure it is :3 Dood
  15. God, Camcam, you are so jealous XD Just wait. He'll have one out soon. Speaking of... More: Part two! Aaaaand... Part three! The RNG made love to me in these parts. I swear.
  16. No problem. Just want to get it resolved as quickly as possible, so that others don't complain about it once it's released.
  17. Oh! I have to note, since you're here and working on it. In chapter 6, there's a mercenary with a slim sword, and for some reason, the slim sword fucks up the game. Dunno why, but it does. Same for chapter 7. Noah has one as well, and it does the same crap that the merc's one does. Might want to fix that.
  18. Alright! First part of my FE6 Remake LP For those who would like to watch. I'm going to have more parts up soon. I'll see if I can record anymore soon, as well.
  19. Awesome! Looks like you're getting really close to releasing a patch :3 Can't wait to start recording.
  20. Wooo, Shaver~ Also, I love how in the shot with Zealot speaking to Roy, they're both in half blink XD Found that hilarious. Bors always seems to be epic in your little showcases, SL. Anyway, can't wait to get started on the hack, and the LP/Review I mean, I can wait, but I don't want to XD
  21. Mkay, so, after reading over this and seeing all the screenshots, I WILL be LPing this when you're finished. If you want me to to that is. Can't wait to see what you do with the gaiden chapters, or rather, how you add them in. ANYWAY, want to see more of this! Keep it up Luigi.
  22. Dunno if this has been put here or not, but eh. So, I was checking the SF section for Radiant Dawn skills, and I found they don't have the formula for Glare, so I thought I'd put it here. Skill/2 + or - your biorhythm level. + or - 5 for good or bad level bioryhthm. + or - 10 for best or worst biorhythm level. I figure this out, since on normal biorhythm, Nailah has 24 percent chance to activate glare, and her skill is 48 (transformed). On best she has 34. On worst she has 14. Same applied for untransformed. Her skill is 24 untransformed, and that makes her hit 12, plus of minus the biorhythm bonuses. Just wanted to share this.
  23. Oh, thanks. I shall post it there right away.
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