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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Ze strand in ze middle of 'is face looks a little bit off, but ozerwise, my only complaint avec 'im, is that 'e seems to be staring too straight. Zen again, zat is not a complain avec the design, just a personal complaint.

  2. Dude, Henning's palette, oh my god. That's pretty sick. Also, since I can't help but want to get my hands into everything, d'you need someone to help make the replacements for the recolors later on? If not, that's cool :P
  3. Awwww... I was tied for first XD Darn. Oh well, Waq's and Kirby's are better than mine anyway
  4. MK gets the vote. I'm not liking what he did with the hair, but the armor is pretty awesome.
  5. Not really. I just used the FE10 portrait, and tried to copy the shading on it.
  6. I'll see what I can do, though, there's some sort of straight line on both sides, so... I honestly don't know which one you mean XD Still new to this whole making-things-from-scratch jazz. Not too good at realizing mistakes
  7. Second week battle splicing entry, and: Round 15 splicing competition. No one else wants to comment on Lethe!Amera? Man, and here I thought I did a good job XD
  8. I really think it needs some darker skin tone thrown there, and you should fix the random blue pixel that's sitting there.
  9. GAH. Forgot the deadline XD Glad to have gotten it done.
  10. Yeah, looks better. Thanks, Camcam.
  11. Lethe has smiling frames Not furries And, I had to base it off of Amera. If I change the position, I'll be changing the base sprite, and that's kind against the rules. Besides, you quote yourself as "Horrible Spriter" so why should I take your advice? XDDD Joking, of course. You're not that bad
  12. Amera as Lethe, yay~ Also, for fun: D'AWWWWW, look at the cute couple.
  13. I told y'all I'd do it. Also, for fun: Look at the cute couple~ EDIT: Little update, thanks to Camcam.
  14. Duuuuude, needs some more anti-aliasing on the hair on the right (OPV). Like, seriously. Shading would make this gorgeous.
  15. Your sprite needs more neck. Just cause it's like that on Dorcas, doesn't mean it has to be the same on yours :/ Go for Boyd.
  16. Yeah, no idea what kind of shirt/thing Ranulf wears The ears are referenced right from Ranulf's sprite, and the shading/shape matches, so something's slightly off with your eyes. And, lol, too bad, I got it done first :P
  17. That you're being condescending and rude? :/
  18. Yeah, you have to patch a new FE8 rom.
  19. I'm so getting beta testers next time http://www.mediafire.com/?u7ry1e9zil91yr2 So, I had to upload this AGAIN, since there was a problem in chapter 6 that made the game unplayable. Fixed it. Edit: I uploaded the ROM on accident. Fixed that too.
  20. How did you know, Kanami? owo The only reference I had was Ranulf's FE10 mug, so... Yeah.
  21. Y'know, I didn't strangle ALS for calling Ranulf!Seph a furry, but, seriously, you're insulting an entire culture by calling a character with ears a furry. Don't be ignorant It shouldn't be too tough. I mean, as long as I have a reference, I should be able to get it done in a day, or two. Oh, Dickpickle, har har, I have characters with animal ears, this is so totally something you should expect of me :/ Cause, y'know, just because I have TWO with animal ears, you have to assume that I'll post that every time. Yeah. Sure.
  22. Your personal mug is pretty much just a recolor Lugh with some more hair. More effort next time, eh? Eh... It's a recolor. I don't have much to say on recolors. The shading on the extra hair looks weird. It looks like it's just diagonal lines.
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