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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. LOL, did you seriously think that was true? If so, I don't need to troll you. You've trolled yourself.
  2. Oh lawl XDDD Let me know when you're done, so I can laugh at your failures >=3
  3. "What? Men dodging this way for single bullets? What will you do when they open fire along the whole line? I am ashamed of you. They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist-" Last words of Union John Sedgwick during the battle of Spotsylvania. I love this quote XD
  4. Cam, Blazer's not continuing his, like he said :P And, so what if Noah's doing it? As long as you don't do voice acting, go right ahead and do one as well.
  5. I'm not even watching it, and I'm gonna say nah.
  6. I would kiss your feet for a Julius mug. My friend Oscar converted it from the SNES one, to fit in GBA size, but it really doesn't fit with the other sprite.

    (Just please don't give CnC on the Arthur, Levin, and Claude sprites XD Let me remake them, THEN give me some CnC)

  7. Come on, man. You say you want to destroy it, what better way than without using savestates? Hell, do an LP of it.
  8. No savestates now, Cam. Chapter 6 should really give you trouble without them.
  9. YOU'RE going to play my hack? Aw, fuck XD

    Now you'll think I suck at spriting, since there's some I have yet to redo.

    Oh well. It's not done, so, what can you do?

    Also, just a warning: the prologue and chapter one maps haven't been changed, for whatever reason. Dunno why I haven't. I think I should, though.

  10. Not much. Relaxing, watching LPs, hoping people comment on my hack XD

    What about you?

  11. Update~ Spiky hair is pretty tough to do.
  12. The link IS there. It just borked. Fixed it.
  13. *blows dust off the topic* Alright, video about the patch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CyYS6X0aPo And here's the patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?a5pej0b987cmiqi You'll need a UPS patcher and an English ROM of Fire Emblem 8 to patch this and get it working. This patch goes up until chapter 8. I haven't changed anything starting at the beginning of chapter 9 and past. If you'd like to Let's Play or do a walkthrough of this, please let me know through PM. I can't stop you, but I'll tell you if I'd like you to or not. I also have tons of people to thank! (Their YouTube names are in brackets, in case you want to find them.) -Myself, of course, for pushing me through this. -Oscar (NagefenofIvalice) Dude, I fucking love you (platonically), and I thank you for all your help. -Kayleigh (dinosaurgoboom), you're the love of my life and you've helped with this as well~ -Mage Girl. Credit for that EPIC Sigurd mug goes to her. Thanks MG! -Blazer. You have no idea how many times I've had to ask you questions about hacking, and you've been there to answer them all. Thanks. -Rey (shadowofchaos725). REY. You stayed with me through music hacking, and all the hell that came with it. Thanks man. I owe you more than I can repay. -Ray (Mageknight404) For helping with sprites and being an all-around epic dude. -Josh (TheLordGlenn) YOU MAKE THE BEST WEAPON SPRITES, EVER. No, seriously, this man has a knack for being epic. I have to thank him for the battle template and the statsheet template, as well as the weapon level icons. -Evan (egoroffie) This genius music composer has helped make some of the awesome themes you'll hear in the hack. -MY VIEWERS!! You all stayed with me (and some of you embody the characters in this) over the course of this hack being made, and I thank you all for it. I hope you enjoy this hack and I hope you enjoy every update in the future! Thank you all for staying with me, and I hope you stay with me for a long time! I also have to thank people like Xeld, Zahlman, Nintenlord, and anyone else who has helped design Feditor, nightmare, and the Song Edtior, so that I could bring this hack to you. A huge thank you to the entire FE hacking community, who have helped me excel throughout the years. If anyone wants to vote for the route split, just leave a comment on the video.
  14. That's cause it's shaded the same as on the FE10 sprite, or at least as close as I could get.
  15. YES, IMAGESHACK USERS UNITE!! I use imageshack tons. You don't even have to make an account to upload XD But, whatever works best for you.
  16. No, really, I would like to apologize XD I was under the impression that he wanted people to MAKE him a sprite, not how to upload his own XDDDDD So, sorry, Groner. Imageshack/Photobucket should work fine.
  17. DOOD, looks like fun. Devias shall make a fine assist to this sprite o' mine.
  18. My bad~ And, Cam, come on, at least send the kid here if he wants to insert it into a hack.
  19. lol I know, right? You don't tell us what you want it to look like. You don't give us an references for a character. You don't even tell us what the character is like so that they can match the portrait. So, no.
  20. I'm truly surprised that not many people saw this coming. I mean, the ears were already there XD *holds smoking gun* Well, is there anything you could see needing a touch-up? Cause I've still got until the 25th XD Any advice would be nice.
  21. My entry for the FEND Halloween contest. I don't think it'll win anything, but I tried.
  22. Wow, that's bad XD Hell, why not just go play Hector Hard Mode? That would actually provide a challenge XD HELL, playing through FE8 on hard mode without any arena-ing or and valni-ing would be tougher than this is sounding XDDDD
  23. I just want them to include Mage Fighters and Mage Knights, like what they did in FE4/5, again :c Is that so much to ask?
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