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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. You know, I really don't appreciate that facepalm :/ There are a LOT of good pieces in the Idoun sprite, and it makes for a better splice, if you're willing to throw in some creativity. I see no reason to facepalm :< EDIT: Yay, Citrus~ We shall dominate the set together!
  2. Yey~ I feel so special, winning things because I put effort into them~ I mean... Time to think of the next set!
  3. Silk 26 Ryuto 20 Dute 20 Teeta 20 Cellica 23 Boowy 15 May 20 Jenny 20 Sonia 20 Norma 20 Lena 18 Wrys 8 Merric 20 Wendel 20 Maria 20 Linde 20 Boah 20 Ellis 20 Malliesia 20 Yumina 20 Ellerean 20 Nyna 20 Katarina 20 Azel 20 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 20 Tiltyu 20 Claude 20 Leaf 20 Lana 20 Corple 20 Sety 20 Arthur 20 Tinny 47 Mana 20 Sharlow 0 Hawk 20 Amid 20 Linda 20 Safy 20 Asvel 20 Olwen 20 Salem 20 Tina 20 Homeros 10 Eyrios 20 Sleuf 20 Sara 20 Miranda 20 Cyas 20 Ellen 20 Lugh 20 Clarine 23 Lilina 20 Ray 20 Cecilia 20 Sophia 29 Hugh 21 Niime 6 Yodel 10 Serra 20 Lucius 35 Priscilla 17 Canas 20 Pent 32 Nino 20 Renault 15 Athos 20 Artur 20 Natasha 50 Saleh 20 Ewan 20 Knoll 27 Rhys 15 Ilyana 33 Tormod 23 Calill 20 Bastian 26 Laura 20 Pelleas 19 Sanaki 20 Etzel 20
  4. Alright, since the splicing comp is kinda over and such, I decided to revamp this a little bit, in hopes that it would look better. So, folks, tear it apart, and tell me everything you all think is wrong, 'cause I want this to look good. This is me reference, for anyone wondering: http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/tales-of-vesperia-wallpaper-judith-big.jpg
  5. I totally agree >__< I didn't know how to get them to look any other way, without mass customing. Those dern sage legs weren't working for me.
  6. http://www.justin.tv/seph1212#r=WTKrync~ I'm gonna interrupt your conversation to say that I'm totally streaming I'm much more entertaining than Dan.
  7. Silk 23 Ryuto 20 Dute 20 Teeta 20 Cellica 23 Boowy 15 May 20 Jenny 20 Sonia 20 Norma 20 Lena 18 Wrys 13 Merric 20 Wendel 20 Maria 20 Linde 20 Boah 20 Ellis 20 Malliesia 20 Yumina 20 Ellerean 20 Nyna 20 Katarina 20 Azel 20 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 20 Tiltyu 20 Claude 20 Leaf 20 Lana 20 Corple 20 Sety 20 Arthur 20 Tinny 47 Mana 20 Sharlow 10 Hawk 20 Amid 20 Linda 20 Safy 20 Asvel 20 Olwen 20 Salem 20 Tina 20 Homeros 15 Eyrios 20 Sleuf 20 Sara 20 Miranda 20 Cyas 20 Ellen 20 Lugh 20 Clarine 23 Lilina 20 Ray 20 Cecilia 20 Sophia 28 Hugh 20 Niime 11 Yodel 10 Serra 20 Lucius 35 Priscilla 17 Canas 20 Pent 26 Nino 20 Renault 15 Athos 20 Artur 20 Natasha 47 Saleh 20 Ewan 20 Knoll 26 Rhys 15 Ilyana 33 Tormod 23 Calill 20 Bastian 26 Laura 20 Pelleas 19 Sanaki 20 Etzel 20
  8. Just to let you know, Astel, it was Dei, AKA, TheBlindArcher, who put together the skin color reference. EDIT: The sheet you attached was from Aeorys' thread on FEND, just to let you know, again XD
  9. You've got 11 now :P *includes himself*
  10. Mercurius - 20 Gradivus - 21 Hauteclere - 20 Parthia - 10 Falchion - 21 Starlight - 20 Aum - 20 Mistoltin - 20 Tyrfing - 26 Balmung - 29 Gungnir - 20 Gae Borg - 15 Swanchika - 20 Ichival - 20 Falaflame - 20 Thorhammer - 20 Holsety - 12 Narga - 20 Lopotouso - 20 Valkyrie - 20 Blaggi Sword - 20 Loputo Sword - 20 Kia - 21 Durandal - 20 SoS - 20 Eckesachs - 20 Maltet - 20 Armads - 20 Murgleis - 20 Forblaze - 20 Aureola - 20 Apocalypse - 20 Saint Staff - 20 Sol Katti - 20 Regal Blade - 20 Rex Hasta - 20 Basilikos - 25 Reinfleche - 20 Excalibur - 20 Gespenst - 10 Luce - 20 Seiglinde - 20 Siegmund - 20 Audhulma - 20 Vidofnir - 20 Garm - 23 Nidhogg - 20 Gleipnir - 5 Ivaldi - 20 Latona - 20 Vague Katti - 20 Ragnell - 26 Alondite - 20 Amiti - 20 Urvan - 20 Double Bow - 20 Wishblade - 20 Rexflame - 26 Rexbolt - 20 Rexcalibur - 20 Rexaura - 20 Ashera Staff- 20 Baselard - 20 Balberith - 20 Matrona - 20 So, I'm new to this, am I doin' it right?
  11. Ehhhh... Thanks anyway. I'd rather not watch robotic fanservice overload.

  12. So, I went overboard More than just a bit there last night, and I'd like to apologize for being an ass. I've had too many bad experiences with new spriters in the past, so I guess I just didn't give you a chance when you showed up. Sorry for that. I'll see what you can cook up, and give you a nice, proper, not insulting critique, if you don't mind me doing so.
  13. Do YOU not read? You redid nothing. Fixing a recolor is still a recolor. I don't care for your thanks until you fix the problem that is your lack of actual splicing. And, yes, he did. That post was amazing. It was beautiful. It was written justice towards all idiots of your caliber.
  14. Kid, it's still a recolor. Gawd, splice something, and splice it well. And, Nickt is 100% correct in his critique. What the hell were you doing?
  15. Nickt, that was beautiful. Simply beautiful.
  16. I would agree to that, except he kinda ignored most of our critiques, or, at the very least, didn't fully accept them. Yeah, he should just keep practicing if he wants to get better, but, with sprites of these quality, not completely accepting critique from people who are actually good at it, is kinda insulting to those people. Sorry to say.
  17. Well, I think the legs are too short, and that he should be holding onto the broom with his other hand, lest he fall off of it. Otherwise, coo'.
  18. Don't forget to get a swap magic, or a japanese PS2! The GBA games never really caught on, anyway, so that might have helped their decision.
  19. Man, Gatrie hears that women are involved, and he comes running, even into another game XD Love it.
  20. I can't say I like the whispers, but the archsages looks really good.
  21. I've seriously got to agree with Nickt here. Mine's a LOT busier than his XD
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