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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Gotta go with Astelaine. Everyone else just used too much Guinevere/Hellene hair Including myself That, and I like the creativity XD
  2. That's niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. My only complaint is that there doesn't seem to be any shading on the hair where the hat touches it, same for the hair touching the fur. Good entry, Astel.
  3. Pretty sure that was last time, and I'd like to apologize for being an ass then. You did come off as a little holier-than-thou, but I was having a bad day and chose to take it out on you. So, I do apologize.
  4. Excuse me for trying to tell them what they could fix, so that they have a better chance at winning the comp. And, if anyone wants to give actual critique on mine, go for it. EDIT: Aussi, at Citrus, what's RF3? Herpderp, Rune Factory 3
  5. Pillow shading, I choose you! I like the concept, but, as implied by the strikethrough above, the... Smoke? looks kinda pillowed. Can't say I like the color scheme, either, but that's personal preference.
  6. Keep your pants on, I've got one, I've got one. I tried to make one to match my splicing entry.
  7. So, here's what irks me about Soluna. Her neck and head seem straight, while her left shoulder (right OPV) seems to be slouching down, and the opposite one is coming up. I think that the neck and face would reflect that, at least a little, on an actual person. that and I don't like the hair, but that's a personal qualm
  8. THERE IS NO BORDER COLOR ON THE CLOAK. Argh. The purple you have around the head is not on the cloak, is what I'm talking about. The neck looks 1% better, but it's still way too bright on the right side (OPV)
  9. OH MY GOD, everyone's so damn depressed cause waq entered. "Oh woe is me, I'll never win now~" "How can I beat someone so good~?" "We've been crushed by their sheer brilliance..." 1. So what? It's a competition to get better at splicing and to have fun. 2. No one's lost yet. Seriously. 3. Just because Waq made it doesn't mean there aren't problems, like ALS and Lux pointed out. Seriously Amely, chill out .__.
  10. I'm talking about the cloak. That blue you have there is not an adequate substitute.
  11. The neck shading is way off and the clothes have no border color.
  12. Of course I think you don't :P A lot of your earlier sprites were recolors XD Whatevs~
  13. Yay, recolors :/ Recolors will really impress no one, let me tell you now.
  14. BE MORE INTERESTING, DAN!! Yeah, we've already has the talk about this LP XD I honestly think you just need to calm down when recording. You sound extremely serious XDD
  15. As long as you're doing FE sprites, you'll do them in FE style, which means keeping the border. Removing it doesn't make them more defined, sorry. Even with FE colors, it still looks bad without the border. When I was new and ignorant to FE spriting, I tried the same thing. It doesn't work. And, like I posted before Though you probably ignored that reference actual FE sprites to see how parts are supposed to fit together.
  16. Kid, I call everyone kid, no matter how old they are. And, don't take it into considerations. Do it. Taking away the border color and using these horrible neon crap colors will make your sprites look terrible. There's no way to excuse doing either.
  17. Those work a lot better. Looks good.
  18. Listen, kid, first thing. Never ignore someone's criticism. Cause, I'm right. The colors are bad, and the splicing is bad. The colors are painful on the eyes because they are over saturated, and thick, and they don't blend well with each other. I don't know who these other people are who can stand looking at these without their eyes burning out, but, I promise you, NO ONE here will tell you that the colors are good. Seriously, use FE colors. It'll save you a lot of trolling.
  19. He means that all of your colors are NEON. As in, bad, not well colored, and painful on the eyes. Tone them down.
  20. Kid, I'm gonna be blunt: most of these are REALLY bad. Like, not just the splicing you did, but the colors. MY GOD THE COLORS. Some of them are just... They hurt my eyes, literally. When coloring something, until you get good with colors, stick with FE colors. And, stick with colors from one FE for a sprite. Mixing colors from FE7 and 8 are pretty bad as well. For the splicing, just reference FE sprites for how things should look. And, as for customing, just don't. Seriously. You should NEVER custom until you have an understand of how sprites work.
  21. FEditor had documents for how to insert animations.
  22. :o That's pretty dern awesome. I never would have noticed that; thanks!
  23. Hey, nice waqwaq. I like the whole Hawaiian look she gives off. And, the thing around her neck is really well done, and pretty cool. Mind sharing the flower trick? I'd like to throw a flower onto one of my characters, and this looks like it would make for an awesome flower XD
  24. By recoloring an Ephidel sprite sheet, you mean the male sage sprite sheet. And, sure, I guess. It depends on which Fire Emblem, but you could overwrite an empty character slot in nightmare, or one of the existing characters. Adding characters? Don't know.
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