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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Didn't I just tell you that you don't deserve it? XD If I might refer back to the earlier part of the conversation, you don't seem to listen.
  2. Who here is actually legal drinking age? I am, cause I live in Quebec.
  3. Respond to idiocy with idiocy. You don't deserve to be showered with my brilliance.
  4. Of course ;3 And, if you're going to call that low minded, who was the one who came yelling at me in all caps? Quite intelligent, yes. I applaud how eclectic that was.
  5. There are no flukes ;3 Put up, or shut up. Accept that you lost, inferior being! No one with your level of intelligence can defeat me in online combat.
  6. I do not bow to inferior beings, and I have proven you to be as such, so, no ;3
  7. lrn2insult, you overzealous pile of insignificant shit
  8. I won the battle, and the war. There is nothing you can do now to take me from this spot of superiority. NOTHING.
  9. I HAVE PROVEN THAT I AM THE SUPERIOR BEING!! Your meager attempts to take me down now mean nothing!
  10. *poses as Apollo Justice* GOTCHA Yeah, sure ;3
  11. Yeah. It switches between Alm and Celica for the final parts. The first final part is Celica fighting against some monsters that the main enemy shaman guy who's name I cannot remember summoned, and then it switches over to Alm, and you have to make your way down to save her.
  12. Your implications at superiority mean nothing, for you are the only one who is implying them. I will go nowhere, but here, as I am superior to you, and therefore, have free reign to go where I want to, maggot~ Whatever a neing is ;3
  13. NO, YOU DON'T, CAUSE YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY NOT SUPERIOR! lrn2troll, kthx. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnhF1QAEZjU
  14. AWWWW, MAN. If only the quality was good.
  16. FUUUUU- that would have been fun to watch.
  17. Dude. All that proves is that you suck at SRW XD I'll pardon you for my hack. You're playing on hard.
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