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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. So, on the white parts of clothing, I think it needs some touching up. It just seems pillowed. Other than that, I think it's fine. Also, I think you need to splice in ALS' version of your portrait
  2. Seriously :D And, thanks :3 EDIT: Oh, and expect a lot more of these, since I'm obligated to make them for that RPG XD At least It'll help my spriting.
  3. The arm's not the problem; I can bend it back like that too, but I can't twist my hand back like that after bending my arm :P (Alrighty. I can use Shagaal? Cause, seriously, that Shagaal is still fucking sexy.)
  4. *echoes the arm* The hand, to me, kinda looks... Backwards. Like, how is she turning it that far? Also, d'you wanna do the frames+mini for Ishtar, or should I just go ahead and make 'em myself?
  5. I MADE DAN EAT HIS WORDS. HAHA! YES! THIS. IS. DELICOUS!! On a more serious note, I'm glad this didn't fuck up the competition XD Glad people enjoyed using the dragon. EDIT: Also, I fixed up my entry, making sure to stay within the realm of splicing, unlike the one in my gallery:
  6. Vamp's critique + actual effort does that. And, thanks, Dan XD
  7. Vote for me The only thing the sword needs more of is some shading, but otherwise, awesome. Would make more of a long sword in MH, but you prolly don't know what Monster Hunter even is, so, it's still awesome DERNIT, I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM AS LUMI. TOOOOOOO MANY GOOD ENTRIES.
  8. Holy shit. Bam: Totally did just that. Bring it ;) Any critique you can give to help make this look better would be greatly appreciated. I'll get better! I swear it! One day, I'll post something, and you wont think anything is wrong with it! XD EDIT: D'y'all think the neck is a little bit too long?
  9. HERP, darn you, Vamp, posting advice just after I "update" Ignore this post~
  10. *facepalms* I thought that was just a shading mistake on Dan's part XD DERNIT. Thanks for clearin' that up, Lumi.
  11. That neck, man. There's some serious problem with that neck. Like, it's so damn straight.
  12. Tear it apart, kill it, burn it, I don't care what you do as long as it helped me make this look better. This is Lynn, one of the main characters of an Untitled RPG Lol, someone else making an RPG with RPG Maker that's getting FE style sprites. I really want to make it look better, so, if anyone can offer any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Thanks for the redline, Vamp. It really helped me fix the angle on this.
  14. 5. The Ostian knight animation is in FE7. The data is seriously there. I don't know how to access it, but SL's no idiot. I'm sure he could figure it out. 9. Mithrils are pretty much just slims. I like the idea better, myself.
  15. So, just to add to the convo, Tiltyu was actually tortured and finally killed by Hilda, who hated her for the death of Reptor, I think. At least, I think that's why she did the torturing and killing. I do know that's what happened to her, though.
  16. I wouldn't worry about that. Dan's not an idiot. He'll update your entry.
  17. Doesn't mean I can't fix it up for personal use. I've entered this one into the contest, and now I can make it look better. Just can't enter it into the contest. :P Also, thanks, Vamp, I'll get right on it.
  18. YES YOU SHOULD HAVE, HAHAHA! If you win, promise me you'll choose a set that makes it easy to make Rita? :3
  19. Yeah, you're right about the shoulder. Any idea where the hair shading should go?
  20. CnC this, please. I figure I'm doing all the ToV characters now, and I want to make them look good XD
  21. Alright, yay purposeful double posts. I was trying to use the dragon to get a sword to hang off his shoulder, but it kinda sucked. So, I just threw Eliwood into his bangs instead. Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia, to keep in with my themes XD Not as creative as Judith, but still looks like the character, so I'm happy with it. Totally gonna make Rita next round. EDIT: Nose fixin'
  22. Just to confirm, it's either or. You can't use the dragon with the Eliwood set.
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