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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Sorry, Mr. Pickle, but, Ken still sits at number 5 XD After looking at Vyland, Relinquished, and Eternal Bond's art, I'm pretty sure that Ken's better. Marthur hasn't been active, so... Can't really count him. If he comes back, I shall relinquish my belief of Ken's 5th placeness. Now, now, onto Astel... ASTEL. MY GOD. Your art, the style, the whole realistic-ness of it all! I love it! Your colors and shading are pretty nice as well. I'll be keeping an eye out on you to try and give critique as you post more XD
  2. And this guy's neck seems to thick XD Other than that, the arm on the left (OPV) seems a little off. I think with the way he's facing, it would be pushed back a little more. The idea of fish laguz seems kinda interesting, though, as FE10 only really covered mythical beasts and birds XD It would be a nice addition to the roster, i think.
  3. @Teal I think you could split up the hair more there. It still looks really stuck together, and, from what I remember of Vincent in FF7 and Advent Children, his hair was really stringy and thin. @Green there should still be some more shading there, I feel. His hair IS coming down over his face, and it's not that close, so there would be a more profound shadow. It does look better overall, though. As for shading the cloak... I'll leave that to Vamp :P I don't know much about shading that stuff, but I think the shading would have to pertain somewhat to where he is underneath.
  4. His neck seems kinda small. Otherwise, pretty cool.
  5. So, like, are you going to get people's insight on their own characters for writing, or, are you just going to do it?
  6. Allllright, character time, I guess. Amera, 19, Freege/Jugdral Being born into Freege, she assumed the life of a mage. Thunder, being the attribute of most in her country, was what she was trained to learn. She didn't have a knack for magic like the other students in her school, though, and as such, was mocked for it. She decided that, if she couldn't train her mind to use magic, she'd train her body to fight, and became a studying mage fighter, learning to fight with a sword and the little magic she could. She prefers to fight with her fists, but will only do so if she doesn't have a weapon. It's a pride thing. She's extremely stubborn, and loves a good challenge, always fighting until she wins, or can't anymore. Always the loud one in a group, as she likes getting attention from others towards her personality. It helps her forget how bad her childhood was, and how she was treated by everyone else at her school. She has animal ears, shaped like those of a wolf. She's never known her parents, but she figures they must be from off the continent. So, so, how many people are going to lol at that last part? 8D EDIT: Herp, I didn't even put what she looks like. She's around 5'10", weighing a surprisingly light 140 Lbs. Her build isn't very muscular, but she's not weak because of her training. She has short, dark, hazelnut hair, and vermilion eyes.
  7. While I do agree, he didn't put it in his gallery, and he asked for my advice on it. I do agree that the initial comment on it could have been avoided, but, oh well :P C'est la vie. (YES, WE DO. Female set from whoever wins, kthxplz?)
  8. Yay, better splice. I still say that the armor needs less Narshen, but, if you don't want to do that, your choice.
  9. Better, but, if you want the hat to make sense, you have to get rid of that bit of hair coming out of the left (OPV). It has to look like it's actually coming out from under the hat.
  10. So.. You draw them in their underwear because you don't know HOW to draw them any other way? I'd suggest talking to Lumi. Since, she IS a girl, I'm sure she'd be able to help you avec ca.
  11. Face looks a lot better, dood. I like :3 Also, I meant around her pubic area, with the short's tightness. I mean, unless those are supposed to be hot pants.
  12. Call her Alice, lol I don't know, I'm bad with names Those are some damn tight shorts. Also, just a personal quip, I don't like how... square, you make your faces. I dunno. I just don't think the cheek would be that profound or that the chin would be that pointy on a person. Loving those legs. Like, seriously. You draw those very well.
  13. I figured this wasn't serious as soon as I saw technicolor Vamp comment. And, one more thing for Vince, I think you should make more strands of hair instead of those long clumps he has. I think it would make the hair bettah. AND, DAMMIT, VAMP, YOU'VE MADE ALL MY COMMENTS ITALIC!
  14. It still needs more shading on the head where the hat touches it, and the hair needs to be shaded where it touchs the hat, as well. Look at how it's shaded on Joshua, for your reference point.
  15. Face where the hair covers it needs shading, and needs a little more shading on the left (OPV) And, why does Vamp hate you? And, even if he does, that doesn't mean you can't reference his sprites. Vince is too thin and his arms are extremely wonky.
  16. I'm with Reaper on that. Unless his hair is, like, two feet away from his clothes, there should be some shadow where it falls against it.
  17. Well, I've noticed with your hair shading that it's really chunky. Like, it looks more like thick clothing than it looks like hair. Maybe look at Gale, Guy, and maybe Saleh for how hair should look coming out of a headband. The face needs more shading, as his hair and that headband are covering it, so, it shouldn't be so light. As for the cloak, just smooth it out. Again, chunky. For the half body part, look at Vamp's 1/3 bodies and go from there. He's probably got the best ones on this site.
  18. The hair on the right (OPV) kinda feels flat. It looks good, but, Iunno. It feels flat, to me.
  19. Reaper, I really think you should fix the hair and top part of him before trying to sprite a half body.
  20. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand. As always, OMGWTFBBQTHATHAIRISAWESOME!!! Dude, I love the hair. Like, love, love, love that hair.
  21. The shading on them doesn't really match too well, IMO.
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