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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. :( Back on the sprite, I just noticed the goatee. Awesome~ I wish I could grow myself one.
  2. Still technically not correct, since it should be "Vampyrs" since you're using "des" instead of "du" it has to be plural on the noun as well. You could also change the "des" to "du" to make it singular. Your choice. Just mentioning.
  3. That too, but, technically, Vampire would be his name, since his user name is Vampire_Elf, but we're getting off topic XD
  4. I'm likin' his face there, Vamp. It's pretty cool. He's got this whole "I'm better than you" pose, and it fits :3 Also, just something that's been bothering me FOR FOREVER, your topic title should either be "Gallerie du Vampire" or "Gallerie des Vampires" since what you have now means "gallery the vampires". Google translate might say it's correct, but, after living in Quebec for two years, I'd have to say that Google is wrong XD
  5. FE seriously needs more female axe users that aren't Paladins. Makes me sad that they don't :<
  6. Vamp, I do not see how anyone could resist your critique x3 And, god, I'm such a liar XD I say I'm gonna fix stuff tomorrow, and I do it tonight. Also, Vamp, I can't make him any taller :< He has to fit into RPG Maker standards of 96x96, which he just is.
  7. Vamp, I swear, I love these XD It's getting late here, so I'll see what I can do tomorrow, though don't be surprised if something shows up tonight :3
  8. Man, you complain about fanservice in Ken's thread and then do this :/ COMPLAIN AS I MIGHT, even male fanservice drawn by you is enjoyable. Dernit. Quit being so good.
  9. Oh, 'K. I can fix that... I think. And, as of now, it is called Untitled RPG Project XD They're thinking of a name for it. I'm sure it'll change XD
  10. It might not be the most comfortable of poses, but it's still humanely possible, so I'm not going to work over the entire sprite to change it. At least, not right now.
  11. Just a little bit of advice, so you don't have to keep zooming in and out. In view (if you're using paint) there's this nifty option called show thumbnail, which will show you the zoomed out version of whatever you're working on. It's a pretty good helper.
  12. I dunno 'bout the far eye now, I think I put too much white into it even though it was just one pixel Also, shading around the chest is better? Taller, and I think this is what you meant by dipping? I didn't quite understand what that meant man, I need to research these terms @479 what d'you mean he needs back surgery? What?
  13. So do I, but I don't complain 'bout it. Suck it up, kid XD And, truth be told, it's not that good, and I don't do SNES sprites, so I don't know what to tell you to fix it. :/
  14. Actually made some updates myself, ahaha XD
  15. Voted for Kiryn, Monster Hunter ftw. Even though it isn't, but whatevs.
  16. Katan, for the same Untitled RPG project. Also, Lynn shrunk a little: So, CnC on Katan, please? I think it's a lot better than Lynn was at the start, personally.
  17. Simple entry to match my splicing comp sprite, go!
  18. If you can move your hand around like that, then I am jealous of your flexibility XD I'm prolly just too fat to do it :|
  19. No real need for the first gen good guy sprites, since it takes place after second gen though, the bad guys got brought back to life, oh noes I'll do just that during tomorrow's stream. Thanks for everythin', Vamp.
  20. Dernit. Seems like you have to talk to ALS about Trim, then. He loves doing that stuff. I'm sure he could help you with yours. He should also write that spriting tut, so that idiots people like me can figure the more complicated shit out XD
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