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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Nooooooooot really. I guess I'd have to see what you're talking about, really.
  2. Oh boy. I think the hair looks a little better, at least. And, hey, base colors.
  3. The helmet in general was actually the easiest part :P
  4. Yay, other than tons of shading issues on the armor, and some pretty bad trim, it's done :D First FC evar, comprete.
  5. Yeah, 'cause Psych will totally have the power to steal the most evil book out of the hands of one of the most powerful magic users ever. Totally.
  6. Dem legs... I think square chin actually fits, this time XD Nice job.
  7. DAMMIT KEN!! DAMMIT XDDDDD HAAR BAAR. FUCK, THAT'S MAKING ME LAUGH WAY TOO MUCH XDDDDDDDDD Dude, stop. You have to stop making these before you kill me XD
  8. So, I hate that super strand in the middle. Halp?
  9. Especially if you've already got a bow. And, damn? Why so damn? EDIT: Eh, story, why not?
  10. Or some kind of martial art. Don't forget that.
  11. Can't give you the answer, but I think an RP would be better, in this situation. Light's choice.
  12. This. Besides, what's a female cleric going to do with a sword, or a bow? Try to use it and fail miserably because she has no training with said weapons? Sure, it would be annoying to get your thing stolen, and she could steal boss weapons (Or try) and then give them to other people, but, otherwise, I see no problem with prf weapons being able to be stolen.
  13. True, but staves normally have a set amount of magic, therefore a set amount of uses.
  14. Yeah, but staves break, and it's not like Psych will have tons of money to get it repaired/someone will have a repair staff. Besides, it's better than ridiculous stone/charm.
  15. DO I NEED TO SPELL THIS OUT TO YOU?! Everyone made their "personal" weapons out of weapons that already exist. They just gave them fancy names. Hell, even mine is just a fancy sounding thunder sword. The thing that Jacoban had in FE4 on chapter 3. Lumi has a Hero Sword. Dan has a Silver Sword. What is so amazing awesome about these that would make it fair for you to get something awesome like stone/charm? At least with this, you're plot important. Heck, I was fine with thief staff. That sounded like a good idea. tl;dr just go with thief staff.
  16. Naw, sounds more like some crappy mind control gimmick. And, Psych would heal that.
  17. And being able to turn people into stone/charm them to do your every will at a moments notice is completely fair. Yep. Totally. The most fair thing ever.
  18. Psych, it's people like you that made me stop RPing Dude, stone/charm is bullshit. Complete bullshit. I'm sorry, but you arguing with EVERYONE to keep it, is ridiculous. Choose something not as broken.
  19. I think it would be fine if it was prone to breaking from being used, and restore staffs could fix said petrification.
  20. Kai's kinda extremely right. Sure, we're all "good guys" but that doesn't mean we have to like each other. Psych's character gets into a fight with another person's character, and, bam, stoned. EDIT: I hate getting ninjad XD
  21. Danke. I've been fighting with one on my Toona sprite, and it would be nice to get it done, finally XD
  22. DARN YOU AND YOUR ABILITY TO DO CENTER BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGS!!!! And, smexy. I watched you sprite it, so, not much else to say.
  23. Crack pairings? Best: Makalov X Asrid Worst: Ike X Mia Fuck all you Ike X Mia fans. The pairing sucks.
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