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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Lol. LL, if your resolve is that weak, maybe you shouldn't have done this in the first place XD
  2. I just want it to come out, already. I mean, seriously. It better be the shit of video games, and it had better have the best game play ever for making us wait this long. This is worse than waiting for Megaman Legends 3.
  3. Nanami Touko


    Welcome to the forum, Lucent.
  4. I plan on trying to do something involving Leila. Gonna try tomorrow.
  5. Sure, Nickt, don't take advice from someone who's only trying to help you and has been doing custom work for a lot longer. Makes perfect sense. FYI, he's right. Everything on the face should be moved up a bit to match where it is on Hector's, and just because the angle is SLIGHTLY off, doesn't make it a bad ref. But, y'know, instead of turning this into a flame war over stubbornness, you do what you want.
  6. YOU ARE HORRIBLE XD Cam showed me what you were contemplating posting. XDDDDDD

    I got trolled. I got trolled, hard XDD

  7. That's not anime, that's Chibi XD There's a difference. And, the head size is fine, should've worded that better. The head is too tall, or too long vertically. Again, I'll see what I can sprite, but an actual written description would be awesome.
  8. Aaaargh @___@ I never notice that.
  9. Ah, I see. Well, I love all the animations, so I always leave them on XD Dat splice... Dat head size... *shuts up before he gets into critique mode* I'll see what I can accomplish. I'm actually surprised that Acacia didn't jump in, as well. He (She, don't know) normally does. I can't believe I got killed by someone so ugly! XD jking
  10. Awwww, it's soooo much better than the GBA games. Seriously. ALmost ten times the fun, watching these amazing animations. Help me, then? XD I need a description of her appearance.
  11. There was OG1 and OG2, released on the GBA, but Banpresto remade them both into one game on the PS2, and called it OGs. Splice? Custom, baby XD I'll just copy/pasta the bio you gave for LL's RP, and go from there. ...Except that post doesn't describe her appearance at all, ASDF. Kanami, help?
  12. It's a hobby. I'm enjoying writing out the story, making the portraits, maps, events, etc. If one person plays and enjoys it, I will be content. And, what Cam said, Super Robot Taisen Original Generations. Really fun game. Jap only, but oh well. Too bad I don't speak Japanese... Glad they released SRT games on the GBA in the US, though, or I'd be soooo lost That still doesn't answer my question of being able to steal Shiris into my hack, or not XD Ehhhh... Fuck it, I'll do it. Kanami, you can get mad at me for taking your character and make me take her out later
  13. ((This is nothing in comparison to Kanami's post, but, oh well XD)) "...ey...ke..p..." A voice rang out in Amera's ears. They twitched, but she couldn't feel them, only intense heat. What's... This? Smoke? Fire? Where am I?... Oh, right. I was... Trying to stop Shiris? I can't... remember... It's so hot right now. Amera felt a hand on her head, not opening her eyes. I'm going to die, aren't I? There's... Nothing I can do. The warmth around her was increasing, and she could barely feel her arms. Forcing one eye to open, she found herself laying on Shiris. With what strength she had left, her arms wrapped themselves around Shiris, holding onto the last thing she had as the inferno began to swirl out of control. Shiris had said something, and Amera heard it. She tried to respond, but whether or not anything came out, she didn't know.
  14. XD Well, LL, you do what you want. Kanami, as out of left field as that ending was, it was well written, and well done XD I have a robot game to play, and a hack to work on, SO, y'all have fun. Kanami, I totally want to steal Shiris and use her in my hack now XD
  15. Huh, wha? Naw, I'm just waiting to see if anyone other than you complains about my partial BS recovery. I'm not the kinda guy to complain about this stuff in an RP XD Especially since I never thought this was going anywhere.
  16. Bahahahaha XD That's a pretty clever way to get rid of them all, actually.
  17. Naw, I was gonna pull something with Amera waking up, and Dirk coming back to find her because "I can't let you die yet! I have to be the one to kill you!" Cause, I don't mind sacrificing Dirk for Amera XD Oh well~
  18. Huh? The post up there, before the edit, was just me asking what the hell happened at the end of your post, wondering if we both died XD
  19. Whoooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... EDIT: Scratch all that, gonna pull half BS half okay as a response.
  20. Arrrgh, defeated once again. Don't quite get that last part about reconstructing and such. Kanami, I can edit my post to something else, if it's too much trouble for you XD
  21. Well, you said you didn't have the strength left to use your fire anymore, but nothing would be stopping you from taking Amera's sword and killing her with it. I was hoping for mercy, but you're Kanami, so, dunno why I was hoping for that XD If all else fails, there's Dirk. He wont kill Amera when she's unconscious, because that wouldn't give him the satisfaction of doing such. So... We'll see how you play it out XD Heck, the fire wasn't THAT bad where Amera and Shiris were, so you could have her pass out and play it by ear XD Literally all your choice right now.
  22. Nanami Touko

    My Work. :)

    I'm liking the battle sprites out of everything here. The sprites aren't bad. Nice work.
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