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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Wear green! That's, like, my second favorite color. Would you rather walk on your hands for the rest of your life, but get paid 10,000 every week for such, or have to move around in a wheelchair forever?
  2. The only thing that annoys me is you seem to think that it can be done so quickly. If he really wants to get into this, and he doesn't have a knack for talking over long periods of time, it'll take him a year to get used to it, at least.
  3. Don't want to really answer for him, but coming up with stuff on the spot is pretty tough.
  4. EXCUSE me? Buddy, what experience d'you have with LPing? I've been doing it for two years, and only in the past year have I really started to become comfortable with it. Unless these are vocal reviews, don't talk about shit like you know it. LPing is harder than you're giving it credit, and it's annoying me that you think it's so easy.
  5. Ehhhh... It's a LOT harder than you'd think to work up the courage to talk during an LP. Seriously. HC Bailly's been doing it for, like, 3 years. That's how he's gotten the charisma he has. You can't just "do it".
  6. Even though they're on entirely different continents? XD ... ... ... Yeah, I can see it.
  7. ...Honestly? Who else is female and prioritizes lances? I mean, really.
  8. Why would it not be alright for you to vote? :/
  9. Super Robot Taisen OGs needs an OG3. OG2.5 was just not enough.
  10. 100% new unopened Dreamcast with 5 games (Including Capcom Vs Street Fighter (At least, I think it was one of those)), two controllers, and a memory card for $100. I SO wish I had gotten it.
  11. That's cause Lemon is a conversion. He shrunk down a picture, and touched it up :P
  12. Hate: Eirika: Dudette, seriously. I could tell you that we as a species could fly, and you'd try to test it out. Kill some of that naivety. Ewan: Could you suck up to Saleh anymore, dude? Maybe if you could grow some of your own character, I could use you more. Knoll: That is all. Dislike: Hector: I dunno why, I just never did like the guy. He always struck me as... Too bossy. Love: Mia: WAAAAAAYYUUUUUUU~~~~ That is all. Alm: Leading the resistance and having a suggested relationship with your hot red haired sister? awsm. Celica: She fights zombie dragons and doesn't afraid of anything. Tiltyu: She's gorgeous, uses thunder magic back when it was good, and spawns prolly two of the best mages evar. What's not to love? (That and she has awesome fan art) Fee: Falco knight with a B rank in staves. Libro, anyone?
  13. Mo bettah? I tried using Amelia's hair, changing the hue, but it looks waaaaaaaaaaaaay too neon, so I used Selena's first three shades. I think they work better. Moved the head over one pixel, as moving it two looked weird, and fixed up the small stuff. Tear it apart some more, folks?
  14. Can do, Vamp. ...Huh. Never thought of doing it like that. Sounds like a plan, thanks.
  15. Well. I know what my plans are for tomorrow's stream. A few things, though (As your giant paragraph is a tad hard to understand at points): Could you clarify that? I don't quite understand. I think you're saying that the back of her head it too small, but Iunno. Other than the hair, it's FE8 colors, but, I do agree that they don't work very well. I'm not too sure on how to get a pink that bright to match FE8 colors, as the only FE8 pink I could use for reference would be Marisa's, and hers is rather dark. Any suggestions there?
  16. I, personally, think that the hair coming off of her head on the left looks more like cloth than hair. There could be a little more shading under the bow, and the chin looks a bit rough.
  17. Not an Est~ It's supposed to be reminiscent of Estelle from Tales of Vesperia, in the color scheme and hair, at least.
  18. So, like, does he actually talk? Or, is it just videos with long descriptions? XD
  19. Thanks~~ Marc's a cool bro. Eh does LPs and doesn't afraid of anything. For reals, he's pretty funny.
  20. Amely aussi~ Twas a very clean splice, with nice colors. Reminds me of Lakche/Aira.
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