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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Those axes seriously need to be smaller. She looks like her back's gonna snap in a few seconds. And, her chest looks weird.
  2. ALS, I must say, those light tomes are pretty impressive. Almost, if not better, than Josh's.
  3. Ray? Working fast?! OH NO. MY HACK MIGHT BE OUT OF A JOB SOON!! Wait... Still. Yay, more magic users from ray~ As if we didn't have enough in FE404 XD I cannot wait to use this Duessel replacement. Just don't make EVERY prepromote this awesome, Ray.
  4. DARN YOU LUMI Had to vote for lumi in best constructed, lol XD Adell, get your well deserved victory in sexiest for having the largest cleavage! Amely, you take the other two~
  5. Cam, ILU. That was beautiful. An extremely smart reply to an annoying troll. And, yeah, change the POINTER, not the TEXT. Idiot.
  6. FURET. Respond to my PM~~~


  7. OMG NICKT THOSE TALKING FRAMES ARE AWESOME!! Not even being sarcastic here. Those are amazing O__O
  8. It's tough for me :< I've got a friend who knows how to script animations for insertion, and he said he'd help me, so, oh well.
  9. My comment was more directed to the fact that you didn't mention my FE8 hack, or Dancer's FE8 hack, which were both out at the time of your post, and are both pretty darn good, as far as FE8 hacks go. THAT SAID. Tables. Tell me what I should do. Yeah, it's incomplete. It's still been released, though. What's yur point? MINE'S FARTHER ALONG THAN YOURS
  10. OH GEE THANKS BITCH Should I LP this? Should I shower the horrible onto my 1300 subs? DO I DARE?
  11. Tru, tru. But, you can't erase pen. I make too many mistakes/have too shaky of hands. I'm gonna be getting a tablet soon, so... We shall see what the future holds.
  12. I know, I know. I'd just be more inclined to do said practice if I could do it on my computer, since I really don't like doing pencil drawings XD
  13. YOU HAVE TO TEACH ME HOW TO DRAW HANDS ;~; In other news. Holy crap. You draw well. I'm jealous. JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET A TABLET, DANG IT!!
  14. Which is why practice makes more practice, not perfect :P
  15. I guess I could try it. I'm only against it as I don't know how I'd really fit it in there. I want to see this animated first.
  16. So, I think everything other than the buffness of the animation has been fixed. Just need to do a critical and slim it down.
  17. Vamp, I love you XD Mean Girls = amazingly quotable. You should get in loser, we're going shopping.
  18. Vamp, Nickt, thanks for the advice on the anim. I'll see what I can do about those fixes, and making it smaller. If I can't make it smaller, I'll just make the portrait a little larger XD And, Florina, fixed:
  19. I'm working on one! That's about it.
  20. Holy shit I finished something, what, what? I still have to do the crit and avoid frames, but they should be too tough.
  21. Well, on Wednesdays we wear pink. __________________ Also, this poll makes sense now. I'm not in first.
  22. ALS for Sexiest Lumi for best constructed ALS for member favorite Vamp for most realistic Nickt for scariest.
  23. I'm the house maid instead of having a life (Though, does having a fiance count as having a life?), so I feel your pain, ALS
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