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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. It does. It has tons of problems. No way I'm gonna argue that XD But, for Kelsper, that's probably one of his best sprites. My comment was actually referring to earlier in my stream today, when Kelsper said he sucked. I, personally, think this proves he doesn't suck, hence my comment. That's all
  2. :/ No need to be rude about it. And, problems or not, it doesn't suck, which I said it didn't. I didn't say it was the Taj Mahal of sprites.
  3. Damn, Kelsper. You must have been trolling when you said you sucked at spriting.
  4. Sorry :| Your hair does not match the angle of the face you have put it on. And, there isn't much shading under the hair, so it kinda looks pasted on.
  5. I... Don't think that the hair matches with the face very well. The clothes are okay.
  6. I'm gonna go for the third from the right.
  7. I so totally don't believe you XP FOR NO REASON AT ALL Also, that hand. I had a plan for that hand XD
  8. Ahhhh, okay. I'll round out that part of the trim (And, it's not really a splice, more like a splice + two hours of custom work, so... Yeah XD I'm sure you could do better with some customing)
  9. Well, I'm not eating this sandwich anymore >__<;
  11. Hiya Vamp. Did I forget to mention over on FEND how sexy your portraits are? Cause they are very sexy. And, I'm trying to find one to poke critique at, but I can't XD dangit. Well, if I had to choose one, it would be that I think Sylvia's left (OPV) cheek comes out just a liiiiittle too much, but that's probably personal preference. off-topic, d'you remember that Ishtar you made as a splice back a few weeks ago? D'you think you could clean it up and let me use it in my hack? Edit: Just wanted to fangasm some more. My god that Shagaal. That damn sexy-as-all-hell Shagaal. See, that looks mean, scheming and intimidating. Fucking love it.
  12. It's really not that tough XD You've just got to practice. Lol, practice, says the guy that's been doing it for 2 years Waqwaq still beats me.
  13. Except for Tanya, of course. Yeah, mostly splices. The only custom on Tinny there is a little in her eyes, her bangs, and her pigtails. On Lakche, the only custom is her eyes and the armor, a bit. On Othin... I don't think there's any, other than maybe his jaw XD So, yeah. Mostly splicing.
  14. Othin's totally gonna tap that Thanks for the compliment. And, Reaper, Spykor, post edited, go read it XD
  15. I don't really plan on making any others, maybe Celice and Yulia Lol, everyone does those since I'm not planning on using them in my hack. These four, I am, though, so I obviously had to make portraits. Might make more in the future, for fun. Oh yeah. For you, Ms. Reaper, I'll see what I can do for Othin. I don't really think it's the head that has a problem, more so as the shoulders do. I'ma work on them. And, for Spyk, MK404 made Tanya, not me, so not much I can do there. He said the eyes were the hardest part, but overall, it's a damn good portrait, and it's totally going in the hack. And, uh, customing skill? These are pretty much splices with small bits of customing XD If you think there's some part that I super customed, ask, and I'll prove you wrong :P
  16. (from left to right: Tinny, Othin, Lakche, and Tanya) Here are the finished versions of the character. These are the ones you will see in the hack~ And, what's this? That Tanya doesn't look like my style. Well, it's not. MK404 poked me on skype this morning and sent me this. He felt like helping :P He said I could post it here, too, so, eh Hope you all enjoy.
  17. Lazy Astra is Lazy Maybe put a darker shade of blue on the back of the headphone? I dunno. Might work.
  18. Cool. Needs a finger on the lips, though.
  19. Thanks. Those pigtails were a bitch to sprite. __________ For anyone wondering, next up will be Othin and Tanya from FE5. Gonna use them in my hack, so I'm gonna have to sprite them XD
  20. Haha, thanks for that XD And, I've been getting better/putting up more stuff, so more people comment? I dunno.
  21. Annoyed works for me. She never seemed... Pissed, in FE4.
  22. OHSHI- the soldier. I was making these because they're gonna get used in my hack, so I totally forgot about him XD I'll try to work on him tomorrow. LAKCHE, MAD or just generally annoyed:
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