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Nanami Touko

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Status Updates posted by Nanami Touko

  1. "Oh, the thing I don't have to do anymore, I see XD

    Well, it'll probably be all day, so... Yeah XD

    (And I just noticed, I really need to get a personal picture)"

    That was supposed to be sent earlier. Weird :s it ended up on my page. Whatevs.

  2. Ahhhh, dude, if you're playing my hack, you've got to download the patch and patch a new rom again. I fucked up something fierce, and had to fix it. (I've put the fixed version in the topic description)

  3. I know they do, but the box didn't say I was over it XD

    Want to come watch the boring as hell stream again tomorrow? Lol.

  4. Arthur wont suck*. Huh Don't know why it got cut off.

  5. Sounds wicked. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to make a wicked Julius sprite.

    And, I might as well spend tomorrow streaming and remaking Levin + Claude. My buddy Oscar's remaking Arthur, but he's not just resizing it this time. If you get to chapter 5x, you can see another one he did. (Beowulf)

    He's not the best, but he's pretty good, so I trust Art...

  6. I would kiss your feet for a Julius mug. My friend Oscar converted it from the SNES one, to fit in GBA size, but it really doesn't fit with the other sprite.

    (Just please don't give CnC on the Arthur, Levin, and Claude sprites XD Let me remake them, THEN give me some CnC)

  7. YOU'RE going to play my hack? Aw, fuck XD

    Now you'll think I suck at spriting, since there's some I have yet to redo.

    Oh well. It's not done, so, what can you do?

    Also, just a warning: the prologue and chapter one maps haven't been changed, for whatever reason. Dunno why I haven't. I think I should, though.

  8. Not much. Relaxing, watching LPs, hoping people comment on my hack XD

    What about you?

  9. With rotation and patience.

  10. OH MY GOD WAQWAQ, that man is INSANE.

  11. Aaaahhhhh, I see. Makes sense. Can't wait to see who I have to work with! =D

  12. Exactly, hence why there's not much point in joining now.

  13. Oh I C. I'll wait till next week before entering.

  14. XD

    I guess I could give it a try. Sign me up?

  15. LOL, we have the same name xD I think it's funny.

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