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Nanami Touko

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Status Updates posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Really rely is easy to say three times fast. Try saying Ms. Betty Botter had some butter but she said the butter's bitter, if I put it in my batter it will make the batter bitter. But yeah. I still think all of your written jokes are better 'an mine.

  2. You've been to my streams and watched my videos without commenting? Awwww... We could have used more Ken-awesome there.

  3. ....Whaaaaaaaaaaat. How am I funnier than you? XD

  4. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. I have a question. Why are you so funny?

  5. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

  6. Twelve year old me would like to respond with "SHE'S A HALF WOLF DEMON, KINDA LIKE THAT GUY IN INUYASHA", but, the eighteen year old me is going to tell you that, she's not Laguz, but, if I had to compare her to something in FE, it would be the wolf laguz.

  7. Haha, no problem xD

    I hate cocky bastards like this guy. Make's me sad that I share their gender.

  8. And a dreadful new year, to you.

  9. Yeah, that would be nice, if you finished Zane xD

  10. It wasn't GBA. I just said it was the one on the PS2 :<

  11. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generations on the PS2.

  12. Hey, Vamp? Not to be a bother, but you never really answered me when I told you which sprites I'd like to use. Am I allowed to use those, and if so, d'you want me to make some frames and stuff?

  13. Super Robot Taisen does that to ya. It's an extremely addicting game.

  14. I'd love to be able to use your Yuria, Shagaal, Ishtore and Trabant. That would be awesome.

  15. Hey, Vampy, would I be able to use all of the FE4 villain sprites you've done? You've already said I could use Shagaal and that Ishtar, but would I be able to use the others?

  16. YOU ARE HORRIBLE XD Cam showed me what you were contemplating posting. XDDDDDD

    I got trolled. I got trolled, hard XDD

  17. I know. I don't know you. Why would I add you? :<

  18. You stream on JTV, you need to make an account there, and you need a streaming program, like Manycam ;3 You're smart enough to figure out how to set it up, no?

  19. Ehhhh... Thanks anyway. I'd rather not watch robotic fanservice overload.

  20. FURET. Respond to my PM~~~


  21. Lemme try and explain the staring thing XD

    It looks like he's staring directly at the player, or more so than any other character would.

    And, the strand feels pasted on, like there's not enough shading under it.

  22. Ze strand in ze middle of 'is face looks a little bit off, but ozerwise, my only complaint avec 'im, is that 'e seems to be staring too straight. Zen again, zat is not a complain avec the design, just a personal complaint.

  23. And, the problem was in chapter 6, so PHEW.

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