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Everything posted by SSJDennis

  1. Outstanding Ruadath Bit disappointing you didn't nail the 2 turn clear on Chapter 1 ; ] You did burn quite some Silver Lance uses this turn, but I believe you only need one use to kill "Marth" with. He can't double anyway and I think Robin will do better against him by now. Uhhhh doesn't that mean Chrom needs to be a Paladin? GK does have lower movement, according to SF just 6. Guess Ruadath COULD go wild and abuse every inch of the game. Just get the 50k renown and the Boots Last, but not least, would a 3 turn in chapter 3 not involve massive Door Key trades? Why did Sully need D-lances? Freddy kills everyone on his right (or left) with his speed by now. Get Kellam with Chrom, get the Javelin off Kellam to Frederick and watch everyone die. Knight dies to Robin. I don't see ANY combat for Sully... Did I miss something?
  2. Nice clear, bit more dangerous then what I did, but it works. Why didn't you pair Lissa earlier with Robin? 2 turn completion seemed impossible? You think my 3 turn chapter 2 strat will work out? Or settling with the 4 turn clear?
  3. This is THE reason only YOU can achieve this kind of stuff ; ] I am playing on a regular 3DS, so not very likely this will help me out. How big is the crit rate? 1%? Or a bit higher? Robin got TWO level ups? Amazing. Also, you can't use Event Tiles to help you out... But still, what do you think about chapter 1? You rush with Frederick all way down, to make sure Robin kills everyone on EP2?
  4. Finally got a perfect level-up for both Frederick and Robin. Now up to Chapter 2. Already managed to 5 turn it. Now need to do it again, with better level ups... Robin grows (at least) to lv5 and gets the boss kill. My ended with 5.93 EXP (I think she could potentially reach level 6). Frederick went to level 4. Chrom "only" level 2. Exactly how useful is Chrom in the long run? Should I feed him more? Also, your Lissa's level seems rather high. Mine hasn't used her Heal staff at the start of Chapter 2... She probably need a higher staff rank, but before what level? Would "only" Maribelle be acceptable at some point? Problem with Lissa is, that is out of range most of the time, or needs to ferry people around, to get in more attacks. Your Chapter 3 strategy is absolutely brilliant! Took me two tries to understand what you mean, but after that, incredible. For now I will redo Chapter 2 some more, need better stat gains for Robin, Frederick (with +2 speed he can OHKO all enemies in Ch3) and Chrom. EDIT: I could beat Chapter 2 in 4 turns... But then Frederick gets like 99% of the EXP in the chapter. Robin does miss the boss EXP and a mercenary kill. Which would result in at least one level. So will try again, might even do a double save. One with the 4 turn clear (which is somewhat luck based) and a 5 turn clear with a higher Robin. Chapter2: 5turn strat
  5. To bad he doesn't have enough base strength to kill the boss of P... Redid P, got bit lucky. Robin is 2,60. Chrom and Frederick kinda the same. Will try to gain more EXP on C1. Edit: She can reach lv4 with ease by just killing first two enemies and the last archer. You COULD take even more risk and aim for the boss kill. But then you need Frederick to assist you TWICE in a row... And you also need to dodge one of the two boss hits... Not sure if that is worth it. Resetting a chapter isn't that bad... Wish we could turn off ALL the dialogue we need to skip before we can actually "fight". What path did you go with Avatar/Robin? Lv10 > Pegasus Knight > L10 Darkflier? Would going to Sorceror after be valid? Changing/hoping Lucina can get Darkflier in time? Your thoughts? Why did you pick Valkyrie? Also its to bad this game doesn't have save tiles, like FESD :( Would save MANY hours...
  6. Lol, with EXTREME RNG abuse, you might even beat the Prologue in three turns (only YOU can do that XD ) I will give C2 a go, when I get satisfying level up stats on Chrom and Frederick. Really? I could try with Avatar in the back for both P and C1. Robin could potentially reach level 3 by doing that, maybe 4. You were level 4 after beating Lucina, right? Any major kills you made?
  7. Lol. Yeah, I figured that out already XD Have been trying P again and again, just for that single good level up of Robin... But now I think a good level up on Frederick in P would pay off more in C1, because I can then save the Silver Lance. Yeah... C2 seems "easy", but still isn't... Bad part is that Frederick should be at two places at the same time and he just can't...
  8. I've been wondering, if "Random Maiden" marries Chrom and becomes the mother of Lucina. Can Chrom still get an S-rank with another female? Or will the S-rank be blocked and only A be possible? Would be funny to see Chrom become in love with someone else, while you already had a child with the Maiden, just to get another child from a different woman XD
  9. Also, how effective do you think your strats will be on Lunatic+? IIRC, only "skills" are different, while stats remain the same, or "just" a bit higher? Tried myself, unfortunately not going to work. I actually forgot how "easy" Lunatic is, compared to Lunatic+. Chapter1: Chapter23: Looking forward to what you come up to. In the meanwhile, I will "rush" through Lunatic, with your strats. Trying if I might be able to improve something. So it might help you out somewhere. Also, exactly WHEN did you break the Silver Lance? I try to "save" it, whenever I can. In chapter one you can (for example) save 3 SL hits. But you need Chrom to finish of the first babarian. Keep up the good work!
  10. This doesn't seem to work for me >_> Every game is running on it, but not FE. Might have something to do with the suspend games? Can't find help anywhere on the interwebs...
  11. Also would like some help on Nah. No clue what to do with her... My other pairings; Owain!Kellam ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/GF/Aggressor/Luna Inigo!Ricken ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/GF/Aggressor/Luna Brady!Lon'Qu ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/GF/Aggressor/Luna Laurent!Libra ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/Aggressor/Anathema/Hex (or AS+2 over something?) Kjelle!Gaius ~ Assassin LB/GF/Luna/Swordfaire/AS+2 Severa!Vaike ~ Hero LB/GF/Luna/Axefaire/Anathema Gerome!Henry ~ Berserker Axefaire/LB/Aggressor/Hex/Anathema Yarne!Stahl ~ Berserker Axefaire/LB/Aggressor/Hit Rate+20/Prescience Cynthia!Chrom ~ DF Aether/Luna/Tomefaire/LB/GF Lucina!Sumia ~ DF Aether/Luna/DS+/LB/GF Noire!Donnel ~ DF Luna/GF/LB/Anathema/Hex Nah can get; Frederick or Gerome? Virion doesn't offer her much. Always been struggling with her. Used to give her Vaike, but I think he does (much) better on Severa. If not, Severa would get Stahl. Then Yarne gets Virion I guess. Your opinions? Others look good, right? Maybe switch Noire and Kjelle? Kjelle!Donnel~ DF LB/GF/Luna/Armsthrift/AS+2 Noire!Gaius~ Sniper LB/GF/Luna/Bowfaire/Anathema
  12. What do you think is more useful: All Stats +2, Hex (already using Anathema), Demoiselle or Swordbreaker? Unit used is Gerome, with father Henry. I still not sure to pick Henry above Gregor. If Gregor would be his dad, what to pick above the names skill? Berserker Gerome; Limit Breaker, Aggressor, Axefaire, ??? and ??? Thanks.
  13. Wow. Didn't see this before. Looks great. Hope you will record some of it later on :)
  14. LOL, everybody that got it in the UK, please be so kind to cancel your Saturn.de orders, just so I get a better chance of getting one XD
  15. IF you still had the Wifi shop available, do you think chapter 10 (not needing that Master Seal) could be done in two turns? One to warp Marth, one to seize after killing everything? Also, didn't you promise a 3 turn Ch4? I believe you could get that over Merric recruit. Maybe a 2 turn also, with EXTREME luck? Any other chapters that might improve in EXTREME ways?
  16. Which should I try to get most of? Also, what would be good pairings to get as much as possible? Trying to plan out for my Lunatic playthrough. Or is Darting Blow the way to go? Exactly how does the latter work?
  17. LOL. If that would've been the chase, don't you this that DD151 would've used it? Also, I get the feeling you will never play this game again XD
  18. I liked Kamui better. Corrin just reminds me of the fat cat in Dragon Ball Z...
  19. Uhhh Dondon does that chapter in 5turns, WITHOUT growth. He also gets Wendell, which will cost a turn to recruit. Meaning you should be able to rush, just like you did before. Sure, maybe a bit riskier. But you should be able to let SOME units gain a level, right? Chapter 1 should have crazy crits on your side. If so, Marth can just walk all across the map, while Cain / Abel get the kills for EXP. They should reach level 2, maybe level 3 before you get to chapter 5. How about Ogma / Barst at base? I think chapter 3 might be (much) trickier then chapter 5. How "lucky" do you need to be for a 2turn clear on chapter4? You never really posted that 3turn clear... Also NOT recruiting Jake seems like a bad idea to me. You showed before (to a bigger extend then expected) how broken his range is. There will be no way that you get the Boots and reach the boss AND have enough Warps to save turns. IF anything, you should look for a way to get Wendell. He gets a good base staff, perfectly for Warp later. He makes a great Dracoknight, no need to promote or train Hardin. Also his magic is there if you need a magic crit. Not sure how getting him would be possible though...
  20. Now, that sounds like the Ruadath that I know :) Welcome back! ;)
  21. Why won't you try a 0% growth playthrough?
  22. Thanks gayserbeam! This helps alot :)
  23. So... Once I beat the game I can buy INF# skills? How costly will those skills be? Or is it one skill from one unit? Very confused in what you actually try to say here...
  24. Hi all, what is the most wanna have class in this game? It was Dark Flier (Galeforce) in FE:A for sure. But what will it be now? Is it Basara (Breaking Sky seems broken in Lunatic+ paired with Limit Breaker), Pegasus Warrior (Swallow Strike, this adds +5 speed when attacking right? Seems like a 100% way to double your opponent), Bowman (Prescient Victory only does +4 damage, but will add up quickly? +16 damage every battle if double hit? Or not working for passive buddies?) or Great Knight (Luna is still broken?)? Seems like most useful classes are Hosido's... How easily are Galeforce / Aggressor accessible? You can get INF# by playing a DLC, right?
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